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        This summer when Mike went with his girlfriend, Vera, to a night market, he was happy to find a stand that sells jacket potatoes. Mike bought one with ham and pineapple for himself and asked if his girlfriend would also like to try one. Vera agreed and ordered one with fruit salad. As the one she ate tasted so good, Vera asked whether Mike knew how to make one. 
        Mike said he used to see how his host family made it when he stayed in America. And it was not difficult to make. First, preheat the oven. Then, choose a good potato and wash its skin until it’s clean. After drying the washed potato with a towel, put it into the heated oven and wait for twenty to thirty minutes. When the potato is ready, cut it open and put any food you like on top of it to make it taste even better. 
        After listening to what Mike told her, Vera understood why it is called a jacket potato -- it’s because one eats the potato with its skin on it.

【題組】46 Where did Mike learn how to make jacket potatoes?
(A) In a night market.
(B) In a post office.
(C) In a host family.
(D) On the street.


        One morning, Johnny and his little sister Shirley went to pick berries with other children and their mothers. They felt bored after picking for a long time. So they slipped away when nobody noticed them. They climbed up the hills. But soon they lost their way because there were many hills that looked the same. Feeling very tired, Shirley began to cry. Luckily, they found shelter in a cave among the rocks before it got dark. They slept in the cave that night. Next morning, they left the cave but still couldn't find the way home. They were happy to see a friendly wolf sitting on a rock. Johnny said to the wolf: “We are lost. Please help us find our way home.” The wolf wagged its tail and led them to a hilltop. Johnny and Shirley were filled with joy to see their home in the valley below. They begged the wolf to come and live with them. But the wolf wagged its tail again and disappeared in the wood. When they had returned home, they still missed the wolf very much.
【題組】49. How did the wolf help them to find their way home?
(A) It led them to a hilltop so that they could see their home.
(B) It told them how to get back home.
(C) It led them down the hill.
(D) It wagged its tail so they saw the way home.


38. Drinks are provided in a set meal, but you can only have one. In fact, you are allowed to choose ______ tea or coffee.
(A) both
(B) too
(C) also
(D) either


40 The river _______ runs through London is the Thames.


41 The baseball _________ made it a rule that the team should practice for two hours a day.


43 Don’t believe ________ Kelly says. She is a liar.


39 You cannot see the doctor _______ you make an appointment in advance.
(B)in case


    The aboriginal people of Australia have always made the land important in their arts. When settlers from Europe came to Australia in the 18th and 19 th centuries, they claimed that the land was owned by no one, but, as the art works of the indigenous show, the land has always given the aboriginal people a sense of mutual belonging: they belong to the land and the land belongs to them. Traditional “dreamtime”  art reflects the creation myths and migration legends of ancestral beings across difficult terrain. Paintings done on bark often show a bird’s eye view of a familiar landscape, a river, or a campsite. Stencil paintings on rocks mark important places on tribal journeys. And the colors for paintings originally came from clay ochre mined from the earth and wood ash. Even though watercolors and oil paints may now be used, works by contemporary aboriginal artists still show the close relation of the indigenous people to the land they have lived on for millennia. 
【題組】49 According to the paragraph, clay and wood ash were used by aboriginal painters to
(A) build their campfires.
(B) make their weapons.
(C) build their dwelling places.
(D) make their paints.


19 The woman _____ you talked with on the phone is my cousin.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whose
(D) whom


A refugee is a person who leaves his or her country to find a safer place to live. Refugees are usually running away from their countries due to reasons of war or differences in beliefs or races. Millions of refugees are living in crowded camps. The situation is particularly difficult for children. Losing their parents, many young refugees have become the heads of their families. They have to act older and wiser than they really are. It is said that the number of refugees has been going down by 18 percent. There are several reasons for this. First, the smaller number of refugees may be caused by increased efforts to help refugees go back home. Another possible reason is that it has become more difficult for people to seek help in other countries. For example, some countries have changed the rules for refugees who want to cross their country lines and stay there. Though the decreasing number is good news, there are still many people running away from their own country. Hopefully, the world will try hard to keep refugee numbers down.
【題組】49 Many young refugees have to act older and wiser than they really are because______ .
(A) their parents are gone
(B) their camps are full of people
(C) they lost their beliefs in God
(D) they grow bigger in the refugee camps


34 Ann:______ Stranger: Sure. But you know the line is moving fast. So please hurry up. Ann: Don’t worry. I’ll be back in no time.
(A) Are you sure that I can take my time reading this book?
(B) Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Who is on line one?
(C) Can you save my place for me, please?
(D) Tomorrow will be my birthday. Are you sure you won’t come?


9 The Nike commercial-“Jordan Flight”-was replayed often in the 1980s as Michael Jordan became ever more famous as Air Jordan, the Nike guy who could ____ .
(A) mix
(B) mask
(C) fix
(D) fly


39 The government has posted a surprising list of new kinds of animals which may die off soon if we don’t take______ .
(A) option
(B) behavior
(C) deed
(D) action


17 Making new friends ________easy for Fanny, but difficult for Angel.
(A) are
(B) who are
(C) who is
(D) is


