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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 私醫聯招-英文 #78416
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1.The project has become highly ________ due to the history and sensitivity of the site.
(A) entrepreneurial
(B) residential
(C) controversial
(D) circumstantial

2( ).

2.The ________ between the incomes of the rich and the poor countries seems to be increasing.
(A) submergence
(B) emergence
(C) intelligence
(D) divergence


3. People with weak immune systems are ________ to getting diseases.
(A) mandatory
(B) justified
(C) vicious
(D) susceptible

4( ).

4. Very little ________ falls in dry deserts.
(A) pesticide
(B) modification
(C) sabotage
(D) precipitation


5. Animals such as mice, pigeons, and squirrels ________ quite well to living in the city.
(A) adapt
(B) admit
(C) accept
(D) allure


6.Chris was ________ to try ballet, but when he did try, he loved it.
(A) overt
(B) reluctant
(C) hypothetical
(D) inviolable


7.The building ________ to the school is a hospital, so if you don’t feel well, just go next door.
(A) concurrent
(B) consequent
(C) adjacent
(D) assigned


8.The research center plans to ________ a new smartphone survey next year.
(A) dispute
(B) conduct
(C) scatter
(D) surpass .

9( ).

9. “Avengers: Endgame” is already the year’s highest- ________ film.
(A) grossing
(B) grueling
(C) frivolous
(D) forensic


10. Do the over-50s need rules? Regulations? Guidelines—strict but fair—to help them through life without ________ themselves or those around them?
(A) encouraging
(B) braving
(C) embarrassing
(D) tackling


11. The island was used to ________ child refugees.
(A) accommodate
(B) accentuate
(C) accumulate
(D) accelerate


12. More and more companies are closing offices and factories and sending work to other areas of the country or to other countries where labor is cheaper. This is called ________.
(A) liquidating
(B) manipulating
(C) merging
(D) outsourcing

13( ).

13. To many Americans, it is ________ that people in other parts of the world do not drink milk since to Americans it is a “natural” food.
(A) benignant
(B) detrimental
(C) disparaging
(D) inconceivable


14. A haiku, a special Japanese poetry, does not need to rhyme, but it should ________ a moment of one’s life.
(A) calculate
(B) camouflage
(C) capture
(D) castrate


15. “Smart Swarm” refers to the animal’s ability to ________ its movements so precisely and change direction in a flash.
(A) coordinate
(B) decentralize
(C) resemble
(D) stipulate

16( ).

16. Singapore ________ 90 percent of its trash for reasons of space.
(A) incarcerated
(B) incinerated
(C) incorporated
(D) incubated


二、語法與用語(17-25 題,請選出最適當的選項) 17. Roy Garside was asked to purchase two seats by the airline due to his ________ weight.
(A) consideration
(B) considered
(C) considering
(D) considerable


18. ________ in soft, black feathers, the bird of paradise performs a dance show.
(A) Covering
(B) To cover
(C) Covered
(D) By covering


19. The availability of penicillin during World War II saved many lives that otherwise ________.
(A) would be lost
(B) would have been lost
(C) had lost
(D) had been lost


20. A visitor to a factory sees only noisy chaos, whereas the superintendent sees a ________.
(A) perfectly synchronized flow of work
(B) perfectly synchronizing flow of work
(C) perfect synchronization flow of work
(D) perfect synchronizing flow of work


21. The world needs to act fast if we ________ in stabilizing climate change and thereby prevent its worst impacts.
(A) succeed
(B) will succeed
(C) are to succeed
(D) should succeed


22. Scientists ________ virologists study viruses to discover how they work and how to stop people from getting them.
(A) are
(B) calling
(C) called
(D) who called


23. Its legitimacy ________ ancient ritual and childish stories, not from a system based on reason and intended to achieve good governance.
(A) takes from
(B) traces from
(C) originates to
(D) stems from


24. Although ________ opposition to the liberal policies in recent history, many experts believe that it is necessary to maintain a strong workforce by hiring foreign laborers.
(A) being
(B) its being
(C) there has
(D) there has been


