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How did the bus driver____ happen to that man?
(A) run over
(B) cut out
(C) cut off
(D) blow out


150. John has been scolded by his boss for over ten minutes now. _______, she is not happy about his being late again.


Ann enjoyed going to the flower market. She believed that the _____ of flowers refreshed her mind.
(A) instance
(B) dominance
(C) appliance
(D) fragrance


42. Any public ____ of this scandal would do great damage to this movie star.
(A) proposal
(D) refusal


23 When there are so many important things to be done, why does she insist on so many_____ details?
(A) petty
(B) vital
(C) significant
(D) essential


32 Your apartment looks shabby. A _____ is what it needs if you want to sell it for a better price.
(A) renovation
(B) malfunction
(C) construction
(D) detection


34 _______________ these employees can get their pay raised, they will still go on strikes.
(A) Whereas
(B) As if
(C) Unless
(D) Once


With rising oil prices, there is an increasing _____ for people to ride bicycles to work.
(A) permit
(B) instrument
(C) appearance
(D) tendency


33 The baby ______when his mother tickled his armpit and belly.
(A) giggled
(B) stripped
(C) strangled
(D) grumbled


15 Ex-communist governments that once _______ the costs of basic necessities such as food and electricity are now letting competition and other external factors determine their prices.
(A) borrowed
(B) deprived
(C) promoted
(D) subsidized


The professor did his best to ______the students with new ideas.


10 Which of the following statements about the “multiple dependent claim” is (are) correct? I. it shall refer to more than one other claim in the alternative only. II. it may be serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claim. III. it shall be construed to incorporate by reference all the limitations of each of the particular claims in relation to which it is being considered.
(A)I only
(B)  I and II only 
(C)  I and III only
(D)II and III only 


35 As a sharp and straightforward businesswoman, Mandy often speaks directly and ____ to get her points crossed.


34. It is believed that chewing helps to ____your facial muscles.
(A) pile up
(B)tone up
(C)tune up
(D) wrap up


9 When traveling along the coast, we  _______  across the ruins of an old fort and enjoyed the historical site.
(A) sneaked
(B) skipped
(C) scrambled
(D) stumbled


31 Little Johnny had to redo his homework because his handwriting was so______ that his teacher could hardly tell what he wrote on the homework he turned in yesterday.
(A) alternative
(B) fraudulent
(C) illegible
(D) malicious


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
       The development of companion machine is making a lot of progress. The ideal companion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a   21   manner.Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be   22   as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, stimulating, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and   23   interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant and   24   , but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the   25   in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.

(A) therefore
(B) misleadingly
(C) disruptively
(D) beforehand


     For sushi aficionados, the essence of the Atlantic bluefin tuna is its fat-laced, butter-soft belly meat, called toro. For those who seek the bluefin from Cape Hatteras off the coast of North Carolina to the frigid waters south of Iceland to the balmy Mediterranean, the fish are a potential bonanza, with choice specimens selling for $50,000 or more in Tokyo. But the intensifying trade in bluefin may soon empty the waters of this master of the sea. In just the last 35 years, exploding markets for sushi-grade tuna, combined with industrial-scale hunts aided by satellites and spotters in airplanes, have devastated not only the fish but also many fisheries. Dozens of Mediterranean towns that maintained coastal net traps for half a millennium or more are turning away from now-barren waters. Anglers off New England now scour the seas for scattered fish. Most valuable, marine biologists say, is the apparently distinct population of bluefin tuna that breeds in the Gulf of Mexico. The threat to the bluefin was underscored recently by researchers who have tracked hundreds of the fish using electronic tags. They found that the tuna that spawn in the west, which are most severely depleted, are threatened by an ever-broadening gantlet of hooks, seines, harpoons, traps and now farm-style pens, in which netted fish are raised and fattened— all to supply the Japanese sushi trade.
【題組】46 What does the word “choice” mean in the passage?
(A) Option
(B) Variety
(C) High-quality
(D) Mixture


