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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 慈濟大學_學士後中醫學系招生考試試題:英文科#119355
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1. Despite his extensive credentials, the professor’s latest publication was criticized for presenting _____ hypotheses lacking empirical support.
(A) impecunious
(B) climactic
(C) aberrant
(D) dependable


2. The film explored the _____ corners of the human psyche, delving into areas seldom addressed by mainstream cinema.
(A) tertiary
(B) routine
(C) familiar
(D) clandestine


3. The protagonist’s _____ decision to leave the security of her homeland embarks her on a journey fraught with unforeseen challenges.
(A) indolent
(B) peripheral
(C) impetuous
(D) rescissory


4. In a world plagued by misinformation, the journalist’s _____ for uncovering the truth became her most lauded trait.
(A) temerity
(B) proclivity
(C) equivocation
(D) torpor


5. There are several management styles utilized by managers. The most effective managers are able to _____ employees and keep up morale.
(A) empower
(B) disenfranchise
(C) simulate
(D) belittle


6. Emma Stone graciously accepted the award for Best Actress for her role in “Poor Things.” She displayed a charmingly flustered _____ upon hearing her name announced as the winner, hastily making her way to the stage in surprise.
(A) relegation
(B) key
(C) demeanor
(D) prosperity


7. A wildfire engulfed 1,700 square miles in Texas last week, resulting in the tragic deaths of two women, the destruction of up to 500 structures, and the _____ loss of thousands of cattle.
(A) devastating
(B) fortunate
(C) pleasant
(D) gratifying


8. Though numerous efforts have been made to improve vehicle passenger safety, no similar effort to protect _____ has been initiated.
(A) pediatrics
(B) pedestrians
(C) tripods
(D) pedestals


9. The young student felt _____ with hunger and exhaustion, and lost consciousness.
(A) faint
(B) fain
(C) fit
(D) fad


10. Unlike _____ plants, hydroponic ones grow in an artificial environment where mineral nutrient solutions in water, instead of soil, are used to feed them.
(A) solar
(B) amorphous
(C) celestial
(D) terrestrial


11. We do not yet have the theory of everything, but most physical phenomena are readily _____.
(A) frivolous
(B) palatable
(C) terse
(D) explicable


12. In most societies, adults in their prime are expected to care for those who are becoming more and more _____ due to old age.
(A) frail
(B) fraudulent
(C) famished
(D) fluent


13. Two perspectives _____ accounts of the growth of the wind energy industry and research on new industries generally: the technological perspective and the market perspective.
(A) discredit
(B) dominate
(C) dismiss
(D) discriminate


14. On-the-job training is a key feature of the company’s development, and there are programs for _____ qualifications, with staff saying this training is of great benefit to them.
(A) articulated
(B) assaulted
(C) accredited
(D) assassinated


15. The CEO’s _____ leadership style, marked by inflexible decisions and a disregard for dissent, ultimately led to the company’s downfall.
(A) idyllic
(B) benevolent
(C) prudent
(D) autocratic


II. Cloze
【A】The changing habitats of penguins may give us a small window into the future of our own habitats. As the globe warms, animals like penguins, which spend a lot of time on ice, may be the first to notice.
         Among the flightless birds of the Southern Hemisphere, penguins are well suited to life in the icy southern seas. They are masterful swimmers, spending __(16)__ 75% of their lives in the water. __(17)__ eighteen different penguin species, seven live around Antarctica. Antarctica has 90 percent of the world’s ice. The Antarctic Peninsula, like the rest of Earth, is warming, but at an even faster pace. Researchers warn that the face of Antarctica will change in the next 100 years as ice melts and glaciers __(18)__ .
         The changing global environment will change the penguins’ lives. According to Dr. Andrew Clarke of the British Antarctic Survey, “Many Antarctic organisms are __(19)__ very small changes in temperature.” Dr. Clark predicts that if extreme temperature change continues, it will lead to dramatic changes, including some extinctions.
         Already, some penguin habitats may be shifting to the south. The pattern of snowfall is important to penguins’ breeding. Ice patterns are also important because the birds have to trek to the edge of the ice shelf in order to feed.   
         It’s too early to __(20)__ the exact impact of global warming on penguin habitats. Scientists will continue to watch the progress and survival of penguins as they try to adapt to their changing world.

