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【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(26~50)
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Japan and France are in _______.
(A) Europe and South America
(B) Africa and Europe
(C) Asia and Africa
(D) Asia and Europe


6.When I don’t know what to do, I usually _____ to God for guidance. 


You should not take his words too ________; he is only joking.
(A) strictly
(B) seriously
(C) slowly
(D) severely


I exercise two times a week to ________ my mind and body. 
(A) mirror
(B) pollute
(C) relax
(D) wander


A: I plan to take a three-day trip to Kenting. ________________ B: It's been raining cats and dogs these days. 
(A) How is the weather there?
(B) How many people are there?
(C) Do you want to go with me?
(D) I am so tired.


A: Did you tell Mary about my birthday party to be held next Monday? B: No. _________________________ 
(A) I am always busy on Monday. 
(B) When is the birthday party to be held? 
(C) I have been trying to call her, but in vain. 
(D) She has two left feet.


Oanh was in my computer class last semester, but she didn’t look like a student at all. She often wore t-shirts to school that had words on them such as “Love me” and “Kiss me,” and she used a lot of cosmetics. She colored her fingernails with violet fingernail polish. When she walked in the classroom, every student could smell her perfume. Her hair stuck out and was dyed with different colors every week. I thought I didn’t have anything in common with her, but I was wrong. I found out she was Vietnamese one night in the
computer lab.
First, we talked about class and homework, and I watched her try to debug a program. Then I began to talk to her about more personal subjects. The more I talked to her, the more I admired her. Oanh’s mother had abandoned the family, and Oanh’s father had become sad and useless. Oanh took care of her whole family. Although her appearance was like a Vietnamese punk rocker, Oanh was a strong and responsible person. I have learned not to judge others from their appearance. I hope that in the future I can convince Oanh to give up her rock and roll hairstyle.

【題組】What is the relationship between Oanh and the writer? 
(A)They are classmates. 
(B)They are neighbors. 
(C)They are roommates. 
(D)They are relatives.


A: Tom, you are looking down today. Is something wrong? B: Yes. I had a quarrel with a colleague. A: ____________________________ What did you quarrel about? B: I don't want to talk about it. 
(A)Why not? 
(B)I know what to do next. 
(C)Oh, that's too bad. 
(D)Who told you about that?


If you are nervous, you can take a deep ___________ to calm down. 


The professor asked his students to finish the report in one month. Tomorrow will be the ________.
(A) device
(B) advice
(C) deadline
(D) demand


This is a good ______ for a post office because it is in the middle of town.


A: I came across my old classmate in town yesterday. B: _____________________
(A)You should be careful when you cross the street.
(B)Did you remember his name?
(C)Do you need me to lend you a book?
(D)Did you need a driver’s license?


30. For me, speaking in front of so many people is a great ________ because I get nervous easily.
(A) discussion
(B) challenge
(C) opinion
(D) delight


29. Take a deep ________ before you jump into the cold water.  


三、 會話測驗【請依照對話前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 
44. A: Dad, where is my sunglasses? 
B: __________________________ 
(A)Yes, there is.
(B)Isn’t it under the table?
(C)It’s a good one.
(D)They can’t be where.


32. This jacket is ________. You can wear it in rainy days without getting wet. 
(A) passionate


11. Thank you for ________ me about the meeting tomorrow morning I totally forgot about it.
(D)encouraging .


13. You should be careful not to give out your ________ information on the Internet.
(A) public
(B) perfect
(C) personal
(D) sudden


21. Tiffany: Harry, can you give me a hand?
Harry: Sure. What can I do for you?
Tiffany: I’m going to my son’s drama performance tomorrow evening. ________
Harry: No problem. I can help you out.
(A) Could you take my shift?
(B) Why not ask someone else?
(C) In case I am occupied.
(D) It sounds like a good excuse.


22. Mary: Hi. What time do you close this evening?
John: We close at 10:00 p.m. every day. And we open at 9:00 in the morning.
Mary: Oh, OK.________
John: Yeah, same hours as on the weekdays.
(A) And do you open on the weekends?
(B) I’ll come down tonight. Thanks.
(C) Your sale is still on, isn’t it?
(D) How long does it take?


25. Andy: Can you lower the price a little bit? We like these two pairs of shoes, but ________
Clerk: Sorry, they are the latest limited edition. Even a VIP doesn’t have any discounts.
Andy: Thank you anyway. We’ll think about it.
(A) we should book a room beforehand.
(B) they’re a bit beyond our budget.
(C) I’ll do my warm-up exercise.
(D) we’re here on business.


26. Betty: What’s the matter with you? You look so pale and so down.
Steve: I hurt my ankle during the basketball game.
Betty: ________ Take good care.
(A) I am ahead of the schedule.
(B) I wonder if I could have some of that.
(C) It’s very nice of you to say so.
(D) I’m sorry to hear that.


11. It is everyone’s _____ to save the earth’s natural environment for future generations.
(A) responsibility
(B) condition
(C) motivation
(D) temperature


28. If you have any of those COVID-19 symptoms, you should wear a facemask and go to see a doctor _____.
(A) socially
(B) smoothly
(C) normally
(D) immediately


19. Global warming is responsible _____ for shrinking ice caps but also for a surge in extreme weather that is causing heat waves, forest fires, and droughts.
(A) not only
(B) only not
(C) no longer
(D) not longer


【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(26~50)-阿摩線上測驗
