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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 私醫聯招-英文#67355
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1. In an era of globalization, all the educational systems can learn from each other. In other words, no educational system is _____ from others.
(A) boundless
(B) dependent
(C) isolated
(D) limited


2. Microsoft has _____ a "faster, more powerful" Surface Pro tablet, with a battery life of 13.5 hours.
(A) assassinated
(B) launched
(C) recounted
(D) calculated


3. When the girls _____ a bear in the forest, they froze like statues, too scared to move or call for help.
(A) observed
(B) encountered
(C) conducted
(D) surveyed


4. In Roman times, sugar cane was known in Europe as a great _____, and it was rare and expensive for many centuries after that.
(A) spendthrift
(B) wonder
(C) extravagance
(D) luxury


5. Dubai Police have revealed their first robot officer, giving it the task of _____ the city's malls and tourist attractions.
(A) combating
(B) nurturing
(C) patrolling
(D) pacifying


6. How we _____ the ocean's resources for generations to come is an imperious problem to be resolved.
(A) eliminate
(B) disembark
(C) prompt
(D) sustain

7( ).

7. Pelvic organ prolapse results from a weakening of connective tissue or loss of _____ support.
(A) muscular
(B) parental
(C) charismatic
(D) prenatal


8. He judged her to be _____, and easily weary of the pleasure of the moment.
(A) changeless
(B) festering
(C) invariable
(D) capricious

9( ).

9. The poster for the horror movie features an image of a _____ killer.
(A) menacing
(B) lenient
(C) amiable
(D) lucrative


10. The waiter tried to _____ the furious customer.
(A) enhance
(B) soothe
(C) revise
(D) originate


 Ⅱ. 語法與用法(11-20 題,請選出最適當的選項。)
11. _____ his lack of military background, Lincoln made several strategic decisions that led the Union to the victory in the Civil War.
(A) Although
(B) Despite
(C) Even
(D) Owing to


12. You _____ for 3 straight hours. It's time to take a rest.
(A) drive
(B) have been driven
(C) have been driving
(D) had driven


13. _____ I would like you to work on is the revision exercise on the website.
(A) Who
(B) What
(C) How
(D) That


14. High cholesterol puts a person _____ a heart attack or stroke caused by a blood clot, so balanced diet is essential.
(A) on risk at
(B) in risk at
(C) in risk on
(D) at risk of


15. Today, bubble tea shops occupy nearly every corner of Taiwan streets, _____ like wildfire across Asia.
(A) spreading
(B) spreads
(C) spread
(D) had spread


16. Whoever stole those computers _____ a mystery.
(A) remains
(B) remain
(C) remaining
(D) are remaining


17. If I had been able to run my own theater, I _____ all my plays myself.
(A) would definitely direct
(B) were definitely to direct
(C) will definitely direct
(D) would definitely have directed


18. _____ years for the newborns to master all the necessary skills for daily life.
(A) They spend
(B) It spends
(C) It takes
(D) They take


19. _____ by the boy's behavior, she complained to the head teacher.
(A) She was annoyed
(B) She annoyed
(C) Annoyed
(D) Annoying


20. Sitting by the window at a table for two, Elliot began _____ his coffee while looking for a third sugar to add into it.
(A) stirring
(B) stirred
(C) stir
(D) stirringly


Ⅲ. 短文填空(21-35題,請選出最適當的選項。) 
Passage 1 
The human brain is a remarkably complex organic computer, taking in 21 sensory experiences, processing and storing this information, and recalling and integrating selected bits at the right moments. The destruction 22 by Alzheimer's disease has been likened to the erasure of a hard drive, beginning with the most recent files and working backward. As the illness progresses, old 23 new memories gradually disappear until even loved ones are no longer recognized. Unfortunately, the computer analogy 24 ; one cannot simply reboot the human brain and reload the files and programs. The problem is that Alzheimer's disease does not only erase information; it destroys the very hardware of the brain, which 25 more than 100 billion nerve cells (neurons), with 100 trillion connections among them.

