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50. The reason “unclaimed” shall be given on the front of the item by the office of destination, if the item is undeliverable. What does “unclaimed” mean?
(A) not collected
(B) refused
(C) incomplete address
(D)  prohibited


He drives much _______ than his girl friend. 
(A) many careful
(B) care 
(C) more carefully
(D) most carefully


18. You had better wear a mask. This disease can be ________ through contact with patients.
(A) ignored
(B) equipped
(C) restricted
(D) spread


I want to change a new job. Can you please help me how to write a letter of _____________? 
(A) message 
(B) introduction 
(C) reception 
(D) kindness


A: I plan to take a three-day trip to Kenting. ________________ B: It's been raining cats and dogs these days. 
(A) How is the weather there?
(B) How many people are there?
(C) Do you want to go with me?
(D) I am so tired.


11. Some people choose to rent an instrument instead of _____ one because the monthly payment is relatively lower and you can always ask for a new one if any problem occurs.
(A) purchasing
(B) cremating
(D) structuring


12. Everyone at the party kept eating until they were ________ .
(A) full
(B) heavy
(C) hungry
(D) strict


40. John makes the same mistake ________.  
(A)more again
(B)again and again


26. I want to be a soldier when I grow up so that I can ________ my country.  


Who ________ you at the restaurant last week? 
(A) is going to meet
(B) are meeting 
(C) met 
(D) did meet


A: Can’t you meet me later this afternoon to talk about our investment project? B: ______________________
(A)No, I don’t like to buy any vase.
(B)Yes, of course I can. When?
(C)Yes, I can’t because I have no time.
(D)Yes, I can write you a letter.


24. Not only _____ the American student speak Chinese well, but she also understands Taiwanese.
(A) do
(B) will
(C) did
(D) does


The United States and Europe are demanding that India and other exporting countries ___ barriers of their own.
(A) lower
(B) lowered
(C) lowering
(D) to lower


24. When _____ about the bad news, Georgia was so shocked that she fainted right away.
(A) tell
(B) tells
(C) told
(D) telling


In spite of his many faults, Paul is very ________ to his mother.


11. Judy is one of my most valued friends; our friendship has _____ over thirty years.
(A) spared
(B) spread
(C) scattered
(D) spanned


During All Souls’ Day in England, the poor, mostly children, went from door to door begging for food. Families baked and shared ’soul cakes’ with them 26 for their prayers for a dead relative – possibly the origin of trick-or-treating. The tradition of 27 costumes most likely originated from Christians who wore masks or costumes in order to conceal their identities. There is no evidence of Halloween celebrations 28 many Irish migrants fleeing from the Potato famine introduced it to Americans in the 19th century. 29 , it still remained mainly confined to the immigrant communities until it slowly assimilated into mainstream society in the early 1990’s. In the late 1800s, Halloween was transformed into a holiday focusing on community 30 ghosts and witchcraft, and ’frightening’ or ’grotesque’ elements were discouraged.

(A) Instead
(B) Thus
(C) However
(D) Consequently


Employers and employees have responsibilities to each other; they should also expect their rights to be upheld. These rights and responsibilities relate to areas such as Health and Safety, the provision of Terms and Conditions of Employment, Equal Opportunities and the right to be paid a Minimum Wage. The Health and Safety at Work Acts set out responsibilities and rights for both employees and employers. Employees are expected to carry out their work in a way that has regard to the safety of others. Employers are expected to abide by a range of requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to assess the dangers of particular work activities. There are also specific regulations about the way in which potentially harmful substances should be used and stored. There are a number of requirements about the minimum temperature at work, and other aspects of working conditions. Employers and employees are expected to meet minimum legal requirements for such areas as Health and Safety at Work, and minimum standards and conditions related to hours, and the treatment of people in the workplace. Along with rights for employees there are corresponding responsibilities such as the expectation to work in a safe way and to have regard for the safety of work colleagues.
【題組】Which of the following statements is true?
(A)Employers have more responsibilities to employees.
(B)Employers and employees should expect only a type of right to be upheld.
(C)Equal Opportunities is one of the rights and responsibilities.
(D)The Health and Safety is responsible for taking care of employers.


