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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 義守大學_學士後中醫學系入學招生考試試題:英文#119299
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1. The _________ of the artist's work was a testament to their creativity.
(A) banality
(B) prolixity
(C) temerity
(D) ingenuity


2. In Western medicine, the use of _________ drugs is crucial for managing conditions that involve inflammation, such as arthritis.
(A) antibiotic
(B) antiviral
(C) analgesic
(D) anti-inflammatory


3. The company's new marketing strategy aims to _________ its brand image.
(A) vitiate
(B) bolster
(C) dilute
(D) impair


4. The _________ of the scientist's research methods ensured that the study's findings were reliable and reproducible.
(A) rigor
(B) laxity
(C) insouciance
(D) nonchalance


5. The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its use of renewable energy sources and _________ waste management practices.
(A) negligent
(B) careless
(C) meticulous
(D) haphazard


6. The __________ use of antibiotics in livestock farming has contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, posing a significant threat to public health.
(A) prudent
(B) judicious
(C) profligate
(D) parsimonious


7. The development of __________ algorithms capable of recognizing and mitigating biases in data sets is crucial for ensuring fairness and equity in AI systems.
(A) obfuscating
(B) debiasing
(C) inscribing
(D) occluding


8. Some people are concerned about the health effects of food __________, which are often used to enhance flavor or prolong shelf life.
(A) fibers
(B) additives
(C) ingredients
(D) nutrients


9. To preserve fruits, one common method is to __________ them by removing their moisture content.
(A) dehydrate
(B) saturate
(C) moisturize
(D) freeze


10. _________ is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
(A) Compassion
(B) Symphony
(C) Empathy
(D) Apathy


11. A __________ is a sensory experience in which a person sees, hears, feels, or tastes something that is not actually present.
(A) mirage
(B) delusion
(C) hallucination
(D) vision


12. Failing to follow safety guidelines could __________ the lives of workers in the construction site.
(A) enhance
(B) jeopardize
(C) protect
(D) secure


13. __________ is the study of diseases and their causes, processes, development, and consequences.
(A) Pathology
(B) Physiolog
(C) Pharmacology
(D) Epidemiology


14. A __________ group consists of members or elements that are diverse in nature.
(A) homogeneous
(B) uniform
(C) conservative
(D) heterogeneous


15. The police officer had to __________ the suspect to prevent them from escaping.
(A) release
(B) restrain
(C) liberate
(D) emancipate II. Grammar: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.


16. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, __________ as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.
(A) have been promoted
(B) has been promoted
(C) being promoted
(D) promoted


17. No sooner had we stepped outside the cozy restaurant __________ it began to rain heavily, drenching the bustling city streets.
(A) when
(B) then
(C) than
(D) as


18. Many customers enjoy the convenience of __________their bank transactions online.
(A) carrying on
(B) carrying out
(C) carrying over
(D) carrying in


19. By the time the patient was admitted to the emergency room, the AI-based diagnostic tool __________ a potential diagnosis.
(A) had already suggested
(B) has already suggested
(C) already suggested
(D) would already suggest


20. The debate __________ the ethical implications of using AI in healthcare decision-making has been ongoing.
(A) with
(B) for
(C) at
(D) over


21. The no-food-or-drinks rule is strictly _______ in the bookstore.
(A) enforceable
(B) enforcing
(C) enforced
(D) enforcement


22. ______ the cool evening breeze and listening to the sounds of nature, we lost track of time.
(A) Enjoying
(B) Because enjoying
(C) We were enjoying
(D) Enjoyed


23. We take pride in ________ customer's unusual requests.
(A) fulfillment
(B) fulfilling
(C) fulfilled
(D) fulfills


24. Tina is going to the dentist to have her sore tooth ______ care of.
(A) taking
(B) taken
(C) to take
(D) to be taken


25. AI systems __________ to assist in medical diagnosis and treatment planning are rapidly advancing in their capabilities.
(A) designing
(B) to design
(C) design
(D) designed


III. Cloze Test: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
 Passage I
          Abdominal surgery is surgery that involves the opening of the abdominal cavity. It typically involves the treatment of diseases, conditions, or injuries involving the lower digestive tract (stomach and bowels), liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bile ducts, or surrounding soft tissues. These procedures may be performed on an __26__ or outpatient basis and may be accomplished using traditional open incision or minimally invasive techniques. General abdominal procedures can include the repair or __27__ of abdominal tissues and organs. Examples of common abdominal procedures include those to remove the appendix (appendectomy), gall bladder removal, and hernia repair. We also perform operations to remove malignant tumors and lesions, as well as benign growths, such as __28__ . These procedures may target various organs such as the __29__ , pancreas, and others for the treatment of specific conditions. Overall, the goal is to address issues ranging from __30__ to more complex diseases requiring surgical intervention.

