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Nigerians are the happiest people in the world. The World Values Survey found that almost 70 percent of Nigerians consider themselves very happy. Money certainly is not the reason that made Nigerians happy. Having tons of money is only a limited factor in happiness. _____15_____ Bill Gates, for example, is happy not because of his immense wealth but because everybody wants to be his friend. Money can certainly buy happiness, but its impact seems to drop once you can afford basic necessities. Of course, inflation makes the problem worse. _____16_____ Even when money does exert an influence, it is not the size of your paycheck that matters. _____17_____ The New York cabbie who has an efficient car may seem happy, but not as happy as the Ethiopian villager who has a more efficient cow than his/her neighbors. When you are living amid wealth and luxury, your desires tend to be greater. _____18_____ It should not be surprising, then, that Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela and El Salvador rank the highest in happiness among the 65-plus countries surveyed.
(A) So we should consider moving to Nigeria.
(B) It is certainly not as significant as having good friends.
(C) The survey indicates happiness can flourish in various cultures.
(D) Money just does not buy as much happiness as it used to.


Traffic in most American cities is a problem, especially during the rush hours when many people are going to or returning from work. Consequently, there are traffic reports on the radio throughout the day, and there are many articles about traffic issues and traffic accidents in the newspaper. Traffic issues, road building, repairs, and the quality of public transportation are so important to the general public that they are often brought up during political campaigns. Expanding public transportation and encouraging car pools are two methods often discussed to improve traffic congestion. Many major cities are beginning to designate one lane of their major highways for only car pool traffic during rush hours, and special car pool parking lots are being built outside major cities. In addition, people are being encouraged to use public transportation, such as buses and underground trains whenever possible. Many cities offer special discount tickets on public transportation for commuters who use this form of transportation regularly.
【題組】Discount tickets are offered to ______.
(A) car pools
(B) cities
(C) commuters
(D) traffic reports


Mr. Johnson will ______ go.
(B)unable to
(C)be unable
(D)be unable to


I would like to ___ my book that was left in the shop.
(A) regain
(B) reiterate
(C) retrieve
(D) rebel


Diana: I've forgotten my sandwiches. Sandy: It doesn't matter. You can have ________.
(A) some of us
(B) us some
(C) some of our
(D) some of ours


A: Where would you prefer to live? In the mountains or by the seas? B: _____________
(A) I don't like the dry climate of the desert.
(B) There are several beautiful mountains in Taiwan.
(C) I wish I could move to the East Coast.
(D) You know that life at seas is never easy.


【題組】 The drug Ecstasy or “E” is an amphetamine, which comes in a pill or tablet form. If you take an E, you might experience a general state of euphoria,      43       increased sensitivity to touch, taste, and color and raised confidence. At higher doses, a user can also experience sudden feelings of panic, depression, confusion, and anxiety. Ecstasy is often termed the “love drug” or “hug drug” because it    44    feelings of heightened sensuality. Translation: you will be loving everyone you meet. This is dangerous     45     it may lead you to trust people you have only just met. Ecstasy users can suffer severe dehydration from dancing for hours and not noticing their fatigue. Other physical    46        of a pill include: sweating, teeth grinding, blurred vision, nausea and cramping. The street quality of Ecstasy can never be    47   . The reality is that you could have a deadly reaction. If you or one of your friends starts vomiting or loses consciousness after taking a pill, stay calm and call an ambulance or go to the hospital straight away.

(A) attractions
(B) defects
(C) effects
(D) affections


請依下文回答第37 題至第41 題 
If a woman decides to take a job outside the home, there are many important questions which are raised. Can she get any job she is 37 of and cut out for? Or are some jobs closed to her because she is a woman? If she gets a job and some of her fellow workers are men doing the same work, will she be paid 38 they are? This issue is considered important in the United States. The government has passed some laws to help women get any job 39 they are qualified, and to help them get the same pay as a man for doing the same work. The government has also passed a law to 40 businesses that get money from the government to be fair to women and minority groups. This is called the Affirmative Action law. It says that 41 a company is not fair to women and other minority groups, the government will not do business with that company. This boosts businesses to provide equal opportunity for women.

