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Jane ______ to the waiter that her meal was cold.
(A) happened
(B) celebrated
(C) complained
(D) admired


31 Looking left and right, the thief walked cautiously down the hallway to ______the security guards.
(A) afford
(B) avoid
(C) assign
(D) assure


41 A: That’s our flight. 
B: OK. I’m ready to get out of here. 
A: You’re not worried about flying? 
B: _ It’s safer than driving.
(A) I believe it.
(B) Probably so.
(C) Not at all.
(D) I doubt it.

4( ).

28. The convenience store’s ______tape enabled the police to catch the robber in a hour.

5( ).

50 The fans were ________ by the superstar’s charm and good looks.
(A) convicted
(B) dazzled
(C) granted
(D) developed

6( ).

34 The policy is to_________ certain types of chemical industry to particular areas to ensure better land use.

7( ).

Since my opinion is _____ yours, why not ask another person to judge whose is better?
(A)depending on
(B)in conflict with
(C)in comparison with
(D)in touch with

8( ).

37 Mary, your assignment is____ the day after tomorrow, and so you should not waste any more time daydreaming.
(A) due
(B) late

9( ).

32 Don’t ask me. I just have no idea about ____.
(A) whose car is this
(B) whose car this is
(C) this is whose car
(D) whose this car is

10( ).

The 70-year-old professor sued the university for age _____, because his teaching contract had not been renewed.
(A) possession
(B) commitment
(C) discrimination
(D) employment

11( ).

2 E-cigarettes come highly recommended for the _____ smokers to effectively fight the deadly habit.
(A) clandestine
(B) recalcitrant
(C) lascivious
(D) tantamount

12( ).

Millions of people are using cell phones today. In fact, in many places it is actually considered unusual _____ use one.
(A) not
(B) don’t
(C) to not
(D) not to

13( ).

With his excellent social skills, Steven has been _______ as a great communicator by all his colleagues.
(A) diagnosed
(B) exploited
(C) perceived
(D) concerned

14( ).

3 The captain knew that under no_____ would he give up his ship.
(A) circumstances
(B) concerns
(C) disputes
(D) regulations

15( ).

I had a sudden ___ about the missing jewels.
(A) intuition
(B) institution
(C) tuition
(D) constitution

16( ).

28 A juvenile _____ in the United States is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were adults.

17( ).

38 Tom finally agreed,_____  unwillingly, to accept the new job.
(A) something
(B) anything
(C) somewhat
(D) anywhere

18( ).

39 _____ of any latest news, I will let you know as soon as possible.
(A) Informing
(B) Informed
(C) To inform
(D) By informing

19( ).

32 Many charities are devoted to supporting the______ in society, such as providing food and clothes.
(A) dissident
(B) omnipotent
(C) indicator
(D) indigent

20( ).

43 題至第 46 題: The Police Uniform: To Wear or Not Wear? The police uniform with its attendant gun and badge is like a neon sign. When you walk into a room wearing a uniform, attention is immediately drawn to you. The uniform communicates an immediate and powerful message: authority, security, integrity, trust, safety—and to some, a threat. For some people the uniform has a very positive effect, which allows you to establish an immediate rapport with many groups. Wearing your uniform sends a dual message that you are serious about your topic and that your department supports you. It conveys to an audience that you know what the options are and how best to handle a situation. For others, the uniform can be intimidating. Some people are uncomfortable in the presence of authority, and the uniform is a symbol of authority. A hostile audience has a tendency to talk to the uniform and not to the person in the uniform. In such situations you might want to wear street clothes, which can convey several meanings. You can be all business, wearing a suit. You can convey a more relaxed message with casual attire. (The Strategic Dressing chart provides some general guidelines for using clothing to set a tone.) Each article of clothing worn for a specific situation conveys a unique message about you as an officer and as a person. Repeated contact will let the community come to know you more as a person who wears a uniform and less as a uniform with a person in it. 

【題組】45 What clothes should the commanding officers wear if they want to build trust to the hostile groups?
(A)A tie.
(B)A button shirt.
(C)A uniform.
(D)A business suit.

21( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
        Ken Aston is an internationally known soccer referee. He came from England. Aston began playing soccer when he was a young boy. In 1936, when he was 19 years old, he hurt his ankle and stopped playing soccer. He decided to become a referee and qualified as one in the same year. In 1946, he became the first referee to wear the black uniform with white trim that later became the standard for referees.
        As a soccer referee, Aston made an important contribution to the sport. He invented the card system. In modern soccer competitions, referees give cards to players who break rules. A yellow card is a warning. A red card means that the player is out of the game. According to Aston, the card system prevents language problems. The cards are an international language. Every player understands what the yellow and red cards mean.
        Aston said he got the idea while stopping at a traffic light. He was driving home from a 1966 World Cup match. In that game, a German-speaking referee didn’t make his disciplinary calls clear. Some of the players could not understand him and had confusion in mind even after the game. So Aston came up with and pushed for the idea of showing a yellow card for an official warning and a red card for an ejection. The card system was introduced at the 1970 World Cup finals and are now used universally. Today all soccer players understand the meaning of the cards.

