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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2351~2355)
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請依下文回答第49-51題 An overcrowded boat carrying revelers from a mass beach party capsized early Tuesday in the Gulf of Thailand, killing at least seven people, including four Western tourists, officials said. Nine others were injured. The speed boat was traveling from Pha-Ngan Island, which attracts thousands of young foreigners to monthly full moon parties, to the larger resort island of Samui. About 30 of the approximately 40 people on the boat were rescued, said police Lt. Col. Somphong Krutsuwan. The dead were three Thais and four Westerners, including one body that was recovered from inside the capsized boat, Somphong said. Their nationalities were not immediately known, but a business card found on one of the bodies indicated he could be American, a hospital official said.
【題組】Victims of this accident were attending ______ .
(A) an international conference
(B) a speed-boat race
(C) a full-moon party
(D) a religious ceremony


Do you have trouble picking out a friend’s face among a group of people? There’s a name for your condition: prosopagnosia, or face blindness. The disorder was thought to be exceedingly rare and mainly a result of brain injury. But last month a team of German researchers took the first stab at charting its prevalence, and the results were remarkable. The new study showed that prosopagnosia is highly heritable and surprisingly common, afflicting, in some form, about 1 in 50 people—more than 5 million in the US alone. “That’s huge,” says Dr. Thomas Grüter of the Institute of Human Genetics in Münster. “It was a real surprise.” Within that group of sufferers, however, the condition varies widely. For the vast majority, the problem is not so much about detecting a face—prosopagnosics can see eyes, noses, and mouths as clearly as anyone else—as it is about recognizing the same set of features when seeing them again. While mild prosopagnosics can train themselves to memorize a limited number of faces, others grapple with identifying family members and, in extreme cases, their own faces. Gaylen Howard, 40, a homemaker in Boulder, Colo., says that when she’s standing in front of a mirror in a crowded restroom, she makes a funny face so that, as she puts it, “I can tell which one is me.” Most prosopagnosics learn to cope early on. They distinguish people based on cues like hairstyle, voice, or body shape. They shun places where they could unexpectedly run into someone they know. They pretend to be lost in thought while walking down the street. They act friendly to everyone—or to no one. In short, they become expert at masking their dysfunction. “This is probably why the disorder went unnoticed for so long,” says Gruter.
【題組】*46 What is “prosopagnosia?”
(A)A difficulty in recognizing a face seen before.
(B)A failure to detect a face that one has never seen.
(C)A disability to distinguish one facial expression from another.
(D)A blindness that makes people unable to see others’ faces.


   I tell my students that addressing people by “sir” or “ma’am” comes in handy in their interaction with others. Case in point: I was on the phone recently with the phone company discussing the inaccuracies of my bill. The lady I spoke to was not helpful and seemed annoyed. Then, in the midst of the conversation, I threw in a “yes ma’am,” and her entire attitude changed. She became far more helpful and easy to deal with, and she ended up cutting my bill in half, which was more than I had even asked for.
   Some of my students in Harlem were interviewed for a chance to attend a high-rated junior high school. The school only had thirty openings for the following year, and twelve of my students were among the numerous kids across the city who applied for the spots. I practiced what the interview would be like with my students, and one main thing I stressed was, “Make sure you say ‘yes, ma’am’ or ‘no, sir’ no matter what!” Weeks after the interviews, I was delighted to hear that all twelve of my students had been accepted. When I talked with the admissions director at the school, the main comment he made over and over was how polite my students were in their interviews. It seems like just such a simple thing to do, but it gets results. 

【題組】30 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “comes in handy”?


36-40 Binge eating is not yet officially classified as a psychiatric disorder. But it may be more common than anorexia and bulimia. __36__ all three eating disorders appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, binge eating disorder is not considered a definitive diagnosis like anorexia and bulimia. The __37__ study of eating disorders was published by Harvard researchers in the journal Biological Psychiatry. It found__ 38__ in the general population of 0.6 percent for anorexia, 1 percent for bulimia, and 2.8 percent for binge-eating disorder. The survey was carried out from 2001 to 2003 among adults 18 and older. Eating disorders are commonly accompanied by other psychiatric illnesses. In the survey, more than half of the people with bulimia had major depression and 50 percent had phobias. __39__ , more than 94 percent of people with bulimia, 56 percent of those with anorexia, and 79 percent of those with binge-eating disorder had at least one other psychiatric diagnosis. Dr. Hudson said the most significant limitation of the study was its basis on self-reports, explaining that people tend to __40__ their problems with eating disorders. So the true occurrence, he said, is probably higher than the statistics.
【題組】 36.
(A) Lest
(B) While
(C) If
(D) Since


35 These never-before-published photos were captured by one of the first Western photographers ________ into the once-reclusive Japan after it opened to the world in the 1850s.
(D)to allow


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2351~2355)-阿摩線上測驗