(A) independent
(B) innocent
(C) capable
(D) representative


請依下文回答第 25 題至第 28 題 
     The vast region of unbroken green that surrounds the Amazon River and its tributaries has been under assault by settlers and developers for 400 years. Time and again, the forest has defied predictions that it was doomed. But now the danger is more real and imminent than ever before as loggers level trees, dams flood vast tracts of land, and gold miners poison rivers with mercury. In Peru the forests are being cleared to grow coca for cocaine production. “It’s dangerous to say the forest will disappear by a particular year,” says Philip Fearnside of Brazil’s National Institute for Research in the Amazon, “but unless things change, the forest will disappear.”
     That would be more than a South American disaster. It would be an incalculable catastrophe for the entire planet. Moist tropical forests are distinguished by their canopies of interlocking leaves and branches that shelter creatures below from sun and wind, and by their incredible variety of animal and plant life. If the forests vanish, so will more than one million species—a significant part of the earth’s biological diversity and genetic heritage. Moreover, the burning of the Amazon could have dramatic effects on global weather patterns—for example, heightening the warming trend that may result from the greenhouse effect. 

【題組】25 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT contributing to the disaster for tropical forests currently?
(A)Loggers are leveling trees.
(B)Dams are flooding land.
(C)Miners are poisoning rivers for getting gold.
(D)Farmers are clearing land for coffee plantation.


1 Economists attribute the rising income______ to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers; they have the highest pay, while those who are not competent enough are paid low.


23 He stood in front of the auditorium_____ his back against the wall.
(A) by
(B) in
(C) with
(D) about


There is a theory of evolution suggesting future generations of human beings will have larger rear ends and more nearsightedness. The idea comes from the observation that children of the Information Age spends so much time sitting in front of a computer screen that corresponding genes, as a result, likely will be changed and passed on to offspring. 
 This is an era of greater access and convenience based upon instant communication, anytime, anywhere. The latest technology has created a new society and a new sub-culture, one that disregards the differences between class and race. These are the people who engage in online chatting. 
 Chatters never cease to be amazed by the wonders that the Internet has created. Not only has the Internet allowed users to work from home and to do the shopping from home, but it also has allowed users to socialize without ever leaving the house. One of the advantages of online socializing is its convenience. By several clicks, a user can produce a list of hundreds of people with whom to chat, and all are of requested qualities.

【題組】66 The newest technology has created a new society that disregards the differences between race and class because _____ .
(A) online chatters are open-minded
(B) online chatters are developing an evolutionary idea
(C) online chatters have a common interest in the latest technology
(D) online chatters can communicate with each other with great availability


32 Because of the soldier’s open ______ of established rules, the commander decided to confine him to the barrack as punishment.
(A) residence
(B) defiance
(C) proportion
(D) infliction


10. The doctor made a_____ examination of his lungs to see if anything was wrong.


142. Women’s fashions are _______ changing: One season they may favor pantsuits, but the next season they may prefer mini skirts.
(A) lately
(B) shortly
(C) relatively
(D) constantly


294. We were ______ at the sight of a long line of people waiting in front of the restaurant.
(A) being stunning 
(B) stun 
(C) stunned 
(D) stunning


703. Do you think that the Obama ______ has successfully solved the crisis of economic recession?
(A) assessment
(B) autonomy
(C) administration
(D) adaptation


40 Like human beings, stars have a full life cycle. Born out of interstellar clouds, stars go on to have calm and _________ lives as adults, and then die quietly.