(A) so much
(B) so much so
(C) much as
(D) as much as


(A) There are
(B) But for
(C) Of the
(D) Only if


(A) appear
(B) refrain
(C) revolt
(D) recede


(A) susceptible to
(B) abstained from
(C) deprived of
(D) adjacent to


(A) measure
(B) foil
(C) persuade
(D) engage


【B】Studies show that musical training can have a __(21)__ and lasting impact on the brain, creating additional neural connections in childhood that can last a lifetime and thus help compensate __(22)__ our failing powers of memory and thinking later in life. The many hours spent learning and practicing specific types of __(23)__ (each finger on each hand doing something different, and for wind and brass instruments, also using the mouth and breathing), along with the music-reading and listening skills that go into playing an instrument in youth, are all factors contributing to the brain boost that shows up at a later age.
        Remarkably, scientists can even map the impact of musical training on the brain. In a 2003 study, Harvard neurologist Gottfried Schlaug found that the brains of adult professional musicians had a larger __(24)__ of grey matter (the regions of the brain involved in mental processes such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control) than those of non-musicians. Schlaug and colleagues also found that after fifteen months of musical training in early childhood, structural brain changes associated with improvements in our movement and hearing begin to appear. Such findings speak to the brain’s __(25)__ — its ability to change or adapt in response to experience, environment, or behavior. It also shows the power of musical training to enhance and build connections within the brain.

(A) detrimental
(B) profound
(C) diffluent
(D) longing


(A) about
(B) from
(C) for
(D) with


(A) demonstration
(B) representation
(C) contemplation
(D) coordination


(A) number
(B) unit
(C) volume
(D) velocity


(A) plasticity
(B) plausibility
(C) affordability
(D) credibility


【C】Decades of predictions have foretold the __(26)__ of artificial intelligence (AI) into the workforce, with forecasts suggesting that up to 40% of jobs might be automated within twenty years. This trend mainly affects roles in predictable, structured settings like factories. However, AI is not yet capable of performing tasks that require nuanced cognition, subtlety, or complexity, falling short in sectors that demand human creativity, perception, and social skills. Fields such as surgery, human resources, and legal work __(27)__ areas where human expertise remains paramount, showcasing the limits of AI in replicating the depth of human judgment and ingenuity.
         The concept of human-in-the-loop, which blends AI with human supervision, presents a superior method by leveraging the strengths of both to surpass what either could achieve alone. This hybrid approach enhances efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making across various industries. Particularly, the medical, HR, and legal sectors benefit from this __(28)__ , with AI assisting but not replacing human professionals. In healthcare, AI supports diagnostic and treatment processes by __(29)__ the critical roles of empathy and intuition to medical professionals. In HR, AI streamlines recruitment and training, relying on human insight for nuanced decisions. Legal practices utilize AI for document analysis, yet depend on human legal expertise for strategic thinking and complex negotiations.
         Embracing the partnership between AI and human intelligence, rather than viewing it as a threat, encourages a promising path forward. This collaborative model ensures the __(30)__ of both artificial and human intelligences, leading to enhanced outcomes and the preservation of uniquely human attributes in professional settings.