【題組】44 Why did Aston push for the card system in soccer games?
(A)It could avoid soccer players’ confusion over the calls by referees.
(B)He could make a lot of money by inventing the system.
(C)He wanted to become a well-known soccer referee.
(D)It was one of his dreams as a young boy.

22( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        With the advent of freezers, we’re able to preserve our food longer than before. But is there a differencebetween fresh and frozen produce __41__ nutrition? Well, it highly depends on the circumstances. Most food youtake off the shelf in a grocery store __42__ under-ripe to avoid damage during travel time. This means it hasn’tyet reached its peak nutrition. Furthermore, the minute it is picked, its nutritional content begins to __43__ . Whenit finally appears on your dinner table days later, the food may lose up to 50 percent of its nutritional value. Frozenfoods, __44__ , are picked when they’re ripe and frozen immediately. __45__ the quick freeze process may affectsome of the vitamin content, it essentially locks most of the nutrients in place. Compared with the fresh producethat has been sitting around for days, there’s no doubt that frozen foods contain more nutrition.

【題組】 41
(A) instead of
(B) in terms of
(C) in place of
(D) in spite of

23( ).

【題組】 The drug Ecstasy or “E” is an amphetamine, which comes in a pill or tablet form. If you take an E, you might experience a general state of euphoria,      43       increased sensitivity to touch, taste, and color and raised confidence. At higher doses, a user can also experience sudden feelings of panic, depression, confusion, and anxiety. Ecstasy is often termed the “love drug” or “hug drug” because it    44    feelings of heightened sensuality. Translation: you will be loving everyone you meet. This is dangerous     45     it may lead you to trust people you have only just met. Ecstasy users can suffer severe dehydration from dancing for hours and not noticing their fatigue. Other physical    46        of a pill include: sweating, teeth grinding, blurred vision, nausea and cramping. The street quality of Ecstasy can never be    47   . The reality is that you could have a deadly reaction. If you or one of your friends starts vomiting or loses consciousness after taking a pill, stay calm and call an ambulance or go to the hospital straight away.

(A) as  
(B) but  
(C) yet  
(D) or

24( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Does your older brother think he’s cleverer than you? Well, he’s probably right. According to new research due to be published this week in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs, and the youngest the lowest. The research is based on more than 1,000 children whose IQ was tested through childhood and adolescence up to the age of 18. The Dutch study shows a birth-order effect on intelligence in each of the tests. Overall, the IQ of the first-born child was higher than the second-born, which, in turn, was greater than that of children who had two or more older siblings. This is only the latest research to suggest that the order of birth can have a fundamental effect on diverse factors, ranging from the risk of cancer, asthma and eczema, to weight and even premature death. It can also affect personality, achievement, and career, with first-borns being more academically successful and more likely to win Nobel prizes. However, eldest children are less likely to be radical and pioneering. Charles Darwin, for example, was the fifth child of six. Exactly why there should be such differences is not clear, and there are a number of theories, with many homing in on environmental influences on the child. The so-called dilution theory, for example, suggests that as family resources, both emotional and physical, as well as economic, are finite, it follows that as more children come along, the levels of parental attention and stimulation will drop.
【題組】44 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Birth order affects many aspects of a person’s life.
(B) The 1,000 children in the study had their IQ tested only once.
(C) The Dutch study is the first to examine the effects of birth order on intelligence.
(D) The dilution theory suggests that the more children, the better family resources.

25( ).

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題  
       The Persian Gulf is not an obvious destination for the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet when Bahrain’sKing Hamad met with Pope Benedict in Rome in July 2008, he 16 a personal invitation to visit. If Benedictaccepts this offer, he’ll become the first 17 to set foot in Arabia.
  18 would make that trip so dramatic is the region’s reputation for religious intolerance. Bahrain’s newhospitality shows that attitudes are changing. And the explanation lies in demographics. The kingdom and its neighborsare hosts to booming new Christian populations, thanks to the region’s 19 hunger for guest workers. Foreignlaborers now represent 35 percent of Bahrain’s inhabitants. The number is 60 percent in Kuwait and 80 percent in theUnited Arab Emirates, and almost half of the 35 million people on the Arabian Peninsula are now foreign-born. Alarge proportion of them hail from Christian areas such as the Philippines and southern India. As a result, 20 now constitute roughly 9 percent of Bahrain’s population. In Saudi Arabia, the Catholic Church estimates thereare 1.2 million Filipino faithfuls alone, making them the country’s third largest immigrant group.

【題組】 20
(A) Buddhists
(B) Christians
(C) Muslims
(D) Protestants