請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題: The technology entrepreneur Elon Musk has recently urged the nation’s governors to regulate artificial intelligence (A.I.) “before it’s too late.” Mr. Musk insists that artificial intelligence represent an “existential threat to humanity,” an alarmist view that confuses A.I. science with science fiction. Nevertheless, even A.I. researchers like me recognize that there are valid concerns about its impact on weapons, jobs and privacy. It’s natural to ask whether we should develop A.I. at all. I believe the answer is yes. But shouldn’t we take steps to at least slow down the progress on A.I., in the interest of caution? The problem is that if we do so, then other nations will overtake us. The A.I. horse has left the barn, and our best bet is to attempt to steer it. A.I. should not be weaponized, and any A.I. must have an impregnable “off switch.” Beyond that, we should regulate the tangible impact of A.I. systems (for example, the safety of autonomous vehicles) rather than trying to define and rein in the amorphous and rapidly developing field of A.I. Here let me briefly present three rules for artificial intelligence system that, I believe, can serve as a basis for discussion about avoiding A.I. harm (see more explications in the following section): 1) An A.I. system must be subject to the full gamut of laws that apply to its human operator. 2) An A.I. system must clearly disclose that it is not human. 3) An A.I. system cannot retain or disclose confidential information without explicit approval from the source of that information. The three A.I. rules are far from complete and are introduced here as a starting point for discussion. Whether or not you agree with Mr. Musk’s view about A.I.’s rate of progress and its ultimate impact on humanity, it is clear that A.I. is coming. Society needs to get ready.
【題組】44 According to Paragraph 1, which of the following statements about Elon Musk is NOT true?
(A)Elon Musk believes that robots will pose major threats to mankind in the future.
(B)Elon Musk believes it’s necessary to decelerate the development of A.I.
(C)Elon Musk is an A.I. scientist who refuses to take the alarmist view of A.I.
(D)Elon Musk is an innovative technology venture leader.


33 John got rid of some old furniture so as to_____ the space of his small apartment for accommodating his family of five.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        The idea of parallel universes, worlds that exist side by side along with our own, used to be viewed with suspicion by scientists as being the realm of cranks and at best, mystics. Any scientists who dared to work on parallel universes were often subject to ridicule.
        However, the tide has turned dramatically today and the issue of parallel universes has come to fascinate scientists well beyond mere speculation. Physicists and astronomers around the world are now wondering what parallel universes may look like and how they were born. It has been postulated that parallel universes occupy the same space as our own in some ghostly manner.
        Like our own universe, a parallel universe is an intersection of time and space and contains matter, stars, galaxies, and living things. In other words, parallel universes are very similar to our own. There may be human beings who are duplicates of ourselves. Furthermore, they are connected to us multidimensionally through mechanisms explainable only by the theory of quantum physics. Normally, parallel universes do not interact with each other. However, some scientists believe that at times the so-called wormholes may open up, making it possible to communicate and travel between them.
        It is very likely that our universe is not alone at all. Instead, it is one of many possible parallel universes. Still, some scientists smugly refuse to admit that parallel universes or dimensions can exist next to ours, just beyond our grasp.

【題組】 39 Where is a parallel universe most likely to be found according to this passage?
(A) A system where no wormhole exists.
(B) The same space as our own universe.
(C) A plane in which galaxies can be found.
(D) The birthplace of physicists and astronomers.


10 I walked away from the village, past the amber-eyed goats, down into the great green valley where the river ________.
(A) manipulated
(B) managed
(C) measured
(D) meandered


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題:
        It matters where you are born. This is true if you are a chicken. While most laying hens in the US live in cagesthe size of a file-cabinet drawer, California’s new laws require the space for each hen be doubled, enough to letthem stand up and extend their wings. The idea of animal welfare seems to be catching on as Oregon, Michigan andWashington are following suits. Furthermore, in India, dairy farmers also begin to believe happier cows can pay offin both healthier milk and bigger profits.

【題組】 49 What does the Indian example show us?
(A) Animals have the right to be happy.
(B) Cows are sacred in India.
(C) Taking good care of animals brings dividends.
(D) Health and profit contradict each other.


35 Many ideas in the theory are so _____ that it is very difficult to understand them.
(A) concrete
(B) complete
(C) abstract
(D) absent


6 The minor misbehavior- a traffic _____- on his record had little impact on his life, but it served as a reminder for him to drive responsibly and obey traffic laws.
(A) transaction
(B) violation
(C) foundation
(D) communication


