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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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105. International students currently residing in the UK are _____ our new internship scheme, which provides the opportunity to achieve paid short-term work experience.
(A) immersed in
(B) appointed as
(C) eligible for
(D) exposed to


109. Social media may reinforce peer communication _____ communication with parents, who may not be knowledgeable enough about their children’s online activities.
(A) at the expense of
(B) in contract with
(C) in the middle of
(D) as opposed to


111. They set up a recruiting startup _____ the power of relationships and technology to help companies find top talent.
(A) leverage
(B) leverages
(C) which leveraging
(D) that leverages


113. Prior to the second focus group, the marketing manager did not know the _____ problem of the new product.
(A) underage
(B) undercover
(C) underlying
(D) underpaid


120. The survey found that most of our managers have trouble _____ responsibilities.
(A) designating
(B) designated
(C) delegating
(D) delegated


123. _____ trends shaping the world of leadership will make you become a better leader.
(A) Understand
(B) To Understand
(C) Understanding
(D) With understanding


124. We fully recognize the need for creative approaches to _____ talent.
(A) manage
(B) managing
(C) managed
(D) manager


125. When it comes to reducing our individual carbon emissions, one of the most impactful _____ we can take is to eat more sustainably.
(A) proceedings
(B) progresses
(C) methods
(D) steps


128. OpenBodyMind Ltd. is an agency with over fifteen years of experience in consulting services, offer lively seminars and workshops to _____ the challenges of the modern-day workforce.
(A) underpin
(B) mobilize
(C) obtain
(D) address


Questions 135~138 refer to the following advertisement.
Building brands is not about selling. It's about storytelling.

Social media is the new word of mouth. As more and more businesses grow and __135__ on social media, competition is increasing. Traditional marketing might still work, but those who __136__ innovative approaches to reaching online audiences are improving market attractiveness and competitive strengths. Storytelling is one of the modern marketing techniques that can help you give your business a secure base for future development. This __137__ course ”Selling through Storytelling” will __138__ a thorough understanding of Social Media Marketing and the secret to powerful storytelling. Everything you need to know to become a specialist is included in it.

Sign up for this course now!

(A) emphasize
(B) embarrass
(C) embrace
(D) emerge


(A) comprehend
(B) comprehension
(C) comprehensible
(D) comprehensive


Questions 139~142 refer to the following webpage.
__139__ to luxury brands, shopping outlets, and flagship stores, New Porky District gives tourists a unique shopping experience. The area __140__ a sixteen story department store with more than fifty retailers ranging from designer clothes to electronics, a big-box store with the largest food court of the district and dozens of health and beauty brands.

Nightlife in New Porky District is as amazing __141__ daytime activities. Cafes and restaurants with a good vibe serve local delicacies, comforting food and other delicious and filling delights. Modern and traditional bars offer wines, whisky that __142__ all tastes.

New Porky District Guide helps you see the vibrant area in exciting ways. Now visit: http://tour.newporkydistrict.gov/.

(A) Home
(B) Homeland
(C) Hometown
(D) Homeschool


(A) boasts
(B) boats
(C) boards
(D) boarding


Questions 143~146 refer to the following text.
For most of us, being __143__ connected to the world around us is fundamental to our everyday lives and having the digital world at our fingertips is something we __144__ for granted. However, 2.7 billion people are still disconnected and they need the connections that open doors to endless possibilities like us.

We are Dream-Come-True Organization, a non-profit organization __145__ building access points to make the internet become available in every corner of the world. Our project is in desperate need of funding. Supporting us __146__ you are doing something positive for the future of people in need.

(A) aimed at
(B) aiming to
(C) is aiming at
(D) is aimed to


Questions 151, 152 refer to the following advertisement.
The results of a survey carried out by Frankenstein University show that approximately a quarter of adults suffer from the fear of public speaking, so we can infer from the results that public speaking can be overwhelming for a lot of people. However, don’t get discouraged because the truth is that even professional public speakers sometimes suffer from nerves but they have techniques to make themselves less nervous. The first thing you should know is that most people experience feelings of anxiety and those feelings won't ruin presentations as long as you know how to cope with.

Have a go at our most popular training course and you will become confident with public speaking. If you register for it by this Friday and get a 20% discount coupon when you enroll in any one of our courses next time.

