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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2386~2390)
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40 The loud singing from next door really ________ and I cannot concentrate on my reading.
(A) gets on my nerves
(B) sets me up
(C) puts up with me
(D) calms me down


There is a theory of evolution suggesting future generations of human beings will have larger rear ends and more nearsightedness. The idea comes from the observation that children of the Information Age spends so much time sitting in front of a computer screen that corresponding genes, as a result, likely will be changed and passed on to offspring. 
 This is an era of greater access and convenience based upon instant communication, anytime, anywhere. The latest technology has created a new society and a new sub-culture, one that disregards the differences between class and race. These are the people who engage in online chatting. 
 Chatters never cease to be amazed by the wonders that the Internet has created. Not only has the Internet allowed users to work from home and to do the shopping from home, but it also has allowed users to socialize without ever leaving the house. One of the advantages of online socializing is its convenience. By several clicks, a user can produce a list of hundreds of people with whom to chat, and all are of requested qualities.

【題組】66 The newest technology has created a new society that disregards the differences between race and class because _____ .
(A) online chatters are open-minded
(B) online chatters are developing an evolutionary idea
(C) online chatters have a common interest in the latest technology
(D) online chatters can communicate with each other with great availability


32 Because of the soldier’s open ______ of established rules, the commander decided to confine him to the barrack as punishment.
(A) residence
(B) defiance
(C) proportion
(D) infliction


10. The doctor made a_____ examination of his lungs to see if anything was wrong.


44 The ability to _____ ideas to actions is the secret of success.
(A) converse
(B) convert
(C) conserve
(D) confuse


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2386~2390)-阿摩線上測驗