(A) collocation
(B) expansion
(C) exhalation
(D) interception


(A) argue
(B) analyze
(C) exemplify
(D) classify


(A) duplicity
(B) synergy
(C) monotony
(D) congestion


(A) conceding
(B) eradicating
(C) supplanting
(D) disquieting


(A) adulteration
(B) degradation
(C) stagnation
(D) optimization


III. Reading Comprehension
【A】Back pain is a common health problem which affects 80 percent of us at some time in our lives. It affects general wellbeing, prevents people from working, and even causes people to become depressed.
         You could be forgiven for thinking that lower back pain is a curse of our modern lifestyle. Many in the West blame our sedentary habits. But back pain is something that people around the world seem to suffer from, whether they spend all day sitting at a desk or working in the fields.
         Scientists believe that back pain comes from our being bipedal: walking upright on two feet. So, unless you go in for regular posture training or have a resistant physique, you will suffer from back pain at some point. What to do about it? You can look into exercise classes that help to build core muscle strength, but they are mainly a preventive measure. Some countries have developed cures, like Madagascar, where Baobab tree bark is used. But mostly treatment consists of months of painkillers and manipulation before the practitioner can turn around the situation. It seems that for the time being, we will just have to put up with back pain.

【題組】31. What is NOT true about back pain according to the passage?
(A) Experts have found effective measures that can cure back pain permanently.
(B) 80 percent of people around the world are affected by back pain at some time in their lives.
(C) Exercise classes that help to build core muscle strength may help to prevent back pain.
(D) Back pain treatment may take months of medication and manipulation before it gets better.


【題組】32. What assumption does the sentence “Many in the West blame our sedentary habits” express?
(A) People in the East have proven that sedentary habits are the main causes for back pain.
(B) People who sit for long periods are prone to back pain.
(C) People in the West think that taking sedan chairs is the main cause of back pain.
(D) Sedentary habits are habits that are developed based on overdose of secondary treatment.


【題組】33. Which does the word “bipedal” in the third paragraph mean?
(A) Moving on four feet
(B) Moving on both feet
(C) Working with both hands
(D) Kneeling down on both knees


【題組】34. Which is wrong about the kind of back pain discussed in the passage?
(A) It is a universal problem.
(B) It affects people’s work.
(C) Getting a half-hour massage can fix it.
(D) People working in the fields also suffer from back pain.


【題組】35. What does it mean when the author suggests that readers “put up with” back pain?
(A) There is good news because some countries have developed cures for back pain, such as Baobab tree bark in Madagascar.
(B) No one thinks that back pain is a curse of our modern lifestyle because it is unpredictable.
(C) People with regular posture training and strong core muscle strength will have to cope with back pain.
(D) People will have to cope with back pain until more effective cures can be provided.


【B】A new report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), “Fair share for health and care: gender and the undervaluation of health and care work” illustrates how gender inequalities in health and care work negatively impact women, health systems and health outcomes.
        The report reveals that underinvestment in health systems results in a vicious cycle of unpaid health and care work, lowering women’s participation in paid labor markets, harming women’s economic empowerment and hampering gender equality.
        Women comprise 67% of the paid global health and care workforce. In addition to this paid work, it has been estimated that women perform 76% of all unpaid care activities. Work that is done primarily by women tends to be paid less and to be carried out in poor working conditions.
        The report highlights that low pay and demanding working conditions are commonly found in the health and care sector. Devaluing caregiving, which is work performed primarily by women, negatively impacts wages, working conditions, productivity and the economic footprint of the sector.
        The report illustrates that decades of chronic underinvestment in health and care work is contributing to a growing global crisis of care. With stagnation in progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), which has resulted in 4.5 billion people lacking full coverage of essential health services, women may take on even more unpaid care work. The negative impact of weak health systems combined with an increasing volume of unpaid health and care work is further straining the wellbeing of caregivers and the quality of services.
        “The ‘Fair Share’ report highlights how gender-equitable investments in health and care work would reset the value of health and care and drive fairer and more inclusive economies,” said Jim Campbell, WHO Director for Health Workforce. “We are calling upon leaders, policy-makers and employers to action investment: it is time for a fair share for health and care.”
         Investments in health and care systems not only accelerate progress toward UHC, they redistribute unpaid health and care work. When women participate in paid health and care employment, they are economically empowered and health outcomes are better. Health systems need to recognize, value and invest in all forms of health and care work.