【題組】152. The word “overwhelming” in paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning to
(A) being too good to be true
(B) being irresistible
(C) being speechless
(D) being disappointing


Questions 155~157 refer to the following announcement.
Free admission to Forever Great Art Museum
Members enjoy unlimited free entry to regular and special exhibitions with no need to book. To apply for membership, simply visit http://www.forever-great-art-museum.org.uk/memberarea/.

Members who have opted for Private View access as part of their membership will need to book in advance. To see the prices and book tickets, please log in to My Account Page.

Members can use their 20% discount at our online gift shop simply by logging in. To claim your 20% shop discount in the gift shop, just show your membership card at the checkout. Please note that your discount may not work on sale or clearance items.

Regular Opening Times:
Monday to Friday 10:00~17:00
Saturday and Monday 09:00~12:00
Private View Opening Times:
Saturday and Monday 13:00~18:00

Recommended Regular Exhibitions:
1. Start your visit with a guided tour of the exhibition of oil paintings by emerging portrait painter Kevin Karter. [RE103]
2. Discover the photography of Bill Willox, whose surreal images of daily rural life merged documentary with art. [RE104]

Special Exhibitions: These displays offer more in-depth information on specific themes.
● Cosmological Abstractions by Dorothy [SE201]
● Landscape paintings of Manchester from different angles and in different light conditions [SE202]

【題組】156. A group of university students led by a professor would like to hold a class discussion about Bill Willox’s works exclusively. Which of the following is most likely to be true?
(A) They must reserve tickets prior to their visit to Forever Great Art Museum.
(B) They can enjoy free admission only if they show their membership card at the gate of the museum.
(C) They can not hold the class discussion on weekends.
(D) Unless they make a payment by credit card in advance, they will not be able to enjoy a guided tour.


Questions 158~160 refer to the following notice.
Date: June 7

Filled with the hottest trends in fashion, fitness, influencers, and more, Twin Sister’s Fashion Magazine has been devoted to bringing fresh experience since 1999. [1] We are proud of the fashion and beauty stories we have published.

A week ago, we launched a new official website. Limited time only! All the existing paper magazine subscribers can enjoy a free subscription to the new special online edition. [2] Please sign up for a free account to activate online membership by the end of this month.

We are also excited to announce our new business partner. [3] Starting July 1, we will work with WUMP Hotel, where a free copy of the current issue will be available on request.

Moreover, half-page advertisements are on sale. Current advertisers are entitled to a special discount on banner ads on our official website. [4] For further information, advertisers can contact our advertising agent Lisa by email: lisa5089@magvol.com.

【題組】160. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “It will have four issues and will be published biweekly.“
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


Questions 164~167 refer to the following message.
-- Section 1 --
Thank you for your patience. You’ve successfully finished the registration process and become our VIP member.

Welcome Carol Proctor,

We are a members-only site home to thousands of high-profile labels in computer and office equipment.

-- Section 2 --
You have rights in relation to your _[MISSING]__ that we process:

1. Access to your information – You have the right to request a copy of the personal information about you that we hold and information on how we use it.

2. Correcting your information – You have the right to ask for inaccurate information to be corrected.

3. Deletion of your information – You have the right to ask us to delete personal information about you where:

● You consider that we no longer require the information for the purpose it was collected
● We are using that information with your consent and you have withdrawn your consent
● You have a valid objection to our use of your personal information
● Our use of your personal information is not compliant with data protection legislation

【題組】165. Which of the following can replace the mark “[MISSING]” in Section 2?
(A) personal information
(B) terms & conditions
(C) invasion of privacy
(D) delivery & returns


Questions 168~171 refer to the following letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your restaurant in High-Hill District of Jolla City on February 2, which was the second day of the soft opening of your restaurant.

I could accept the longer wait than usual at the gate. After all, it was during the long weekend holiday. However, what I couldn’t accept was those cutting in line and that was because no one tried to stop them.

And why were five of us divided to sit at two separate tables? One of my friends and I were even told to share the table with two guests just because there were a lot of diners waiting.

What was more ridiculous was that we were served salmon steaks instead of sirloin ones, which were what we asked for. It had been another one hour since the right dishes were served. During that period, I found it hard to hear what my friends were saying as a result of the background noise.

One of my friends posted part of the unpleasant experience on your Facebook fan page but no staff members of yours have responded to the comment so far. Now that online contact doesn’t work, I am trying to contact you by post, hoping this mail can meet with an immediate response. I need explanations for the mess rather than hollow promises to make improvements.