(A) inpatient
(B) external
(C) internal
(D) superficial


(A) enhancement
(B) removal
(C) magnification
(D) decoration


(A) scars
(B) dermatitis
(C) freckles
(D) lipomas


(A) heart
(B) brain
(C) liver
(D) trachea


(A) minor injuries
(B) cosmetic concerns
(C) hair loss
(D) skin hydration


Passage II
        Mazu, the revered goddess of the sea in Taiwanese __31__ , is celebrated fervently during the Border Festival. This annual event, which takes place along coastal regions, honors Mazu's divine protection over __32__ . The festival is characterized by __33__ processions, colorful parades, and vibrant performances, all paying homage to Mazu's __34__ and guidance. Pilgrims and __35__ from far and wide gather to participate in the festivities, seeking blessings for safe voyages and bountiful catches. Mazu's Border Festival is not only a religious observance but also a cultural celebration that highlights the profound influence of seafaring traditions on coastal communities.

(A) folklore
(B) history
(C) religion
(D) philosophy


(A) farmers
(B) merchants
(C) soldiers
(D) fishermen and sailors


(A) dull
(B) elaborate
(C) modest
(D) simple


(A) malevolence
(B) cruelty
(C) benevolence
(D) malice


(A) devotees
(B) cynics
(C) sceptics
(D) opponents


IV. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question.
Reading I
          Chinese medicine, with its roots dating back thousands of years, is a comprehensive system of healthcare that has evolved over time. It encompasses a range of practices, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage (tui na), dietary therapy, and qigong. Central to Chinese medicine is the concept of balance and harmony within the body, as well as between the body and the external environment. It views health as a state of balance, where the body's vital energy (qi) flows freely along meridians or pathways. Illness, on the other hand, is seen as an imbalance or blockage of this qi. Treatment aims to restore balance and harmony by stimulating acupuncture points, prescribing specific herbal formulations, and advising on lifestyle and dietary changes. Chinese medicine is known for its holistic approach, considering not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and spiritual well-being of an individual. While it is often used in conjunction with Western medicine, Chinese medicine continues to play a significant role in healthcare, offering alternative and complementary treatments for various conditions.

【題組】36. Which of the following is a central concept in Chinese medicine?
(A) Anatomy
(B) Balance and harmony
(C) Chemistry
(D) Surgery


【題組】37. What is meant by "meridians" in the sentence: "It views health as a state of balance, where the body's vital energy (qi) flows freely along meridians or pathways"?
(A) The body's internal organs
(B) Exercises for improving flexibility
(C) A type of herbal medicine
(D) Pathways along which vital energy flows


【題組】38. How does Chinese medicine view illness?
(A) As an imbalance or blockage of qi
(B) As a result of physical trauma
(C) As a genetic predisposition
(D) As a punishment for wrongdoing


【題組】39. What are some practices included in Chinese medicine?
(A) Surgery and chemotherapy
(B) Psychotherapy and hypnosis
(C) Acupuncture and herbal medicine
(D) Radiology and physiotherapy


【題組】40. What is acupuncture?
(A) A form of massage therapy
(B) A practice involving breath control
(C) The insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body
(D) A type of herbal medicine


Reading II
          Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels. In Ethiopia, MSMEs can play crucial roles in accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with national needs and circumstances as spelled out in the Industrial Development Road Map (2013-2025) and the "Ethiopia 2030: The Pathway to Prosperity Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2021-2030)". Despite their noted contributions to SDGs, MSMEs, especially women and youth-owned enterprises in Ethiopia, have been hit the hardest by the negative socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Returning the economy to its high growth trajectory requires focusing on sectors with high productivity and job creation potentials, including strengthening MSME digitization and entrepreneurship skills to elevate MSME growth and resilience towards external shocks and access to investment and market opportunities.
        This workshop is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Ethiopia. The workshop aims to strengthen the capacities of policymakers at national and sub-national levels tasked with supporting the formalization, growth, and resilience of MSMEs. It is also designed to elevate digitization and entrepreneurship skills among MSME entrepreneurs, especially women and youth entrepreneurs, to access investment and market opportunities. The workshop will train 50 participants, including national policymakers, sub-national MSME supporting officers, and MSME entrepreneurs, who will be tasked by the government to train more MSME supporting officers and entrepreneurs across the country.