A simple change to the design of the gallon milk jug, adopted by the retail giants Wal-Mart and Costco, seems made for the times. The jugs are cheaper to ship and better for the environment, the milk is fresher when it arrives in stores, and it costs less. However, the jugs have no real spout, and their unorthodox shape makes consumers feel like novices at the simple task of pouring a glass of milk. “I hate it. It spills everywhere,” said a customer. Though the greener milk jug isn’t widely welcomed, retailers are undeterred because it has advantages from their perspective. In an era of soaring global demand and higher costs for energy and materials, virtually every aspect of the economy needs to be reexamined and many products must be redesigned for greater efficiency. The redesign of the gallon milk jug is a typical example of this change. In the past, the bottling and shipping of milk jugs were inefficient and labor-intensive. Workers used a long hook to drag plastic crates loaded with milk jugs onto a conveyor belt. The crates were essential to prevent old-fashioned milk jugs from stacking atop one another but took a lot of room. With the new jugs, the crates are gone and the shipping can cut labor by half. The whole operation is so much more efficient that milk coming out of a cow in the morning winds up at a store by that afternoon, compared with the next morning by the old method. The question now is whether customers will go along. A shopper named Jodi Kauffman gave the jugs a glance. “Maybe,” she said.
【題組】47 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) What is environment-friendly is also user-friendly.
(B) What brings benefit to the earth is always worth buying.
(C) Greener products do not necessarily gain instant popularity.
(D) Environment-friendly products offer us the choice of cost-cutting.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 In Asia, there are a wide variety of cuisines. A typical Chinese meal comprises a carbohydrate, meat or fish and a vegetable. The Chinese cuisine is 16 by its different origin. Often being referred to as the Chinese food by foreigners, Cantonese cuisine from the south of China, for instance, scarcely uses fresh herbs in the cooking. Szechuan and Hunan cuisine from the west of China, however, contains many spicy dishes. Japanese cuisine, on the other hand, values the presentation, spices, and quality of the food. A 17 such as rice or noodles accompanies several side dishes. Some renowned Japanese cuisine includes sushi, sashimi, tempura, and sake. In Korea, spicy food like kimchi is perhaps the most famous one as garlic and chili peppers are widely used in the cooking. They are, namely, the 18 ingredients in most dishes. In Southeast Asia, many dishes and flavors abound. People in Vietnam emphasize the use of herbs, fresh produce, and sauces, but tastes vary in different areas of the country. People in North Vietnam favor spicy food like pho noodles dishes while people in the south prefer sweet tastes and use the herbs 19 . In Thailand likewise, cuisine differs according to geographical differences. In the south, the use of coconut milk in the curries is essential 20 it is the use of lime that is crucial in the northeast. In almost every part of Thailand, both rice and noodles are liked by people. The only difference from other Asian cuisines is that Thai food is usually eaten with a fork and spoon.
(A) acknowledged
(B) bombarded
(C) commemorated
(D) characterized


    The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. But they also believed that a person couldn’t live forever unless the dead body stayed in good condition. So Egyptians tried to preserve the bodies of the dead. These preserved bodies are called mummies. By studying mummies (and written records), today’s scientists have learned how they were made.     To make a mummy, priests first opened up the dead body. Then they removed most of its organs. Organs were dried and placed in special jars. Next, the inside of the body was washed. It was also packed with linen or sawdust and sewn up. Then, the body was covered in a powder called natron. It took 40 days for this salt-like substance to dry out the body. Finally, the body was wrapped in linen bandages and put in a coffin.    A few mummies were placed in pyramids. But most were buried in special tombs. The ancient Egyptians knew what they were doing. Many of the discovered mummies have been in good condition. For example, Zahi Hawass, a mummy expert, discovered the mummy of a well-known governor. It was inside a limestone coffin. 
【題組】33 Which of the following is NOT a step in making mummies?
(A)Removing most of the organs of the dead.
(B)Washing the inside of the body.
(C)Covering the body with natron.
(D)Leaving the body out in the sun to dry.


請依下文回答第46 題至第50 題 
Drinking coffee has become a crucial part of the daily routine of 110 million Americans. Over the past 20 years, over 19,000 studies have been conducted to examine the impact of coffee on one’s health. There appears to be both benefits and potential hazards associated with this drink. Some studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes. After analyzing data on 120,000 people over an 18-year period, researchers at Harvard have concluded that drinking 1 to 3 cups of coffee each day can reduce diabetes risk by several percentage points, compared with not drinking coffee at all. Caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees provide similar results, which suggests that a coffee component other than caffeine may have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels. Researchers also find that coffee can lower the risks of Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer, and gallstones. On the other hand, some researchers have found that coffee is not for everyone. In excessive amounts-meaning more than whatever one’s body can tolerate-coffee can decrease the flow of blood to the heart, increase blood pressure, and cause rapid heartbeat. In addition, pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake because fetuses are sensitive to caffeine.