Yours faithfully,

Ivy Bauer

【題組】169. Why didn’t Ivy Bauer contact the restaurant by email?
(A) She did but would like to express her unhappiness by post as well.
(B) She did but hasn’t received responses.
(C) She didn’t because she isn’t familiar with modern technology.
(D) She didn’t because she couldn’t find the email address of the restaurant on its official Facebook fan page.


Questions 172~175 refer to the following brochure.
At Moon-Ocean Language Center, we are on a mission to help people by using technology to boost their communication skills in the workplace. [1] We have attracted teachers and lecturers worldwide to attend our courses with a view to taking their skills to the next level. Delivered through virtual classrooms, our courses are ideal for people in their thirties and forties who want to be confident about using English in business settings. All the courses are delivered in small groups and will develop people’s confidence in using both spoken and written English for business purposes. Our trainers are very experienced and they recognize that not all businesses are the same. [2] Oftentimes their confident leadership inspires their students.

Hot Course!

English for Work and Career
(specially recommended for learners at the intermediate level and above)

Brief Introduction:
This course lasts six months and offers a focused and flexible program of a total of 10 hours training per week (Option 1: from Monday to Friday, 2 hours per day; Option 2: Saturday and Sunday, 5 hours per day).

Maximum group size: 6

Start dates: 19:00 July 10(Option 1) & 10:00 July 16(Option 2)

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
● Introduce products and services
● Describe market trends
● Explain graphs and tables
● Lead and participate in meetings
● Write emails for a variety of purposes

Fees: $1,000 per person per week
Fees include training plus materials and resource but there will be an extra charge for the detailed end-of-course progress report and the certificate of course completion.

Please note that we have recently started running this course and are experiencing high interest, so early booking is required. [4]

【題組】173. What is NOT true about the course “English for Work and Career”?
(A) It doesn’t suit the needs of beginners.
(B) It focuses only on spoken English.
(C) It is of six months’ duration.
(D) It has a total of 240 hours per course.


【題組】174. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “Our innovative approach to teaching English has repeatedly been recognized by our industry peers.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


Questions 176~180 refer to the following web page and email.
WOW Digital & Paper Publisher
Undergraduate Intern

The summer undergraduate internship is a paid opportunity during the summer this year. The internship begins June 5 and ends on or before August 25. Interns are expected to work a minimum of 30 hours/week and are paid $200 per hour. The internship is specifically for undergraduate students with an interest in editorial, graphic design, or digital publication.

Interns will shadow staff in the first half of the period and collaborate with other interns in the second half of the period. The internship provides an opportunity to learn new skills and have firsthand experience in graphic design, printing and publishing.

A complete application will include the following required items:
● A resume
● A Letter of Recommendation
● A copy of an official TOEFL, IELTS, or alternate approved assessment score report from a certified test center

Due to the volume of applications received, applicants will be notified only if they are selected for interviews.

The deadline for applications is February 3 at 6:00 p.m.. Interviews will take place virtually in February and March, with the goal of all hiring decisions being made by the end of March.

Date: Feb. 2
From: Zoe Chen
To: WOW Digital & Paper Publisher
Attached Files: Resume.pdf, TOEFL-Score-Report.pdf
Subject: Apply for undergraduate intern

I am writing to apply for the position as your summer undergraduate intern.

I am a graphic design major in the second year of college, which is considered to be an important transition for college students. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve decided to be dedicated to finishing college no matter what obstacles get in the way. I am planning to make good use of the summer vacation and hopefully the opportunity to work as your intern will help with exploring career options.

As for the required documents, please refer to the attached files.

Thank you for considering me.

Best Regards,
Zoe Chen


【題組】177. The word “shadow” in the second paragraph of the webpage is closest in meaning to
(A) fluctuate
(B) follow
(C) forecast
(D) fulfill


【題組】178. According to the webpage, what is true about the openings?
(A) The minimal weekly wage is $6,000.
(B) The jobs are open to graduate students only.
(C)They particularly welcome applications from students majoring in interior design.
(D) To apply for the job, a transcript with GPA is required.


Questions 181~185 refer to the following article and online comment chain.
One year after the Mega-Urban-Bus (the MUB) completed its e-ticketing system, the leading bus company is proud to announce the results of the passenger satisfaction survey and the plans to improve the system.

To gain a clear understanding of passenger experience, the MUB conducted the survey during the second half of last year. The results reveal that the majority of the surveyed passengers are very satisfied when it comes to keeping passengers informed. This has proven guiding and informing passengers in real-time can contribute greatly to a positive experience. Therefore, the MUB has decided to invest more in the solution to integrating the e-ticketing system with the information system so the MUB can monitor operations, provide accurate real-time information for passengers, and react to incidents proactively and effectively.

