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31 By visiting international websites, we can have direct _______ with the whole world.


This vacuum cleaner won’t work if it isn’t ______ in.


If alcoholics don't quit, they gradually begin to show bad effects in their mental health and in their ability to ___ stress and to maintain social relationships.
(A) admire
(B) contribute
(C) enforce
(D) handle


The United States is awash in debt. Median household debt has risen to more than $100,000 from less than $60,000 in 1990, even as median incomes have increased only slightly. Much of the debt is held by workers who are building up loans on credit cards, or obtaining dubious mortgages in a bid to secure some fraction of the lifestyle of an upper class that keeps getting richer. This increase in debt has occurred as the gap between the rich and the poor has continued to widen and the visibility of coveted luxury goods on television and the Internet has continued to grow.
Some laud the democratization of credit, seeing its availability to wider swaths of the American population as broadening opportunity; some criticize it as the ruthless seduction by financial institutions of working people who will one day face bankruptcy because they will be unable to pay credit card bills and mortgages.
But this is much clear: the spread of debt is one of the most significant social phenomena in the United States today, allowing the less affluent to spend more than they have. As long as interest rates do not rise steeply, this will continue to happen.

【題組】50 On the last line of the last paragraph, what does “this” refer to?
(A)The rise of interest rates
(B)The availability of credit cards
(C)The spread of debt
(D)The United States


6 Bill Clinton was _____ by the Democratic Party in 1990 and won the US presidential election in 1992.
(A) demonstrated
(B) estimated
(C) manifested
(D) nominated


The new tax policy proposed for the next fiscal year has been severely criticized by the ______ party leaders.
(A) interaction
(B) exposition
(C) opposition
(D) occupation


36 No visit to Taipei would be complete _____ a panoramic view of the city from the top of Taipei 101. In other words, Taipei 101 is a must-go place.
(A) unless
(B) because
(C) for
(D) without


26 Some people suggest that a bigger portion of the lottery money be used on social_____ to help those in need.
(A) accord
(B) earnings
(C) reputation
(D) welfare


36 Chinese martial arts, such as qigong and tai chi chuan, are practiced by many for their reputed restorative and ____ effects, especially for chronic illnesses.
(A) boisterous
(B) celestial
(C) discreet
(D) therapeutic


3 The newly published book written by the former president contains many __________issues on public policy and has aroused public argument and disapproval.
(A) contributive
(B) contemplative
(C) contagious
(D) controversial


41 For a meat lover like Andy, keeping to a diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, rice, and milk is a _____.
(A) norm
(B) mystery
(C) torture
(D) chore


35 He felt thrilled because the police just_____  him that his stolen sports car had been found in the park.
(A) admitted
(B) honored
(C) informed
(D) responded


36 This young boy______, other boys of his age that find theme parks their favorite weekend outing, likes to spend his weekends taking the residents of the nursing home out for a walk.
(A) as much as
(B) as well as
(C) unlike
(D) in spite of


31 Dear Leader is a fascinating inside account of how the Kims in North Korea used propaganda to ________ their hold on power.
(A) soften
(B) solve
(C) cheat
(D) cement


279. Many African children have died of ______.
(A) starve 
(B) starves 
(C) starvation 
(D) starved


449. A thick coating of paint on the hulk of an ocean liner helps _____ it from erosion caused by seawater
(A) swell
(B) segment
(C) shield
(D) scratch


644. Owing to the limited number of seats, each class will be _____ only three.
(A) unable
(B) obsessive
(C) allotted
(D) consistent


762. Compared with adults, infants are more ______ to melamine-contaminated milk powder and develop kidney stones.
(A) brave
(B) embarrassed
(C) scared
(D) vulnerable