(A) a scanty touch with
(B) a wide variety of
(C) face-to-face
(D) a full volume of


(A) was caused
(B) causing
(C) that caused
(D) caused


(A) as well as
(B) so long as
(C) except for
(D) as soon as


(A) takes up
(B) fills in
(C) breaks down
(D) holds on


(A) drops out of
(B) is composed of
(C) makes fun of
(D) looks foward to


Passage 2 
The tale of the Titanic is a story of superlatives — a ship so strong and so grand 26 in water so cold and so deep. Some people are 27 by the sheer size of the boat 28 . Others are fascinated by the stories of the 2,208 people who were 29 . It took 2 hours and 40 minutes for the Titanic to sink. After the announcement, "Women and children first," one coward tried to escape by jumping into the lifeboats dressed in women's clothing. 30 , most men were honorable and many were heroic. The captain stayed on the bridge, the band played on, the wireless radio operators continued sending their distress signals until the bitter end. One hundred years later, the stories of how the passengers spent their final moments are still compelling.

(A) sinking
(B) to sink
(C) by sinking
(D) was sinking


(A) awesome
(B) awing
(C) to be awed
(D) awed


(A) itself
(B) oneself
(C) themselves
(D) selfless


(A) boarding
(B) on board
(C) across the board
(D) go by the board


(A) Furthermore
(B) However
(C) Subsequently
(D) Accordingly


Passage 3 
In spite of the fact that women-owned businesses have grown at twice 31 businesses in general over the last decade, today there are only 17% of startups with a female founder. It turns out men still run the world. There have been many women who have 32 in the workforce, leaving a path for other women to follow. But still women are falling behind 33 antiquated workplace policies and environments. 34 there is no magic piece of legislation or workplace policy that can be adopted to 35 the playing field overnight, there are small steps that can have a big impact.

(A) the end of
(B) the mercy of
(C) the rate of
(D) the sight of


(A) blazed the trail
(B) dropped the ball
(C) made the pace
(D) turned the knife


(A) as for
(B) now that
(C) even if
(D) because of


(A) However
(B) Since
(C) Unless
(D) While


(A) delay
(B) level
(C) wonder
(D) solve


Ⅳ. 閱讀測驗(36-50 題,請選出最適當的選項。) 
Passage 1 
Culture is by no means a separate part of society or politics. Elizabethan era is generally known as one of the most glorious periods in English history not simply because of its political and military strength, but also because of its vigorous cultural power. For those of us in the twenty-first century, the success of William Shakespeare's plays is as well known as Queen Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada. By permitting the establishment of permanent public playhouses, Elizabethan era created the cultural conditions that nurtured theatrical creativities. "Literature is part of history," Jean E. Howard writes, just as "the literary text [is] as much a context for other aspects of cultural and material life as they are for it." Shakespeare's works, which constitute a part of the Elizabethan history, worked hand in hand with other aspects of material life at that time to shape our conceptualization of the Elizabethan era. Thus seen, a seemingly minor cultural policy that permits the building of playhouses had enormous effects on subsequent ages' impression of the era. Cultural policies are undeniably integral parts of society and politics, and they might have a lasting effect on history.

【題組】36. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
(A) Culture separates society and politics.
(B) Elizabethan era was militarily strong.
(C) Queen Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada.
(D) Culture has colossal influence.


【題組】37. What is the meaning of "era"?
(A) A long and distinct period of history.
(B) A beautiful piece of memory.
(C) A mistake in Elizabeth's court.
(D) A statue.


【題組】38. According to the passage, what happened between Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish?
(A) Queen Elizabeth won a victory over Spanish warships.
(B) Spain triumphed over Queen Elizabeth.
(C) Queen Elizabeth conquered Spain.
(D) Queen Elizabeth beat Spanish infantry.


【題組】39. Which of the following is closest to the meaning of "conceptualization"?
(A) The action of giving orders authoritatively.
(B) The action or process of forming an idea of something.
(C) The action or process of examining something.
(D) The action or process of remembering something.


【題組】40. Which of the following best explains why Jean E. Howard is quoted in the passage?
(A) Jean E. Howard is a good example of Elizabethan writer.
(B) Jean E. Howard explains the interconnection between literature and culture.
(C) Jean E. Howard loves the material life of Elizabethan history.
(D) Jean E. Howard permitted the publishing of literature and history texts.