Approximately ninety percent of the survey participants were full of praise for the new e-ticketing system due mainly to its convenience, such as avoiding long waits in front of a ticket booth. The system allows a passenger to touch-in and touch-out at a smart reader using his or her contactless payment card or device and an app is free to use when a passenger would like to download his or her transaction records, Proof of Top-up or Proof of Travel for bus journeys. In addition, one wow factor the app users stated in the survey was the big discounts not available for passengers paying in cash.

Despite the amazing results, the MUB will continue to encourage the use of the e-ticketing system and the app by advertising the benefits on a variety of social media platforms. A specific example is to launch a series of promo videos made by a few content creators. By then the number of satisfied passengers will hopefully have soared.

The Comment Section

Saber Nawaz
★★★★☆ two days ago
A cost-effective way for tourists of getting around the city, but should take prompt action to reduce the length of the waiting time.

Eric Wright
★★☆☆☆ three days ago
Every bus is struggling to arrive punctually, which is the biggest issue needed addressing immediately. By the way, the English version of the app is not very user-friendly on account of too many typos.

Laura Caldwell
★☆☆☆☆ one month ago
I paid in cash for several bus journeys but soon realized I was overcharged when I found the big discount only offered by the prepaid card service. The staff member at the station information desk said I could never get a refund with apparent indifference.

Jane Lee
★☆☆☆☆ one month ago
Very disappointed about long delays EVERY MONDAY TO FRIDAY MORNINGS. This is the exact reason I am late for work.

【題組】184. What can NOT be inferred from the article?
(A) The MUB got great satisfaction from the passengers because it was making a good job of providing information that could help passengers find their ways.
(B) Most of the respondents of the survey conducted by the MUB last year were happy to use the new e-ticketing system.
(C) The MUB is going to launch a series of videos to respond to the comments in the Comment Section.
(D) Currently, passengers who pay in cash do not enjoy discounts as the MUB’s official app users do.


Questions 196~200 refer to the following webpage, timetable, and email.
Download the Topspin Bus app for free
It is quick and easy to buy digital tickets with the Topspin Bus app.
● Tickets are instantly delivered for use.
● You can buy digital tickets from the Topspin Bus app without an account. A voucher code will be sent to your designated email address which will enable you to claim your ticket.
● Our designated Payment Service Provider has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, which is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

Mobile tickets
Purchase mobile tickets securely with a debit/credit card and use when boarding - no more searching for cash.
Check out all of the routes and times in the palm of your hand.
Save your regular journeys and access them from one convenient menu.
Service updates
Keep up to date with service changes directly inside the Topspin Bus app.
More features to supercharge your travel experience are available with an account. After you log in, you will be able to:
● see live departures from every stop, as well as the location of your bus on the map
● communicate with the customer service representative in real time via built-in instant messaging
● search tourist destination packages and offers.

Click here to download for Android devices and here for iOS devices.

Bus No. 58 Timetable (Partial)

● The last Bus No. 58 departs at 18:00 pm and 14:00 pm on weekdays and weekends respectively.

From: Sandy Koufax
To: Topspin Bus Company

I am a regular commuter and take Bus No. 58 to work from Monday to Friday. Last Tuesday morning, I waited for the bus at the Great Queens Park stop as usual. It was supposed to arrive at 7:55 am. However, at 8:25 am, when trying to communicate with the customer service representative via instant messaging in the Topspin Bus app, I found it wasn’t working. I got into panic that I would be late for work due to the 30-minute delay and the issue of the app.

Although the bus finally arrived ten minutes later, I was actually late for work and won't be eligible for this month’s perfect attendance bonus. I might accept traffic delays but I was furious at the impatient bus driver who refused to issue me with a delay certificate. As the driver’s employer, you should take punitive action against the driver.

Best Regards,
Sandy Koufax

【題組】200. Which of the following is true?
(A) People must pay before they download the Topspin Bus app.
(B) To buy digital tickets through the Topspin Bus app, creating an account is one of the necessary steps.
(C) It is expected to take seventy minutes to go from Airport to City by Bus No. 58.
(D) Sandy Koufax was a foreign tourist and went on a sightseeing trip to City by Bus No. 58.


今日錯題測驗-新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)-阿摩線上測驗