25. Tom is diagnosed ________ skin cancer.
(A) with
(B) to
(C) in
(D) by


三、短文填空(26-40 題,請選出最適當的選項) 
Passage 1 
        Do teachers who know more about their subjects have a more positive impact on their students? When we look at teachers' knowledge of facts and concepts,  26 measured by test scores and college grades, the relationship to student learning is unclear and may be indirect. Teachers who know more facts about their subjects do not necessarily have students who learn more. But teachers who know more may make clearer presentations and recognize student difficulties more 27  . They are prepared for any student questions and do not have to be evasive or vague in their answers.  28  , knowledge is necessary but not  29 for effective teaching because being more knowledgeable helps teachers be clearer and more organized.

(A) as
(B) with
(C) like
(D) alone


(A) already
(B) ready
(C) ready all
(D) readily


(A) Despite
(B) Thus
(C) Likewise
(D) In contrast


(A) sufficient
(B) deficient
(C) defective
(D) proficient


Passage 2 
        On a summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents 30 and reservations made when Amy disappears from their rented mansion on the Mississippi River. Under the 31 pressure from the police and Amy’s parents, the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is 32 evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer? 33 the cops close in, every couple in town is wondering how well they know each other.

(A) wrapped
(B) are being wrapped
(C) raped
(D) are being raped


(A) negiligible
(B) shrinking
(C) mounting
(D) delectable


(A) odd
(B) old
(C) oddly
(D) oldly


(A) Is
(B) As
(C) Has
(D) Does


Passage 3 
        Today, there are approximately twenty million Muslims in China, and Haji Noor Deen Mi Guang Jiang is a well-known and respected calligrapher. What makes him unique is that he is a master of Arabic calligraphy. Deen has once said, “As a Chinese Muslim calligrapher, I have a deep sense of 34 in promoting, propagating, and carrying forward this intricate skill and precious cultural heritage.” He has taught his 35 in lectures and workshops at many 36 institutions in the U.S. and the U.K., such as Harvard University, the University of Cambridge, and Boston University.

【題組】 34.
(A) imagination
(B) responsibility
(C) regret
(D) talent


(A) complement
(B) gift
(C) talent
(D) craft


(A) prestigious
(B) impassioned
(C) envisioned
(D) profound


Passage 4 
        In political science, populism is the idea that society is separated into two groups 37 one another—“the pure people” and “the corrupt elite,” according to the book, Populism: A very short introduction. The term, populism, is often used as a kind of shorthand political 38 . For example, Jeremy Corbyn, Britain’s Labour leader, has been accused of populism over his party's slogan “for the many, not the few.” 39 to represent the unified “will of the people,” populists stand in opposition to an enemy, often embodied by the current system, the establishment. The term was generally attached to the left in the past, but now populism can be anywhere on the political 40 .

(A) at odds with
(B) for the sake of
(C) in spite of
(D) on account of


(A) figure
(B) insult
(C) party
(D) powerhouse


(A) Its claim
(B) To claim
(C) Claiming
(D) Claimed


(A) campaign
(B) constituency
(C) dichotomy
(D) spectrum


四、閱讀測驗(41-50 題,請選出最適當的選項) 
Passage 1 
        While anxiety in its various forms has undoubtedly been with humans from time immemorial, certain modern lifestyle factors may have exacerbated the problem, and anxiety management needs to include a close analysis of lifestyle and thought patterns followed by appropriate modification. 
        During the past two decades, researchers have discovered that decreases in sleep time and quality can cause changes in nervous systems. Notably, anxiety can be augmented by excessive caffeine, alcohol, and recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamines. In particular, caffeine use can profoundly raise the anxiety levels in those predisposed individuals, particularly the patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Recent research has also empirically established that in addition to food and fluid intake, factors such as social discrimination against obesity and physical inactivity may also significantly aggravate anxiety.

【題組】41. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Poor sleep is related to anxiety.
(B) Too much caffeine can cause trouble sleeping.
(C) Anxiety level is associated with drug use.
(D) Sleeping problems may predispose some people to alcohol problems.