Passage 2 
During the past 10 years, there have been many studies showing a positive association between religion and health. In general, many of the effects of religion on health are thought to be attributable to better health behavior habits and social support, although many studies have found independent effects of religiousness. Another possibility is that religiousness and religious coping are related to positive outcomes through their enhancement of self-regulation. Religions posit desirable and undesirable characteristics and encourage their adherents to develop the former and suppress the latter. Take, for example, the seven deadly sins in Christianity: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, sloth, anger, and greed. We know that gluttony, anger, and sloth lead to poor physiological regulation and poorer health. But greed for material gain, envy at the possessions or abilities of others, and overweening pride may also result in poorer emotional regulation. 
At their best, religions also provide ways of developing self-regulation. For example, Christians are enjoined to practice certain virtues to help combat the "deadly sins"—patience is the antidote to anger, liberality to greed, diligence to sloth, kindness to envy, abstinence to lust, and humility to pride. All of the world's major religions—Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Taoism—at their best promote temperance, self-control, patience, and compassion. The relationship between religion and health may become a fascinating topic for discussion.

【題組】41. According to the passage, which of the following statement about religion is TRUE?
(A) The connection between religion and health remains negative.
(B) Non-religious people tend to be healthier than religious people.
(C) Religion can promote self-regulation.
(D) Intolerance, injustice, and hatred are virtues that should be promoted and cultivated.


【題組】42. Better health behavior habits and social support could _____.
(A)facilitate interpersonal communication
(B) contribute to good health
(C) make one stay away from compassion
(D)develop virtues


【題組】43. The word "adherents" in the passage is closest in meaning to "_____".
(A) promoters
(B) examiners
(C) founders
(D) followers


【題組】44. How does religion help regulate emotions?
(A) Religions encourage their adherents to construct undesirable characteristics.
(B) Religions encourage certain emotions such as gluttony, lust, and sloth.
(C) Religions encourage their adherents to be good and to shun evil.
(D) Religions ignore desirable and undesirable characteristics.


【題組】45. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) Self-regulation can be developed through exposure to diverse ideas and viewpoints.
(B) Self-regulation results in emotional behavior.
(C) Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Vedanta, and Taoism are world's major religions.
(D) Religions may promote specific beliefs that facilitate self-regulation.


Passage 3 
 It would be hard to find a work of science fiction with a greater real-world impact than Star Trek. The futuristic television show, created by Gene Roddenberry, debuted in the USA in 1966. While creating exciting stories about "strange new worlds and new civilizations," Roddenberry used the space drama to comment on social and ethical issues. 
The crew of the starship Enterprise was racially diverse, a landmark achievement in the 1960s. Working together, they used reason, compassion, and determination to solve problems while exploring the unknown. Of course, as the show took place hundreds of years in the future, the crew possessed an endless supply of fantastic weapons and devices. Many of these creations went on to influence real-world medical, military, communication, and other inventions. 
 The original series aired for just three seasons, but fan interest steadily grew, leading to the release of a cartoon series in the 1970s. That was followed by a number of live action movies. Then, in 1987, a brand new television series set in the Star Trek universe debuted. Even after Gene Roddenberry's death in 1991, more TV series and movies were made. Eventually, the franchise was "rebooted" with the 2009 blockbuster film simply entitled Star Trek. 
 Over the decades, the franchise has stayed true to Roddenberry's vision. Star Trek continues to address important issues such as medical ethics, disease, and war. So, despite taking place in the distant future, each Star Trek movie as well as TV show has something to say about the world we live in now.

【題組】46. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
(A) To celebrate the achievement of new civilizations.
(B) To trace back to the development of science fiction.
(C) To demonstrate the impact of Star Trek on the world.
(D) To criticize some historical events of Star Trek series.


【題組】47. Who is credited with the Star Trek success?
(A) the crew of the starship
(B) Gene Roddenberry
(C) the film industry of the USA
(D) the TV series


【題組】48. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) The original Star Trek TV show was set in the late 20th century.
(B) A new Star Trek live action TV show was filmed in the 1970s.
(C) Star Trek productions attempt to link story lines with real-world issues.
(D) Only one film based on Star Trek has been produced.


【題組】49. The word "rebooted" in the last sentence of paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to "_____".
(A) reminded
(B) returned
(C) restarted
(D) regulated


【題組】50. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the follow-ups of the original Star Trek series?
(A) soap opera series
(B) cartoon series
(C) live action movies
(D) television series


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 私醫聯招-英文#67355-阿摩線上測驗