It was nearly a decade in the making, but the first human trial using embryonic stem cells was approved on Friday. The trial, which will test a stem-cell-based treatment for spinal-cord injury, will begin later this summer and will use cells generated by Geron Corp. The approval marks the first time human stem cells, extracted and grown from embryos, will be transplanted into patients. Adult stem cells, which are present in many types of tissue, have been used in treatments for years — the most common being bone-marrow transplants in cancer care — but an embryonic study is a whole new thing. There's a good reason it's being greeted with so much excitement. Scientists believe that embryonic stem cells are more versatile than adult cells in generating the more than 200 different tissue types in the body. The need for healthy new cells is particularly acute in the case of spinal-cord injury, because once central-nervous-system tissue is destroyed, it does not regenerate — not in any significant way, at least. The Geron team began its work with what is known as a presidential stem-cell line — stem cells derived from discarded in vitro–fertilization embryos that already existed in 2001 when then President Bush decided to prohibit the use of federal funds to pursue human embryonic-stem-cell work. At the time, fewer than two dozen of these stem-cell lines were of good enough quality to use as a basis for human treatments.
【題組】How long have scientists been studying embryonic stem cells? 
(A)One hundred years. 
(B)Ten years. 
(C)More than twenty years. 
(D)One year.


        Feeling squeezed by rising prices and a higher cost of living? If you share such a sentiment, you should find plenty company. In fact, we are experiencing a tide of inflations, and the economic challenge is global in scale. Private investors are careful hoping to figure out the best way forward. Professionals and economists are analyzing data trying to predict whether a recession will follow. Going against conventional wisdom, the market dynamics in major countries have made it challenging for professionals to read the economic tea leaves. 
       With the current inflation showing no signs of slowing down, a decline in economic activity seems quite likely. That is, the rising costs of goods and services are negatively affecting consumers’ abilities to buy things. A decrease in consumer spending may shrink the market demand and slow economic growth, which possibly leads to fewer jobs and a decline in employment, signs of recession. However, in reality, a strong labor market, with more jobs created and more workers hired at higher wages, and no decrease in consumer spending have directed economists to make a more positive forecast on recession.
        Indeed, it is hard to interpret the conflicting signals in the ongoing foggy market conditions, a result of several complex factors. The current inflation was driven by a surge in demand of goods as countries gradually emerged from lockdowns. On the other hand, there had been a supply shortage caused by delays and disruptions in supply chain brought by COVID-19 pandemic. An increase in costs was further fueled by rising oil prices resulting from Russians’ invasion of Ukraine. Finally, humankind is confronted with yet another blow, global food insecurity, due to the pandemic, war in Ukraine, and the shocking climate change, which may cause inflation to skyrocket even higher.

【題組】32. Inferring from the context, what does “read the economic tea leaves” mean?
(A) To predict the future economy.
(B) To defeat an economic recession.
(C) To challenge the economic condition.
(D) To estimate how many people are affected by inflation.


My high school was one of the best in the country. The average score for my class on the Scholastic Aptitude Test was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part and 675 on the math part. This compares to only 419 and 473 nationally. Last year, 51% of my class was National Merit Scholars. This is unheard of at any other school. Take one of our classes for example, we sat on the floor or lay on couches while we worked, if we felt like it. We could talk whenever we wanted to. We didn’t need permission to go to the bathroom or to leave the classroom for any other reason. I’m not sure I ever saw my teacher give a lecture. He was always busy racing around the classroom offering comments and answering questions. And we chose what we wanted to learn. If something interesting turned up while we were doing a project, we could investigate it further. Considering all these qualities of my American history classes, I’d say it was the progressive type, one that Darling-Hammond would admire.
【題組】 50. What did the teacher of American history do in class? 
(A) Answering questions. 
(B) Fooling around. 
(C) Giving a lecture. 
(D) Quieting the class down.


