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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺灣土地銀行_新進一般金融人員甄試試題_五職等/一般金融人員:英文#116593
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1. It's important to understand the _________ value of different foods to maintain a balanced diet.
(A) postal
(B) lunar
(C) autumn
(D) nutritional


2. The decision to _________ a small amount of money regularly to a charity is a personal one that can have a profound impact.
(A) donate
(B) digest
(C) obey
(D) argue


3. The _________ of the economy is a primary concern for the government.
(A) height
(B) color
(C) length
(D) stability


4. It's crucial to get a _________ for COVID-19 to prevent the disease from spreading.
(A) question
(B) puzzle
(C) vaccine
(D) riddle


5. He has a _________ to interrupt others, which is considered rude by many people.
(A) tendency
(B) house
(C) story
(D) song


6. The manager, along with his team members, ________ with the proposal drafted by the senior clerk.
(A) disagree
(B) disagrees
(C) having disagreed
(D) disagreeing


7. She enjoys _______ in the morning to clear her mind before starting her day.
(A) to meditate calmly
(B) meditating calmly
(C) calm to meditate
(D) calmly meditate


8. She ________ on this project for several weeks now.
(A) worked
(B) is working
(C) had worked
(D) has been working


9. ________ that caused the delay.
(A) Because the train was late
(B) It was the late train
(C) The train was late
(D) The lateness of the train


10. A life lived with integrity is a shining star in ________ light others may follow in the years to come.
(A) the
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) that


        The most important financial news this year is that prices in the United States are not increasing as fast as before, even though the economy is still strong. This is __11__ because the job market is not as tight. This means that job growth has slowed down and __12__ in wages is not as high. New information coming out this Friday will show if this is still happening in July.
        Economists believe that around 180,000 jobs __13__ in the US last month. That would be the lowest number in a month since 2020, but it is close to the average before the pandemic. At the same time, they think wages have gone up by 4.2% compared to last year, the slowest growth in two years. If the increase is even smaller, investors might start to worry and __14__ whether slowing inflation is actually a good thing. On the other hand, the Federal Reserve, __15__ interest rates, might be concerned if wages go up more than expected. It could mean that they need to increase interest rates to keep inflation under control.

(A) mainly
(B) slightly
(C) doubtfully
(D) suspiciously


(A) the decrease
(B) the rise
(C) the length
(D) the top


(A) added
(B) were added
(C) have added
(D) were adding


(A) favor
(B) prefer
(C) doubt
(D) choose


(A) which controls
(B) which controlling
(C) controls
(D) that controls


       A gradual reverse migration is under way, from Zoom to the conference room. Wall Street firms have been among the most forceful in summoning workers to their offices, but in recent months even many tech titans—Apple, Google, Meta and more—have demanded staff show up to the office at least three days a week.
       David Atkin and Antoinette Schoar, both of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Sumit Shinde of the University of California, Los Angeles, randomly assigned data-entry workers in India to work either from home or the office. Those working at home were 18% less productive than their peers in the office.
       Michael Gibbs of the University of Chicago and Friederike Mengel and Christoph Siemroth, both of the University of Essex, found a productivity shortfall, relative to prior in-office performance, of as much as 19% for the remote employees of a large Asian IT firm. Another study determined that even chess professionals play less well in online matches than face-to-face tilts. Yet another used a laboratory experiment to show that video conferences inhibit creative thinking.
       From the stance of employees, several surveys have found employees are willing to accept pay cuts for the option of working from home. Having satisfied employees on slightly lower pay, in turn, might be a good deal for corporate managers. For many people, then, the future of work will remain hybrid. Nevertheless, the balance of the work week is likely to see more people returning to the office instead of working from home—not because bosses enjoy seeing employees in traffic, but because better productivity lies in that direction.

【題組】16. Which industry is leading the movement from remote work back to the office?
(A) Tech industry
(B) Wall Street firms
(C) Asian IT firms
(D) Research institutions


【題組】17. According to the study conducted by Atkin, Schoar, and Shinde, how did the productivity of home-based data-entry workers in India compare to those in the office?
(A)18% more productive
(B) No difference in productivity
(C)18% less productive
(D)19% less productive


【題組】18. Which of the following is NOT a finding related to remote work as mentioned in the text?
(A) Chess professionals play better in online matches.
(B) Video conferences inhibit creative thinking.
(C) Remote employees of an Asian IT firm showed a productivity shortfall.
(D) Employees are willing to accept pay cuts to work from home.


【題組】19. How do employees generally feel about the option of working from home, based on surveys?
(A) They are indifferent.
(B) They dislike it and prefer the office.
(C) They are willing to take pay cuts for the option.
(D) They feel it hampers their productivity.


【題組】20. What is the main idea of the text?
(A) Working from home is preferred by most employees.
(B) Remote work results in an increase in productivity.
(C) Employees are demanding higher pay for working from the office.
(D) Companies are asking employees to return to the office for better productivity.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺灣土地銀行_新進一般金融人員甄試試題_五職等/一般金融人員:英文#116593-阿摩線上測驗
