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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2421~2425)
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Nigerians are the happiest people in the world. The World Values Survey found that almost 70 percent of Nigerians consider themselves very happy. Money certainly is not the reason that made Nigerians happy. Having tons of money is only a limited factor in happiness. _____15_____ Bill Gates, for example, is happy not because of his immense wealth but because everybody wants to be his friend. Money can certainly buy happiness, but its impact seems to drop once you can afford basic necessities. Of course, inflation makes the problem worse. _____16_____ Even when money does exert an influence, it is not the size of your paycheck that matters. _____17_____ The New York cabbie who has an efficient car may seem happy, but not as happy as the Ethiopian villager who has a more efficient cow than his/her neighbors. When you are living amid wealth and luxury, your desires tend to be greater. _____18_____ It should not be surprising, then, that Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela and El Salvador rank the highest in happiness among the 65-plus countries surveyed.
(A) So we should consider moving to Nigeria.
(B) It is certainly not as significant as having good friends.
(C) The survey indicates happiness can flourish in various cultures.
(D) Money just does not buy as much happiness as it used to.


21.The failure of Mexico’s inability to service foreign bank debt in 1982 led to almost a decade of financial contraction and economic recession, or even ______ .
(A) depression
(B) resources
(C) prosperity
(D) management


Daughter: Do I have to give up rich desserts? Mother: ___________
(A) Yes, you absolutely may.
(B) Yes, you absolutely must.
(C) Yes, you absolutely might.
(D) Yes, you absolutely are.


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Japan has long been a pioneer in high-speed rail. It introduced bullet train, or Sinkansen, to the world in 1964 on the eve of the Tokyo Olympics. But other countries have caught up. France and Germany developed high-speed trains that matched the Japanese speeds. China has built a high-speed network that surpasses Japan’s in its reach if not its speed. Japan plans to begin construction of its first intercity maglev line next year, linking Tokyo with Nagoya and, eventually, Osaka. In tests, the Japanese maglev has reached speeds up to 580 kilometers an hour, the world record for a train. When it comes to maglev, though, there is still question of credibility. With the Japanese maglev, levitation occurs about 145 kilometers an hour. That is when the wheels, shod with rubber tires, lift off the concrete guideway. Then the maglev train floats 10 centimeters about the U-shaped guideway, held aloft and propelled toward by superconducting magnets. In Japan, many remain skeptical of the financial feasibility of the Tokyo-Osaka maglev line. The Tokyo-Nagoya portion is expected to be completed by 2027, with the Nagoya-Osaka stretch to follow in 2045. By that time the population of Japan will have declined to about 105 million from the current 127 million.
【題組】50 According to the passage, why will the construction of Tokyo-Osaka maglev line not make business sense?
(A)It takes too many years to complete the construction.
(B)The decline of population will reduce the demand for mass transportation.
(C)The construction cost will escalate in 2045.
(D)The line will stretch to the most populous region in Japan.


15 A common _____ many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy; however, it is not necessarily true.
(A) divination
(B) rumination
(C) assumption
(D) vindication


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2421~2425)-阿摩線上測驗