【題組】36. What does the new report published by the WHO illustrate?
(A) Gender inequalities bring negative impacts on women, health systems and health outcomes.
(B) There is a fair share for health and care for both males and females.
(C) There has been enough investment in the global health care system.
(D) Most care activities are basically performed by men who are unpaid.


【題組】37. What does the word “hampering” in Paragraph 2 mean?
(A) Harmonizing
(B) Revitalizing
(C) Hindering
(D) Enhancing


【題組】38. What benefits will investments in health and care systems bring?
(A) Progress toward UHC
(B) The redistribution of unpaid health and care work
(C) Economic empowerment for women
(D) All of the above


【題組】39. According to the reading, what does UHC stand for?
(A) Universal health coverage
(B) Universal help center
(C) Universal health committee
(D) Universal happiness condition


【題組】40. What is NOT true about the data in the report?
(A) Women perform 76 percent of all unpaid care work.
(B) 67 percent of the people in the world lack full health coverage.
(C) Women perform two-thirds of paid global health and care work.
(D) 4.5 billion people lack full coverage of crucial health services.


【C】Even if the term “appropriate technology” is a relatively new one, the concept certainly isn’t. In the 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi claimed that the advanced technology used by Western industrialized nations did not represent the right route to progress for his homeland, India. His favorite machines were the sewing machine, a device invented “out of love,” he said, and the bicycle, which he rode all his life. He wanted the poor villagers of India to use technology that empowered them and helped them to become self-reliant.
          This was also the philosophy promoted by E. F. Schumacher in his famous 1970s book Small Is Beautiful, which called for “intermediate technology” solutions. Do not start with technology and see what it can do for people, he argued. Instead, “find out what people are doing and then help them to do it better.” According to Schumacher, it did not matter whether the technological answers to people’s needs were simple or sophisticated. What was important was that solutions were long-term, practical, and, above all, firmly in the hands of the users.
         More recently, the term “appropriate technology” has come to mean not just technology which is suited to the needs and capabilities of the user, but technology that takes particular account of environmental, ethical, and cultural considerations. This is clearly a much more difficult thing to achieve. Often appropriate technology is found in rural communities in developing or less industrialized countries.
 For example, solar-powered lamps that bring light to areas with no electricity and water purifiers that work simply by the action of sucking through a straw. But the principle of appropriate technology does not only apply to developing countries. It also has its place in the developed world.
        For example, a Swedish state-owned company has found a way to harness the energy produced by the 250,000 bodies rushing through Stockholm’s central train station each day. The body heat is absorbed by the building’s ventilation system, then used to warm up water that is pumped through pipes over to the new office building nearby. It’s old technology, a system of pipes, water, and pumps, but used in a new way. It is expected to bring down central heating costs in the building by up to 20 percent.
        However, wherever it is deployed, there is no guarantee that appropriate technology will in fact be appropriate. After some visiting engineers observed how labor-intensive and slow it was for the women of a Guatemalan village to shell corn by hand, they designed a simple mechanical device to do the job more quickly. The new device certainly saved time, but after a few weeks the women returned to the old manual method. Why? Because they valued the time that hand-shelling gave them to chat and exchange news.
        In another case, in Malawi, a local entrepreneur was encouraged to manufacture super-efficient wood-burning stoves to sell to local villagers. Burning wood on an open fire, which is traditional in the developing world, is responsible for 10-20 percent of all global CO2 emissions, so this seemed to be an excellent scheme. However, the entrepreneur was so successful that he bought himself a whole fleet of gas-guzzling cars. “We haven’t worked out the CO2 implications of that yet,” said a spokesman for the organization that promoted the scheme.

【題組】41. Which one of the following statements is true according to the reading?
(A) Gandhi coined the term “appropriate technology.”
(B) The concept of appropriate technology is relatively new.
(C) Schumacher claimed that technology should provide long-term and practical solutions for its users.
(D) Gandhi preferred advanced technology because it represented the right route to progress for India.


【題組】42. Which is NOT true about the features of appropriate technology?
(A) It should empower people and help them to become more self-reliant.
(B) It should only be applicable for developing countries since it is easy.
(C) It should be suitable for the needs and capabilities of its users.
(D) It should consider cultural, ethical, and environmental factors.