    When we talk about “soft drinks,” we usually think of cola. In the beginning, cola was sold   41   medicine because it had medical benefits.   42   the years, people kept finding new uses for cola around the house.   43   , cola can be used for cleaning and cooking. The acid in cola can get dirty pots clean. Also, if you   44   some cola to your meat, the soda in it can make it soft. However, if you drink too much of it, you   45   get fat or get a cavity because there is a lot of sugar in it.
(A) would
(B) will be going to
(C) X
(D) will


四、閱讀測驗 One day about two hundred years ago, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was looking at a map of the world. Pointing to China, he said, “There is a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! If he awakes, he will shake the world.” These days, you would have to be living on a desert island not to have noticed that China has indeed awakened. Young Americans are one group that is aware of the Asian giant’s growing importance to the global economy. One way they are showing this awareness is by lining up to study Mandarin Chinese. In American schools, Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new subject. There are ten times as many students now enrolled in Mandarin courses as there were in the year 2000. More and more schools, from kindergartens through to universities, are setting up language programs, many with the support of government and business. Traditionally, students of Mandarin in America were either interested in Chinese culture for its own sake, or were pressured into learning it by their ethnic Chinese families. Now, there is a widespread belief among students—and their parents—that proficiency in Mandarin can bring a competitive edge in the job market. That is, they feel that the ability to speak Mandarin may improve their chance of getting a well-paid job and enjoying future success. The increasing interest in Chinese language courses has caught U.S. educators by surprise, and qualified teachers are in demand. Some encouragement has come from Beijing, where the Chinese government funds the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Not only can Chinese products be found in every corner of the world, but this organization is vigorously promoting Chinese culture and language in every part of the world.
【題組】48. In the last fourteen years, the number of students learning Mandarin in the U.S. ________________.
(A)has hardly changed
(B)has slowly decreased
(C)has increased three times
(D)has gone up by 1,000 percent


      Good writing evokes emotion. Good writing connects things. Good writing tells a story that the reader can relate to. Too often, writers only    26    themselves against other writers. Those with better vocabularies and slicker prose appear to be the best of the group. But it’s actually wrong to think that good writing, and becoming a good writer,    27    formal education. Good writers don’t    28    quote Shakespeare, nor do they use fourand five-syllable words. They don’t try to impress their readers with beautiful verses that rhyme and flow effortlessly from beginning to end. Good writers,    29    any good communicator, worry about one thing and one thing only: connecting their audience to the story. Good writers construct their writing in a way that’s understood by their target audience. Big words, little words, and    30    made up words can be used. While smooth prose is certainly fun to read, it’s not always necessary in order to be understood.

(A) like
(B) at
(C) till
(D) though


January 25, 2019

Dear Sir or Madam,
        I stayed at your Prince Hotel in Chiayi from 21st to 23rd January 2019 in Room 1518. I am writing for your assistance in finding my Minnie Mouse T-shirt that I have carelessly left in the room during my stay at your hotel.
        First of all, I am gratified to have an outstanding service at your hotel. My family and I really enjoyed it and we would definitely like to come again. Now, I would like you to help me locate my T-shirt. It is a white women’s tee and has a silhouette of Minnie’s head on the front, below which is my name “Miranda.” I accidentally stained the shirt with soy-bean sauce while having breakfast in your hotel. After going back to my room, I quickly washed it to remove the stain and hanged it in the balcony chair. The last day during our stay in your hotel, to catch the train back to Taipei, we hurried to check out and forgetfully left my T-shirt in the balcony.
        As you can see, the T-shirt I left at your hotel is a customized one. My family of four had the T-shirts tailored during our trip to Tokyo Disneyland last summer, and I have learned that they do not offer this kind of service any longer—that is, the tee I left behind is one-of-a-kind. We have made a plan that every time we go traveling, we will wear them together since it is a token of our family bond. Hence, I am very dismayed that I should forget my favorite T-shirt! Please check with your lost and found department about this item of clothing. I would highly appreciate it if you can find it, inform me at your earliest, and deliver it to my address on the attached envelope. Of course, I will bear the postal charges.
        I look forward to hearing from you soon and expect another vacation in your hotel again.

Yours faithfully,

【題組】34. What does “tailored” in the third paragraph most likely mean?