【題組】46 What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To encourage readers to drink more coffee.
(B) To reveal the results of the author’s study on coffee’s effects.
(C) To point out the good and bad effects of coffee.
(D) To explain the potential danger of coffee.


When it comes to money, are you a hardworking miser who wants to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early? I have seen many people pursuing higher-paying and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal. They make many personal sacrifices 46 income today. The problem is that tomorrow might not come. 47 all goes according to your plan, will you know how to be happy when you’re not working? More importantly, who will be around to share your 48 ? One of the 49 of engaging in an intense career is time spent away from friends and family. You may indeed realize your goal of retiring early, but you may be 50 too much living today in expectation of living tomorrow. As Charles D’Orleans said in 1465, “It’s very well to be thrifty, but don’t amass a hoard of regrets.”
(A) at the cost of
(B) aside from
(C) in charge of
(D) in exchange for


請依下文回答第 40 題至第 43 題 I have referred in passing to the difficult tasks assumed by the Greek Archaeological Service, and I hope that it will not seem too presumptuous if I further enlarge on them. The unselective preservation of Greece’s material heritage, which is a cause so estimable in principle that almost nobody would speak in public against it, has brought about another, less obvious, crisis. The historically conscious visitors to Greece today are rightly impressed by the steady increase in the number of local museums and in the quality of exhibition. What they may not appreciate—and I think that this is true even of classicists and other “professionals” who are not archaeologists—is that what is actually displayed is merely the beautiful tip of an unsightly iceberg. Almost every museum in Greece is compelled to conceal in its storerooms a mass, growing year by year at an alarming pace, of materials unsuited to exhibition; these artifacts are often undocumented and sometimes destined to remain so. If the Archaeological Service were rewarded, either in salaries or in manpower, on a scale that bears some faint relation to the colossal contribution that its activities make to the nation’s tourist industry, then one could look ahead to a possible reduction of the pressure. If we cannot change the current policy, the only prospect is that it will rapidly increase: even to keep pace with the rate of growth in the “submerged nine-tenths” of its holdings, the service would need an increase in manpower. Much of the material has to be stored in improvised accommodation, which proves to be difficult of access for researches; meanwhile, its keepers are distracted by the ever more persistent demands of emergency excavation.
【題組】43 If the government maintains the current policy, according to the author, what more support does the Greek Archaeological Service require?


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
  People feel safer behind some kind of physical barrier. Each social occasion involves us in encounters. If a social encounter is in any way threatening, then there is an immediate urge to set up such a barricade. The more formal the occasion and the more dominant or unfamiliar our social companions, the more worrying the moment of encounter becomes. Watching people under these conditions, we can observe the many small movements and postures in which they try to "hide behind their mothers' bodies" as they did in their childhood. It is these that are the barrier signals of about life.
  The most popular form of barrier signals is the body-cross. In this, one arm makes contact with the other across the front of the body. The action is performed unconsciously and, if asked about it immediately afterwards, the person will not be able to remember having made the gesture. The action is always disguised in some way, and the disguise it wears varies from person to person. For example, a male guest may lift his right hand, reach across his body and make a last-minute adjustment to his left cuff-link or the strap of his wristwatch when he walks toward his host. A female on a similar occasion may reach across her body with her right hand and slightly shift the position of her handbag or reposition a coat held over her left arm. In all case, at the peak moment of nervousness, there is a body-cross to construct a barrier between two people. 
  Interestingly, field observations reveal that in a social encounter it is most unlikely that both the greeter and the greeted will perform such action. Regardless of status, it is nearly always the new arrival who makes the body-cross movement, because it is he or she who is invading the home territory of the greeters. The greeters are there first and have at least temporary territorial "rights" over the place. This gives them a self-assured dominance at the moment of the greeting. Only if they are extremely subordinate to the new arrival will there be a likelihood of them taking the body-cross role.

【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) People feel an urge to perform body-crossing on a worrying social occasion.
(B) People use the body-cross to impress their greeters.
(C) Males often use clothing-adjustment consciously to disguise their anxiety.
(D) People perform less body-crossing in a formal social event than in other situations.



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