【題組】41. According to the passage, what role do MSMEs play in Ethiopia?
(A) They play a crucial role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
(B) They offer support to large enterprises only.
(C) They primarily contribute to technological advancements.
(D) They are exclusively involved in the export of goods.


【題組】42. Which groups' enterprises have been most negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia?
(A) Large international corporations
(B) Government-owned enterprises
(C) Women and youth-owned MSMEs
(D) Foreign investors' enterprises


【題組】43. What is a key focus for returning the Ethiopian economy to its high growth trajectory?
(A) Decreasing the number of MSMEs
(B) Focusing on sectors with high productivity and job creation potential
(C) Reducing the digital capabilities of MSMEs
(D) Limiting access to investment and market opportunities


【題組】44. What is the workshop's main aim mentioned in the passage?
(A) To reduce the influence of MSMEs in the economy
(B) To focus on the privatization of government-owned enterprises
(C) To encourage MSMEs to move abroad
(D) To strengthen the capacities of policymakers and elevate MSME digitization and entrepreneurship skills


【題組】45. How many participants will the workshop train, and who are they?
(A) 100 MSME entrepreneurs only
(B) 25 policymakers and 25 entrepreneurs
(C) 50 participants, including policymakers, MSME supporting officers, and entrepreneurs
(D) 50 foreign investors


Reading III
         Respiratory diseases cover a broad spectrum, from upper respiratory tract infections to serious conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary fibrosis (PF), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute lung injury (ALI), lung ischemia–reperfusion injury (LIRI), pulmonary hypertension (PH), and lung cancer. These conditions, characterized by structural changes in airway and lung tissues and reduced respiratory function, pose significant health and economic burdens worldwide. Notably, COVID-19 caused 18 million deaths between 2020 and 2021, further emphasizing the global challenge of respiratory diseases.
        COPD is the third leading cause of death globally, while ARDS and ALI account for no less than 4% of U.S. hospitalizations annually. Lung cancer, leading in cancer-related deaths, saw 2.24 million new cases and 1.8 million fatalities in 2020, as reported by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Risk factors include smoking, air pollution, infections, and obesity. Despite the availability of treatments like antibiotics and lung transplants, their side effects have prompted the search for innovative therapeutic approaches.
        First introduced by Dixon et al. in 2012, ferroptosis is a form of programmed cell death (PCD), a term distinct from other modes of cell death such as necrosis, apoptosis, autophagy, necroptosis, and pyroptosis, which is essential for maintaining homeostatic balance. Morphologically, ferroptosis features mitochondrial shrinkage, denser membranes, and reduced mitochondrial cristae, with an intact cell membrane and normalsized nucleus without chromatin condensation. Biochemically, ferroptosis is triggered by the depletion of intracellular glutathione (GSH) and a decrease in the activity of glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4). This imbalance leads to lipid peroxidation, further exacerbated by Fe2+ through the Fenton reaction, generating a high concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

【題組】46. What is the scope of respiratory diseases mentioned in the passage?
(A) A broad spectrum including infections, chronic diseases, and conditions leading to structural changes in airway and lung tissues
(B) Primarily genetic conditions affecting the lungs
(C) Only infections like the common cold
(D) Diseases caused exclusively by environmental factors


【題組】47. How has COVID-19 highlighted the impact of respiratory diseases globally?
(A) By decreasing the global incidence of respiratory diseases
(B) Through causing a significant number of deaths between 2020 and 2021
(C) By leading to a decrease in pollution levels worldwide
(D) Through the introduction of new treatments for respiratory conditions


【題組】48. According to the passage, what is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths?
(B) Asthma
(C) Lung cancer
(D) Pulmonary fibrosis


【題組】49. Which of the following is NOT listed as a risk factor for respiratory diseases in the passage?
(A) Smoking
(B) High blood pressure
(C) Air pollution
(D) Obesity


【題組】50. What distinguishes ferroptosis from other programmed cell death (PCD) forms?
(A) It is the only form of PCD without an impact on the mitochondria.
(B) It is a reversible process that does not lead to cell death.
(C) It results exclusively from external physical trauma.
(D) It features mitochondrial shrinkage and is triggered by the depletion of intracellular glutathione (GSH).


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 義守大學_學士後中醫學系入學招生考試試題:英文#119299-阿摩線上測驗
