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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(506~510)
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What is acceptable at home doesn’t necessarily apply in other countries. Here are four distinctive customs for you to use as a passport to new experiences and friendships. (1) Be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or business associate in Russia. Yellow flowers signify deceit or a relationship break-up. Skip red carnations, too. Traditionally, red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead, or are offered to surviving war veterans. (2) Who needs a watch? Here’s one place where being early or on time is viewed as being rude. In Venezuela if you are invited over to someone’s home for a meal, it’s recommended that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes later than the requested time. Early or punctual guests are viewed as being too eager, even greedy. (3) In Bolivia, it’s rude to discuss business during a social occasion such as a wedding, or a dinner party. The dining experience is meant to enrich personal relationships, not to make deals. If you’re attending a business lunch or dinner, wait until your host brings up the subject of work before diving into the topic. Your Bolivian counterpart will want to chat about family before tackling business issues. (4) When doing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for your host to pay for your meal. Requests to split the bill will be viewed as a polite gesture, but won’t be accepted. If you would like to pay your fair share, Turks recommend inviting your host to a follow-up meal. At that time, you can reciprocate and extend the same courtesies that were offered to you.
【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A)It is proper to give your Russian friends red carnations.
(B)It is a must to arrive at a party on time in Venezuela.
(C)What is appropriate at home isn’t always perceived the same elsewhere.
(D)Bolivian hosts welcome their guests to share the meal expenses.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
The 41 season to visit the city of Mumbai is the months in the middle of September and April. Around this time the rains and typhoons have stopped unleashing their power and the humidity levels are at their 42 minimal. Actually guests can visit at whatever time of the year. 43 summer months have a tendency to be too humid and hot, 44 a tour not extremely charming. But if you are arranging a business trip and will stay indoors and in a cooled solace, then the 45 doesn’t make a difference.

(A) However
(B) Moreover
(C) Once
(D) Therefore


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
 Summer Camp Schedule 

 Watch a movie, play in the yard, play with blocks, color, or read. Just do something easy and relax.
 Visit a museum. Take a trip to the zoo. Walk to the park. Just go. 

 Cook something together. Let’s have fun in the kitchen. 

 Try a new fun craft idea. Make play-dough. Finger paint. The options are endless. 

 Do something fun!

【題組】47 What is this notice about?
(A) What to do in the camp.
(B) What to study at school.
(C) How to design kids' schedule.
(D) How to teach your kids.


7 On Sunday mornings, I enjoy _____ in the park.
(A) absorbing
(B) heading
(C) strolling
(D) vibrating


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
  When it comes to all-protein diet for weight loss, people keep on asking if it is possible to diet only eating the meats you love. The all-protein diet is a meat diet plan that doesn’t make you give up on eating meat. It is a diet where you reduce intake of carbohydrates such as that found in rice, bread, and vegetables while chewing down on meats and fish satisfying your appetite. By eating meat and eliminating sugars and carbohydrates that turn into fat, you can reduce body fat as well as strengthen your metabolism promoting smoother weight loss. 
  To ensure your success in weight loss, there are rigid rules you need to follow while you are on the all-protein diet. First, you only eat low-fat content meat, fish, or boiled eggs as the main course in your meal. You can eat as much meat as you like as long as it’s not fatty. When eating fatty meats, be sure to remove as much fat as you can before eating. When you don’t have as much time to cook, eating a hard-boiled egg would be a good substitute for convenience in your diet. 
  Second, you need to greatly reduce the amount of rice, bread, and vegetables in your diet to a minimum. This may include simply eating half the amount you would eat when not on the all-protein diet. Although most diets say that you should get vegetables in your diet as much as you can, on the all-protein diet you want to reduce carbohydrate intake, staying away from starches like high-carb potatoes. If you really want to have some vegetables, make sure to treat yourself to a healthy vegetable snack such as bowl of Vitamin K rich cucumbers. Eating snack in between meals is fine as long as you stick to meats, fish, and chicken eggs. 
  Third, you need to screen what you use in seasoning your food. Paying close attention to the things you use to season your food such as sugar or sweet rice wine is important. Note that flour used in frying seafood contains carbohydrates. Always confirm how much carbohydrates you are adding before cooking. 
  In conclusion, the all-protein diet is a diet where you try not to eat any carbohydrates. If you can’t get your hand out of the cookie jar, the all-protein diet may not be right for you.

【題組】31 What is most likely the purpose of this passage?
(A) To promote the all-protein diet.
(B) To stress the importance of meat.
(C) To ensure healthy ways of seasoning food.
(D) To show problems of eating carbohydrates.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(506~510)-阿摩線上測驗
