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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 地方政府特種考試_三等_各類科:英文#104916
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31 Before being bottled, most whiskies are ______ with water to bring down their alcohol content.
(A) diluted
(B) flavored
(C) gingered
(D) saturated

2( ).

32 My father’s ______ was apparent as he looked at my report card, and I really wanted to flee.
(A) humility
(B) insolence
(C) meekness
(D) wrath


33 I agree with you and fully ______ your opinion that the only way this problem can be solved is by cross-cultural learning.
(A) announce
(B) authorize
(C) endorse
(D) enhance


34 Denmark has an excellent ______ system. It ensures your quality of life once you retire from the workforce.
(A) instruction
(B) pension
(C) rotation
(D) sanctuary


35 While travelling in Europe, many tourists admire the magnificent ______ solely built for religious worship.
(A) plazas
(B) cathedrals
(C) skyscrapers
(D) fountains


36 Airlines should ______ passengers who are bumped off overbooked flights by providing them with free meals and accommodation.
(A) arraign
(B) dissemble
(C) prevaricate
(D) reimburse


37 Ketogenic diets can ______ seizures, which is why they have been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children.
(A) prescribe
(B) prevent
(C) presume
(D) precede


38 A fire was ______ set to the house and killed the whole family who lived in the building.
(A) amiably
(B) optimistically
(C) generously
(D) deliberately


39 It turned cold in the night and I ______ through the closet to find the plaid blanket from Scotland.
(A) rumbled
(B) rummaged
(C) ruminated
(D) rumpled


40 The ______ of natural resources is not accidental, because many physical factors need to be in place, such as the land, climate and altitude to form such a wide area of coal mine.
(A) deprivation
(B) delegation
(C) dissertation
(D) distribution


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        Since March 2020, routine childhood immunization services have been disrupted on a global scale that may be unprecedented since the inception of expanded programs on immunization in the 1970s. Fifty-three percent of the 129 countries where data were available reported moderate-to-severe disruptions, or a total __41__ of vaccination services during March-April 2020. “Immunization is one of the most powerful and fundamental disease prevention tools in the history of public health,”said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Disruption to immunization programmes from the COVID-19 pandemic __42__ to unwind decades of progress against vaccine-preventable diseases like measles.”
       “At the 4 June Global Vaccine Summit in London, donors will __43__ their support to the Vaccine Alliance to sustain and accelerate this lifesaving work in some of the most vulnerable countries. From the bottom of my heart, I urge donors to fully fund the Alliance.”
        The reasons for disrupted services __44__ . Some parents are reluctant to leave home because of restrictions on movement, lack of information or because they fear __45__ with the COVID-19 virus. And many health workers are unavailable because of restrictions on travel, or redeployment to COVID response duties, as well as a lack of protective equipment.

(A) promotion
(B) suspension
(C) sustenance
(D) persistence


(A) promises
(B) refers
(C) threatens
(D) rejects


(A) denounce
(B) pledge
(C) apply
(D) allow


(A) vary
(B) defer
(C) deter
(D) verify


(A) obsession
(B) acquaintance
(C) insurance
(D) infection


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
        Turns out that “coupling” doesn’t just mean “pairing” in the traditional sense, but is also a catchphrase when it comes to finances. As we head into wedding season, it’s especially relevant. Because as much as you may think no two people have ever been more in love than you are, the truth is that it could be less than smooth sailing ahead if you’re not on the same page when it comes to financial matters. “Couples have a very hard time talking about money,” Joan Atwood,a Hofstra University professor of marriage and family therapy, bemoaned on an NPR “Money Coach” segment on the issue. “I would say it’s the last taboo.” 
        You have probably discussed life goals in a dreamy sort of way while dating, but turning those reveries into reality requires habitually saving to pay for them and to finance your later retirement years. This is most likely one thing you may not have thought of at a time when the median ages, respectively, for brides and grooms are 29 and 31. “While people may come into a marriage with their own assets, they need to take some time after the wedding to sit down and start getting organized as a couple,” advised a famous investment company. 
       One thing that needs to be done is be transparent about your personal finances. There’s nothing that says you have to put all your cash into a joint account – but at the very least you’d be “less than truthful” by not divulging anyoutstanding debts – and then figuring out, together, how to pay them down. It is also important that you two develop away to retain vital information in case a sudden need arises. To truly mark your financial coupling, you might consider using a trustworthy online service that lets you store, access and share all your new family’s important records anddocuments anywhere via a web browser or an app. With all the other things on their to-do lists, newlyweds typically don’t focus on all the important financial and other documents they need to begin married life on a solid footing, but itwill make things easier for them from the start, as well as through the years as they have even more joint documents toretain – including those related to perhaps buying a house and having children.

【題組】46 In what tone is this passage written?
(A) Informative.
(B) Ironical.
(C) Pessimistic.
(D) Subjective.


【題組】47 Which of the following is closest in meaning to “on the same page” in the first paragraph?
(A) Reading the same book.
(B) Agreeing on something.
(C) Predicting the future.
(D) Texting each other.


【題組】48 According to the passage, what is often the last taboo among newlyweds?
(A) Revealing past relationships.
(B) Discussing personal finances.
(C) Receiving marriage and family therapy.
(D) Bemoaning on the NPR Money Coach.


【題組】49 What would be the best title for this passage?
(A) Disadvantages of Coupling Finances for Brides and Grooms.
(B) Everything Newlyweds Should Know about Coupling Finances.
(C) A Trustworthy Online Service for Financial Coupling.
(D) Newlyweds Refusing Coupling Finances as Family Therapy.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following needs to be avoided by newlyweds?
(A) Being truthful by opening up to each other.
(B) Retaining vital information via an online service.
(C) Hiding any outstanding debts from each other.
(D) Reviewing financial documents to begin married life.


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 地方政府特種考試_三等_各類科:英文#104916-阿摩線上測驗