【題組】43. What does the figure “250,000” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
(A) The number of citizens who live in Stockholm, Sweden
(B) The heating costs that can be cut in the office buildings near the station
(C) The number of pipes to help pump energy to heat the train station
(D) The daily number of visitors at Stockholm’s central train station


【題組】44. Why did the women in a Guatemalan village return to shell corn by hand?
(A) It was important for them to socialize while they shell corn.
(B) It was unethical for the women to shell corn without the engineers’ help.
(C) It was more time-consuming to shell corn with the mechanical device.
(D) It was inappropriate for the engineers to design the device without permission.


【題組】45. What does the expression, “the CO2 implications of that” refer to in the sixth paragraph?
(A) Wood burning on an open fire accounts for 10-20 percent of global CO2 emissions.
(B) The entrepreneur tried to promote wood burning on an open fire.
(C) The organization tried to reduce CO2 emissions by burning wood on an open fire.
(D) The entrepreneur bought many cars while selling super-efficient wood-burning stoves.


【D】The life of an entrepreneur is inherently hectic and stressful, largely due to escalating market competition and relentless work pressure. Consequently, many young entrepreneurs find themselves vulnerable to depression, anxiety, and various other health complications. According to research conducted by ICICI Lombard, approximately 65% of individuals aged between 22 and 25 exhibit early signs of depression.
          Increasingly empowered by a heightened awareness of mental health, young professionals and entrepreneurs are recognizing the value of adventure sports as a means to address anxiety and stress. Extreme activities such as bungee jumping, scuba diving, skydiving, and rafting offer transformative experiences that demand not only physical resilience but also profound courage and mental fortitude. While physical fitness undoubtedly enriches life experiences, the cultivation of mental resilience through pushing one’s cognitive limits is equally vital. Some, considering the daunting courage required, opine that adventure sports are not for everyone. However, confronting the precipice compels individuals to draw upon inner strength, thereby unleashing their inner superhero.
        Adventure sports epitomize the conquest of fears, instilling a belief in the realm of the impossible. Indeed, management companies are increasingly employing adventure sports as a tool to bolster employee confidence as part of their HR initiatives. While the “I CAN” attitude may be taught theoretically in classrooms, its practical embodiment is effectively achieved through participation in adventure sports.
       Given the mental strength and focus demanded by such pursuits, they facilitate the attainment of a “flow state”—an elevated state of concentration wherein external distractions dissipate. Regular engagement in these activities enhances concentration, fostering traits such as critical thinking, keen vision, and decisive judgment. Numerous studies attest to the ability of extreme sports to sharpen concentration, equipping entrepreneurs to confront challenges boldly.

【題組】46. What are identified as major contributors to the stress experienced by entrepreneurs?
(A) Lack of market competition and HR initiatives
(B) Rising market competition, and work pressure
(C) Insufficient physical fitness and life experience
(D) Declining mental resilience and limits


【題組】47. According to ICICI Lombard’s research, what percentage of individuals aged 22-25 display early signs of depression?
(A) Fewer than 30%
(B) Fewer than 40%
(C) Fewer than 60%
(D) Fewer than 70%


【題組】48. What is highlighted as a benefit of engaging in adventure sports?
(A) Development of physical strength only
(B) Dwindling of mental fortitude
(C) Increased mental robustness
(D) Reduction of concentration level


【題組】49. How are adventure sports utilized by management companies?
(A) As part of HR initiatives to enhance staffers’ self-assurance
(B) As a means to decrease employee morale
(C) To exacerbate stress levels among employees
(D) As a form of punishment for underperforming employees


【題組】50. What term in the article describes the heightened state of mental focus achieved through engaging in adventure sports?
(A) Superhero myth
(B) Flow state
(C) Extreme focus
(D) Zen mindset


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 慈濟大學_學士後中醫學系招生考試試題:英文科#119355-阿摩線上測驗