【題組】42. In the context of the passage, the word “augmented” most closely corresponds to which of the following words?
(A) attacked
(B) increased
(C) audited
(D) segmented


【題組】43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a factor that can trigger anxiety or make anxiety worse?
(A) aggressive behavior
(B) sleeping problem
(C) indulgent alcohol consumption
(D) stigma toward overweight people


【題組】44. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Dormant lifestyles can exacerbate social hierarchy.
(B) Making lifestyle changes can help reduce anxiety level.
(C) Alcohol may help cope with disrupted sleep.
(D) People are less likely to develop GAD if they are biologically predisposed to anxiety.


【題組】45. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Major psychological factors underlying anxiety disorder.
(B) Alcohol addiction treatment.
(C) The association of anxiety with unhealthy lifestyle.
(D) Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder.


Passage 2 
        The trips to resorts in Florida, Arizona and California were a great chance for medics to network. And the visits were all expenses paid. But such events laid the groundwork for a national crisis. From 1996 to 2001, American drug giant Purdue Pharma held more than 40 national “pain management symposia” at picturesque locations. The healthcare professionals had been specially invited, whisked to the conferences to be drilled on promotional materials about the firm’s new star drug, OxyContin, and recruited as advocates, the US government later documented. But OxyContin was to become ground zero in an opioid crisis that has now engulfed the United States. 
        The pill comprises oxycodone, a semi-synthetic opioid loosely related to morphine and originally based on elements of the opium poppy. Such strong painkillers were traditionally used to ease cancer pain, but beginning in the mid-1990s, pills based on oxycodone began being branded and aggressively marketed for chronic pain instead—a nagging back injury from manual labor or a car accident, for example. 
        Prescriptions issued for OxyContin in the US increased tenfold from 1996 to 2002. A bulletin from the American Public Health Association in 2009, reviewing the rise of prescription opioids, is titled, The promotion and marketing of OxyContin: Commercial triumph, public health tragedy. This document also asserted that Purdue had played down the risks of addiction. By 2002, opioids prescribed by doctors were killing 5,000 people a year in America and that number tripled over the following decade.

【題組】46. What figurative language does the author apply in his/her use of quotation marks, as in “pain management symposia”?
(A) metaphor
(B) irony
(C) overstatement
(D) personification


【題組】47. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) It is illegal to prescribe opioids in the mid-1990s in the US.
(B) Oxycodone was used to ease acute pain.
(C) Purdue Pharma did not tell the whole truth about OxyContin.
(D) Successful marketing strategies led to the high sales of OxyContin. ˊ


【題組】48. What is the best title for this article?
(A) Drug Addictions in America
(B) America’s Opioid Crisis
(C) OxyContin: A Successful Business Story
(D) Physiological Foundation of OxyContin


Passage 3 
        Advertisers are willing to pay top dollar for a good tune. It might seem strange for advertisers to spend a large amount of money on music alone. After all, the direct connection between music in a commercial and the amount of money the company will make from it is difficult to quantify. But advertisers know that a memorable song will do most the work of catching and keeping people’s attention, sometimes regardless of the product. Catching people’s attention can be much more important to sales than trying to get any particular information across about the product or service being advertised. 
        Music also has the power to be retained in a person’s memory long after it has been heard. We’ve all had the experience of trying to get a catchy song out of our head. This phenomenon encourages advertisers to use music to “get inside the heads” of customers. One very important reason for using popular music and popstars in commercials is to have a direct message permeate a particular demographic, or group, within the general population. For example, it doesn’t take a marketing whiz to know that young people are the main consumers of soft drinks. This leads soft drink makers to choose recording artists who are popular with young people to help sell their products. In the same way, popular musicians and styles of music from the 1970s might be used to sell luxury cars or other items for more sophisticated tastes.

【題組】49. The most important thing about making commercials is ________.
(A) choosing popular music producers
(B) getting inside the heads of advertisers
(C) catching and keeping people’s attention
(D) developing the ‘right’ product


【題組】50. Choosing effective music in commercials means to use music ________.
(A) that appeals to the targeted group of consumers
(B) only from the latest hits
(C) that symbolizes urban tastes
(D) that promotes social image


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 私醫聯招-英文 #78416-阿摩線上測驗
