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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2331~2335)
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31 The old man had the ______ to save money during his teaching career so as not to be dependent on irregular Social Security checks after his retirement.
(A) foresight
(B) initiation
(C) stinginess
(D) thrift


Advertising affects a consumer’s perception of value by contributing to the symbolic value and the social meaning of a brand. Symbolic value refers to what a product or service means to consumers in a non-literal way. _____47 _____ Otherwise, they would not be brands, but unmarked commodities. Social meaning refers to what a product or service means in a societal context. _____48_____ Often, the product’s connection to a social class shows a need within consumers to move up in class. Researchers have long argued that objects are never just objects. _____49_____ It is important to remember that these meanings often become just as much a part of the product as some physical features. Since advertising is an essential way in which the image of a brand is developed, it influences consumers’ perception of the value of the brand. _____50_____ In other words, if the image of a product is valued by consumers, then consumers will pay to buy the product.
(A) Advertising means different things to different people.
(B) In reality, all branded products rely on symbolic value.
(C) For example, social class is marked by products that signify class membership, such as cars, wines, and clothes.
(D) Most people like some of the ads they see or hear, but they don’t like advertising in general.


I was so tired that I slept _____ most of the movie.


The sports meet will be ____ till next week because of the bad weather.
(A)put off
(B)put away
(C)put down
(D)put up


31 In the US, it is considered rude to stare;_____ , the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a speaker.
(A)in consequence
(B)in hindsight
(C)in retrospect
(D)in contrast


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2331~2335)-阿摩線上測驗