依下文回答第46 題至第 50 題 
   Children who experience social anxiety—feeling discomfort or distress in social situations—or who are socially incompetent are particularly at risk for developing dependence on electronic media. This is true whether the preferred agent be the Internet, video games, or a smartphone. The more a child hides behind a screen, the more socially awkward he or she becomes, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. In contrast, a shy child who continually works at overcoming social anxiety is likely to overcome it. In the past, the strong desire to belong to a social group during adolescence helped override resistance to social interaction, which would lessen over time simply due to practice. Nowadays, socially anxious or awkward children and teens aren’t forced to practice face-to-face and eye-to-eye interaction because some of their social needs are met online. Thus, in socially anxious children, the ability to tolerate the physical presence of others never builds, and “walls”are erected instead to keep the child feeling safe. An adolescent with somewhat poor social skills in high school can easily become reclusive as a young adult, spending more and more hours online and less and less time interacting in real life. This pattern makes it increasingly harder to make and keep friends. Relationship problems show up at home, too; research indicates that the more time a child spends using the Internet, the less healthy the parent-child relationship becomes. Thus, social incompetence and screen-time represent another bidirectional relationship.

【題組】47 In the past, what did teenagers with poor social skills do to improve their relation with others?
(A) They were forced to participate in sports to get more contact with people.
(B) They made good use of letters and telephone calls to develop friendship.
(C) They took part in more group activities to fit into the circle of their friends.
(D) They studied hard to get higher grades and to make themselves interesting people.


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
【題組】 8
(A) crucial
(B) visual
(C) racial
(D) virtual


45 Agent: Hello, Sunshine Realty. May I help you? 
Helen: Yes, I’m looking for an apartment starting on the fifth of next month. 
Agent: How many bedrooms would you like? 
Helen: _ If possible, I’d like to have a balcony and good security for my apartment.
(A) I can pay the rent on the first day of each month.
(B) I am willing to sign a lease.
(C) I’d like a two-bedroom apartment near Tienmu.
(D) I hope the apartment can have a bathtub.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
  Post-traumatic stress disorder is a malady of memory. Sufferers are often haunted by recurrent nightmares, distressing thoughts and flashbacks so intense in color, smell and sound that they feel as if they are reliving the trauma. But what if these unbearable memories could be selectively erased? Sheena Josselyn, a professor of physiology and psychology, who studies how the brain encodes, stores and uses information, is intrigued by the idea and has been investigating how to “silence” memories --make them temporarily inaccessible-- in mice. She thinks it’s possible that a variation of this technique could one day help treat post-traumatic stress disorder in humans. 
  Studies with mice have found that although their brains contain billions of neurons, only a few are necessary to form a fearful memory. Researchers working with mice began by teaching them to fear a tone: when it sounds, they feel a mild shock to their feet (not to hurt them, just to scare them). The next time the mice hear the tone, they crouch and freeze, signaling fear. The researchers discovered that they could trigger the memory of that fear even without presenting the tone. They did this by stimulating the small group of nerve cells holding that memory through a technology called optogenetics. Using the same technology, they found they could also suppress the fearful memory. With optogenetics, scientists insert proteins into neurons to make them sensitive to light. Depending on the type of protein and color of light used, these cells can then be activated or deactivated by shining pulses of the light directly into the brain. If the light activates the cells, the mice freeze as if they’ve just heard the tone. If the light deactivates the cells, the memory is suppressed. While optogenetics is an invasive procedure and technologically not feasible with humans, Josselyn hopes that the general principles learned from these studies could eventually help scientists create new drugs for treating memory disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and Alzheimer’s. 
  But should you erase a bad memory? Absolutely not, says Josselyn. She emphasizes that this future technology should not be applied to everyday bad things, and that these discoveries need to go hand in hand with a real thinking about the ethics involved in potentially manipulating memories in people. Their use would only be considered in extreme cases after all other treatment options have been explored. The goal is not to sanitize life or make people super happy, but rather to make everyone a functional person, capable of moments of joy.

【題組】23 Which of the following is a reason that future technology should not be used to erase a bad memory in humans?
(A) Optogenetics is an invasive procedure.
(B) Humans’ brains are different from mice’s.
(C) Technology should not be used to manipulate memories in people.
(D) Future technology is used to create moments of joy.


4 We are not in a hurry. So______ .
(A) make your time
(B) have the time
(C) tell the time
(D) take your time


39 At the _____ of the singer's popularity, she had won the national Record Awards for four consecutive years.
(A) badge
(B) deed
(C) heritage
(D) peak


11 After the food poisoning event, the restaurant owner decided to improve their_______ standards.
(A) anxiety
(B) dilemma
(C) hygiene
(D) consent


