(3 分14 秒)

3.The babysitter ___ the crying baby by reading bedtime stories.
(A) soothed
(B) inspected
(C) varied
(D) swiped


4.Doctors recommend taking ___ to protect our skins from the boiling sun.
(A) precautions
(B) contention
(D) requests


7.Shannon decided to rest because she is feeling ___.
(A) burned out
(B) turned out
(C) broken in
(D) taken in


9.As we watched the movie, we were in ___ of the director's creativity.
(A) retreat
(B) memory
(C) awe
(D) view


10.The supervisor confessed ___ in the dark about the decision.
(A) would be
(B) is to be
(C) had been
(D) to being


13.After seeing the painting, I ___ to start taking art lessons.
(A) had to motivate
(B) was motivating
(C) had motivated
(D) was motivated


14.I don't think he left the lights on ___.
(A) intention
(B) to intention
(C) intentionally
(D) intentioned


16.Terry wishes he ___ able to become a pilot.
(A) was
(B) were
(C) is
(D) are


17.___ people mention "cafe' ", Starbucks usually comes to mind.
(A) Whoever
(B) Wherever
(C) Whenever
(D) Whichever


18.If my memory ___ John won the first place in the speech contest.
(A) lifts me up
(B) is out of service
(C) serves me right
(D) is at your service


20.Knowing that there is only a slight chance of success, Kyle told his mom that "___, but well worth trying."
(A) Let's give it a shot
(B) Let's face the music
(C) It's a long shot
(D) Let's take the chance



        In 1955, the first Disneyland __(21)— in California. It was a huge success. Since that time more than 600 million people have visited the amusement park. But that first Disneyland was only the beginning.

        Disney World opened in Florida in 1971. This park would go —(22)— to become the world’s most visited park. Disney World now —(23)— four theme parks, two waterparks and more than 30 hotels.

        Since then, the Disney Corporation has added three more parks. Disney fans can now visit parks in Japan, France and Hong Kong. All over the world people have come to love Disney movies and (24)—. For those fans, visiting at least one of the Disney parks has become the 一(25)—.

(A) jewelry
(B) apparel
(C) characters
(D) appliances


  If you are over 60 years old and are worried about —(26)—and falling, you may want to consider 一(27)一 your alcohol intake. Researchers have found that drinking one can of beer can immediately influence elderly citizens,sense of balance; they would have difficulty to lift their legs high or to —(28)— obstacles while walking. As a result, they are twice likely to hit obstacles compared with younger people. Inability to avoid obstacles usually —(29)— a higher risk of falling. So, if you are older, avoid walking under the —(30)—.

(A) climbing
(B) gambling
(C) stumbling
(D) flying


(A) bypass
(B) exclude
(C) create
(D) retrieve


(A) sticks to
(B) puts off
(C) results in
(D) starts with


(A) emotion
(B) weather
(C) risk
(D) influence



        Modern offices are very different from those of the past. These days, many offices are designed to be environmentally friendly. In the past, the environment was rarely a concern. Now companies are learning that helping the environment can also save them money.

        Workplaces have also become safer for employees. In the past, companies wanted to avoid injuries. But they usually focused on accidents and not on injuries that happen slowly when employees repeated the same actions over and over again. Now workplaces are beginning to focus on preventing all sorts of injuries and health problems.

        Maybe the biggest change in modern offices is the flexibility they offer workers. Many employers now provide employees with flexible working hours. Some even allow their employees to work from home.

【題組】31. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Modern offices are great places to be.
(B) It is easier to work now than in the past.
(C) Offices have changed a lot over time.
(D) Designers have improved modern offices.


【題組】33. According to the writer, what were companies concerned with in the past?
(A) Helping the Earth.
(B) Preventing accidents.
(C) Protecting the environment.
(D) Helping employees be flexible.


【題組】34. What do environmentally-friendly offices have in common with offices that are focused on safety?
(A) Both are less exciting places.
(B) Both show an interest in saving the earth.
(C) Both represent a considerate way toward their employees.
(D) Both indicate that the company has flexible hours.


        If you think that your colleagues are making your life more difficult than it should be, you need to beware that the impact may be more far-reaching than you imagine. That is, the negative feeling resulting from your colleagues may have a ripple effect that extends as far as your wife’s workplace; the unpleasant feeling would follow you home, leading to unhappiness for your spouse and family members, and ultimately casting a negative influence on their jobs. Dr. Merideth J. Ferguson, a professor of management at Baylor University, empirically established this claim.

        Using statistical software to explore the relationship, if any, between employee reports of co-worker rudeness and reports by the employee’s family members, Dr. Ferguson found that exposure to rudeness in one’s workplace created stress and unpleasant feeling for both spouse and family. Most importantly, she found a direct, positive relationship between the unpleasant feeling that the employee experienced and the stress at the spouse,(or family members’)workplace.

        Being treated unkindly by a colleague can hurt our self-esteem, and cause anxiety and depression. If we go home with this negative emotion and energy, the happiness of the people that we love and care can be negatively affected. Despite this awareness, keeping unpleasant workplace feelings outside the home can be difficult, especially when it is chronic. To resolve the above problem, Dr. Ferguson suggested that we ought to be more mindful of where we are and switch to different mindsets in different contexts; when we are at our workplace, we need to switch to the rational mode and devote our full attention and energy to work; when we are home, we have to switch to the tender/emotional mode and focus strictly on family and friends. If none of the above work, we then seek professional help by talking to a counselor or psychologist about the stress or any negative feeling we have; this can help lesson the emotional ripple effect resulting from work.

【題組】36. Which of the following statements may best serve as the title of this passage?
(A) The workplace dynamics and its impact on your career development.
(B) The ripple effect of your emotional problem at your workplace.
(C) An outlet for emotional breakdown.
(D) The mindset for a professional.


【題組】38. What does “empirically established this claim” mean?
(A) To prove the validity of this view.
(B) To reject the credibility of this claim.
(C) To provide additional support for this view.
(D) To keep people informed of this claim.


