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【全部】 - 醫學三:80題( 包括內科,家庭醫學科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )2024~2020難度:(754~758)
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36.一位38歲女性,一開始以左側腋下腫瘤表現至醫院就診,腋下腫瘤切片證實為腺癌(adenocarcinoma),但 乳房影像檢查(包括超音波,攝影及核磁共振)並無顯現乳房腫塊,關於此病人後續檢查或治療,下列何者 最不合適?
(A)檢測estrogen receptor、GATA3、HER-2基因表現


37.癌症治療學的進展一方面大大提升癌症病患的存活機會,但也可能合併許多late treatment consequences。下列癌症治療藥物和late treatment consequence的組合,何者最不恰當?
(A)anthracycline — neuropathy
(B)bleomycin — pulmonary fibrosis
(C)trastuzumab — cardiac dysfunction
(D)glucocorticoids — avascular necrosis of bones


38.關於第四期的皮膚惡性黑色素細胞癌(malignant melanoma) 之治療,下列敘述何者最不適當?
(A)標靶治療(BRAF抑制劑、MEK抑制劑)相較於免疫治療(抗CTLA-4抗體、抗PD-1抗體)最大的好處是標靶治 療效果的持久性(durability)較佳
(B)使用標靶治療的副作用之一為產生皮膚鱗狀上皮癌。合併使用BRAF抑制劑加上MEK抑制劑,產生此一副作用 之機會比單獨使用BRAF抑制劑為低
(C)如果是沒有 BRAF突變的惡性黑色素細胞癌,第一線的治療可以使用免疫治療
(D)如果是有BRAF突變的惡性黑色素細胞癌,第一線的治療可以使用免疫治療或標靶治療(BRAF抑制劑加上MEK 抑制劑)


39.攝護腺癌(prostate cancer)合併遠端轉移,病患血中睪固酮(testosterone)已經小於50 ng/mL,下列 何種藥物目前尚無明確證實有效的證據?
(A)abiraterone acetate + prednisone


40.下列何種情形血中攝護腺特異性抗原(prostate specific antigen, PSA)最不可能高於正常值?
(A)良性攝護腺肥大(benign prostate hypertrophy)
(B)攝護腺切片(prostate biopsy)之後
(C)攝護腺癌(prostate cancer)
(D)根除性攝護腺切除(radical prostatectomy)之後

 A 28-year-old lady complained of palpitation, fatigue and shortness of breath on climbing stairs for 6 months. She has been well without major medical problems previously. Review of history revealed that she started on vegetarian diet for weight reduction without following a special instruction 3 years ago. Her body weight had in fact not changed and the appetite remained the same. There had been no abdominal discomfort and the bowel movements appeared normal. However, she noted heavy menstrual flow in the last 6 months. On examination, she was pale looking especially over conjunctivae, nail beds and palms. Her body height was 160 cm, body weight 52 kg, blood pressure 136/70 mmHg, and pulse rate 96/min. A venous hum was audible above the clavicles. A grade 2/6 systolic murmur was audible along the left parasternal border and a third heart sound was audible at the cardiac apex. The rest of physical examination was normal. What is your working diagnosis and how are you going to work up and advise this lady? (20%)


【全部】 - 醫學三:80題( 包括內科,家庭醫學科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )2024~2020難度:(754~758)-阿摩線上測驗

JuiYi Hsu剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分