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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2321~2325)
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40 Today in Norway, few Norwegians consider goods such as cars and chocolate a luxury, but the luxury taxes_______ on them still remain.
(A) implicated
(B) imposed
(C) endorsed
(D) embodied


1 When going through customs, passengers carrying items above permitted customs limits and/or carrying prohibited items must _______ in writing.
(A) declare
(B) denounce
(C) destroy
(D) deploy


3 In this increasingly digital world, cyber-bullying has emerged as an electronic form of bullying that is difficult to _____or supervise.
(A) engender
(B) intimidate
(C) monitor
(D) patronize


      The plunging waterfalls and soaring crags chiseled by the Merced River draw millions of visitors each year, but the crowds are precisely what threaten the waterway and the park. Efforts to safeguard the Merced have spawned a court battle over the future of development in Yosemite National Park’s most popular stretch. The case may come down to the challenge facing all of America’s parks: should they remain open to everyone, or should access be limited in the interest of protecting them? In November, a federal judge barred crews from finishing 60-million-dollar construction projects in Yosemite Valley. The judge sided with a small group of environmentalists who sued the federal government, saying further commercial development would bring greater numbers of visitors, thus threatening the Merced’s fragile ecosystem. The government is appealing, fearing the ruling could force the National Park Service to limit the number of people allowed into Yosemite each day, a precedent it does not want to see echoed in other parks. The case has Yosemite’s most loyal advocates sharply divided over how to balance preservation with access to public lands. Even environmentalists cannot agree on how to minimize the human footprint—some believe cars should be kept out entirely; others say visitors should have to make reservations in advance. 
【題組】43 According to the passage, what threatens the ecosystem of Yosemite National Park?
(A) The Merced River
(B) The visiting crowds
(C) The plunging waterfalls
(D) The soaring crags


37 Doctors are___________ to keep their patients’ records secret.
(A) offended
(B) obtained
(C) obliged
(D) obscured


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2321~2325)-阿摩線上測驗
