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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(501~505)
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Jim is very ______ and dynamic; he enjoys physical activities and you can seldom see him stay still for more than ten minutes.


Office workers ______ from back problems because they tend to sit still for long period of time.
(A) suffer
(B) learn
(C) move
(D) transfer


43 John: How did your interview go?
 Peter: I didn’t do a good job. I was too nervous. 
 John: ____ Everyone is nervous in an interview.
(A) Too bad.
(B) Don’t mention it.
(C) Take it easy.
(D) You must be kidding.


503. This book has a wide variety of topics. They __________ from beef and telephones to prisons and libraries.
(A) range
(B) adhere
(C) falsify
(D) stimulate


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
  When you’re feeling low, it’s easy to convince yourself to stay there. After all, how can you fall when you’re already on the ground? Nevertheless, your heart wants to heal so give it what it wants. Thus, help yourself get back on your feet with these five self-care tips when you’re feeling broken.
First, step outside for some fresh air. Whether you’re still a student in school or constantly working in front of a computer, it’s easy to feel congested by deadlines, projects and never-ending tasks. Make use of your mornings, lunch breaks and evenings when you’re off the clock to step outside for walks, which will help clear your head and improve your mood. Furthermore, spending time outdoors also helps improve our concentration. Even if you can’t step outside right away, just crack open a window when you can and allow nature to heal you.
Second, take a nap. When we don’t get enough sleep, our moods can take a turn for the worse and spiral down into an endless abyss. If you’re feeling cranky from exhaustion, take some time, even if it’s just half an hour to curl up on the couch and close your eyes. Once you wake up, you’ll feel better rested and you’ll make up for lost time by carrying out
your daily tasks with a fresh and sharp mind.
Third, allow yourself to be ordinary. We are all perfectly imperfect. Take a break from using Instagram filters and Facebook posts that show your life only at its best. Social media is a place where we can share our favorite moments
with others but it has also become a platform where people feel pressured to compete with others. Sometimes, it feels more like a beauty pageant instead of a second home. Your sense of self is worth more than a digitalized reputation, embrace your flaws and allow yourself to be average, simple and sincere is always better.
Fourth, clean and give your space a makeover. Cleaning doesn’t have to be overly excessive to make a difference.Whether it means organizing your bookshelf or clipping your favorite photos onto the wall, changes, big or small can enhance the atmosphere. After all, you spend a lot of time in your space. Giving it some love and attention can go a long way.
Fifth, reach out and tell someone about what you’ve been going through. Feeling down often leads to shutting down. We fear burdening others and as this develops into a habit, we suffer silently making it harder to heal. Don’t feel ashamed about your struggles, sometimes you just need someone to hear your story, and you’d be surprised with how much people understand you.

【題組】50 Mary failed her test and was really upset. According to the passage, which of the following measures may NOT help her feel better?
(A) Take Mary out for a walk in the woods.
(B) Chat with Mary and let her express her feelings.
(C)Tell Mary to calm down and keep working hard.
(D)Suggest that Mary take a rest for a while.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(501~505)-阿摩線上測驗
