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3 Learning should be a ______process rather than a static one.
(A) divergent
(B) divine
(C) dynamic
(D) distinctive


6 A______ of the king appears in the new coinage.
(A) poll
(B) fable
(C) fraction
(D) profile


15 After they'd had a cup of coffee, the conversation started to______.
(A) plow
(B) blow
(C) allow
(D) flow


17 Our school sponsors a blood ______ to promote blood donation every year.
(A) dive
(B) drain
(C) drive
(D) drill


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
       If you have ever had to smell the Swedish fermented herring Surströmming, it is often hard to imagine that this is a popular__26__ in Sweden. It was once voted the worst smelling food in the world. Durian fruit has nothing on this little fish – it really__27__. But a lot of people really enjoy the whole process of eating it. Here are two tips to serve and store: First, always store the tin in the fridge when unopened. Do not keep it__28__ . Second, always open outdoors because the smell will__29__ . Please note most airlines do not allow these tins to be__30__ as they are pressurised (and can you imagine the smell?). So, don't plan to take these tins on any flights.

(A) delicacy
(B) vacancy
(C) lunacy
(D) delivery


(A) sticks
(B) stinks
(C) stocks
(D) stacks


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        "Time" is the most commonly used noun in the English language. The word itself is used in a __31__ of ways: wecan kill time, do time, save it, and spend it. Time even takes on a medicinal role when it comes to healing both physicaland emotional __32__ . Most of us wish we __33__ more of it, and yet time persists as an object of value, as in "Timeis money," and an enemy of every person, as in "The deadline is approaching" or "His days are __34__ ." It is, eventually,the thing__35__ kills all of us. And yet for all its pervasiveness in our everyday conversations, describing what timeis doesn't come easily.

(A) have
(B) to have
(C) had
(D) will have


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
        Terms considered proper for a group or phenomenon seem to change every generation or so. The term crippled, forexample, sounds abusive today,__ 36__ it was once considered civil by educated, sensitive people. Crippled began asa(n) __37__ term. However, a sad reality of human society is that there are negative associations and even dismissalharbored__ 38__  those with disabilities. Crippled thus became accreted with those overtones to the pointthat handicapped was fashioned as a replacement term __39__ from such baggage. Similarly, because humans stayedhuman, handicapped, later__40__     shades of abuse, also conditioned another replacement like disabled. Such a(n)periodic semantic renewal is an inevitable and healthy process.

(A) against
(B) for
(C) in
(D) with


(A) losing
(B) dismissing
(C) protecting
(D) bearing


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
Have you been caught up in a swarm of flying ants? And is there really a special "flying ant day"? Read on to discovermore…
1. Flying ants are just normal ants – with wings! The ants we are most used to seeing are female black garden ants, marching around collecting food. But during summer, winged males and new queens of the same species take flight!
2. They fly to set up new ant colonies. The ants take to the skies so that queens can mate with males from different colonies, and set up new nests of their own.
3. They only swarm during hot summer weather. For a swarm of ants to occur, conditions must be just right – they are usually triggered by hot and humid weather in July or August.
4. "Flying ant day" is a myth. Because so many ants appear in the same place at the same time, the phenomenon is often known as "flying ant day" – but it's really more of a short flying ant season. Depending on weather, the winged insects may appear in different parts of the country any time between June and September.
5. They're harmless. These flying beasties might be super annoying, but they won't hurt you. Plus they provide loads of extra food for hungry birds!
6. Female flying ants are bigger than males. Brave enough to take a closer look? You'll see that some of the winged ants are much larger than others. The bigger ones are the queens – they're up to 15mm in length.
7. Queens bite their own wings off! After mating, queens chew off their wings and crawl around looking for a place to dig a new nest. Look out for their discarded wings on the floor!
8. Flying ants are also called alates, the name given to the winged form of many insects.

【題組】43 According to the passage, why do the ants fly?
(A) To look for food and collect it.
(B) To avoid hot and humid weather.
(C) To escape from hungry birds.
(D) To mate and build a nesting site.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       This month Cupid takes flight because love is in the air. And this year it smells like grease and salt. A perfume thatsmells like French fries has proven to be as irresistible as the fast-food staple after selling out almost instantly. The IdahoPotato Commission (IPC) released the limited-edition fragrance – "Frites by Idaho" – just in time for Valentine's Day,and fans couldn't wait to get their hands on a bottle. Frites by Idaho is manufactured using distilled homegrown potatoesand essential oils. Whether you and your valentine are planning to have a quiet dinner at home or will be heading outfor a fancy meal on that most romantic of days, you can make sure you crave fast food the entire time with Frites byIdaho.
       Sure this sounds silly, but think of all the words and feelings you associate with both perfume and French fries:desire, alluring, intoxicating, irresistible, tasty. Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea. The great state ofIdaho isn't taking its novelty fragrance too seriously, either. The 1.7 fluid ounce bottle was available for the same priceas a side of fries, just US$1.89. Unfortunately, that's also why it sold out immediately on the IPC website. But don't giveup hope just yet, French fry romantics. You can enter a contest to win one of 10 bottles the state is giving away for free.Just head to the Idaho Potato Instagram page for how to enter.
      Even if you don't end up nabbing one, we have an idea. Just rub some French fries on your neck before your lovedone shows up. Just remember to make sure you let your fries cool down before you do that. Things are heating up thismonth, but hopefully not because of second degree burns.

【題組】48 Which of the following ways is true about how to get this product?
(A) By placing an order on the IPC website at the moment.
(B) By rubbing some French fries on the neck.
(C) By being a lucky winner in a giveaway contest.
(D) By taking a bite of fries before your meal.


36 Students develop the knowledge and skills to_______ texts for communicating in various contexts.


38 We caught a_______ of the man through the window as his car sped past.


40 As your supervisor_______ , you ought to spend more time on something worth researching into.


       Honey is usually described as a sweet food substance. Corbezzolo honey, however, is surprisingly bitter, with notes of leather, liquorice and smoke. Born in the mountains of the Italian island of Sardinia, this extremely rare honey has a history that dates back more than 2,000 years.
       Corbezzolo honey is obtained from the flowering of the broadleaf corbezzolo shrub, known in English as the strawberry tree for its reddish-orange, strawberry-sized fruits. Despite the bitterness, it is often added to coffee to enhance the drink’s bitter aromas. The special taste also makes the honey pair perfectly with seadas, a typical Sardinian dessert, and pecorino sardo, a sweet sheep’s milk cheese. What makes the bitter honey even more special is that it is actually packed with nutrients. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it has been prized by many generations in Sardinia, known for the notably long lifespans of its inhabitants, many of whom live to more than 100 years old. It has been used in traditional medicine to suppress coughing and bring on sleep. What’s more, a 2019 study found that the honey might reduce growth of cancer cells.
      The corbezzolo’s fruits ripen slowly and the flowers’ petals unfold slowly, a delicate process that a heavy rain can easily bring to a halt. And because the flowering takes place in late autumn when the weather can be cold, rainy and windy, the bees sometimes have to struggle to make it out of their hives to collect that precious nectar. The flowers produce about half as much nectar as other flowers, so the bees have to work extra hard to collect enough. These factors make corbezzolo honey so precious that it’s hard to find outside Sardinia.

【題組】48 What does the word “notes” in the first paragraph most likely refer to?



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