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     With cloning technology now available, we will need to consider if cloning is ethically acceptable. For example, is there any way to prevent the abuses of cloning without blocking beneficial medical and scientific progress? Human cloning research could bring about substantial health benefits, including the creation of animals with human-compatible organs for transplantation. Cloning could also be used to help scientists understand how genes are turned on and off, which could provide important information about the causes of cancer and the mechanism of aging.
      Another issue is the use of cloning to treat infertility. Reproductive technology, once considered controversial, is now accepted by the public. Why not allow a woman who is unable to conceive naturally to clone a child by placing her own DNA inside of a donor egg?
      Yet, what about our sense of identity and ancestry? Imagine giving birth to a clone of yourself—or your mother, father, or grandfather. Familial relationships could become increasingly complex. How can we prevent sinister applications of cloning, such as the creation of clones that would serve as slaves or a source of body parts? What effect will cloning have on theology? Is each human life unique? Would a clone have a soul? Finally, what will happen to clones that are failed experiments? Will they be disposed of like other experiments that have gone awry? These are just some of the issues that should be considered before a national policy on cloning is formulated.

【題組】Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of human cloning mentioned in this passage?
(A)Human cloning can help scientists understand how genes work.
(B)Human cloning can help improve organ transplantation.
(C)Human cloning can help scientists find out how human beings get old.
(D)Human cloning can bring dead people back to life.


If you work hard enough, your chance to succeed will be ______.
(A)very big
(C)very higher
(D)much higher


41 The exam turned out to be a big_____ and hardly anybody in our class passed.
(A) victory
(B) disaster


2 Harry has fished in rough weather several times this summer, so the ____ of heavy rain and strong winds would not stop him from going tonight.
(A) atmosphere
(B) calculation
(C) illustration
(D) forecast


17 This accused official awaits decision from the jury on whether he is legally_____ to run for the governor.
(A) edible
(B) eligible
(C) pitiful
(D) powerful


42 The drug trafficking situation is one more potential strain on the already tense relationship between the UnitedStates and Canada.
(A) The United States and Canada have a tense relationship in recent years due to traffic problems.
(B) Drug smuggling adds a new strain on the tense US-Canada relations.
(C) The border transportation problem has long existed between the United States and Canada.
(D) The United States and Canada have a tense relationship along the border.


3 David was accused of cheating in the exam and was_________ by the university after the hearing of the student affair committee.


32 Linda is an _____ career woman. She has set a number of goals for her to achieve before reaching 30.
(A) ambiguous
(B) amicable
(C) ambitious
(D) amused


44 Only two things are infinite—the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
(A) Both the universe and human stupidity are without limit. That’s for sure.
(B) The universe is without limit but I am not sure about human stupidity.
(C) What I am sure is that human stupidity is definitely without limit.
(D) What I am sure is that the universe is definitely without limit.


32 Europe’s universities must start considering____ methods of raising money if they want to stay competitive.
(A) antique
(B) innovative
(C) juvenile
(D) trivial


38 I______by when I noticed a suspicious looking stranger near your car.
(A) am driving
(B) was driven
(C) was driving
(D) had been driven


4 He is a ____figure in the art world. Some think that he is a genius, while others look on him as a lunatic who just puts different elements together.
(A) bureaucratic
(B) controversial
(C) sentimental
(D) vicious


5 Although this tastes fine, I don’t think it’s a good_________ for real butter.


32 The two governments organized forums to________ the possibility of establishing energy efficiency measures.
(B) exhibit
(C) explore  
(D) extort


37.Traveling by train from Britain to Greece takes around three and a half days, and fares turn out much more _____ than flights.


Heroism often requires little more than the common sense of a 6-year-old. Three days after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Susan Williams, the mother of first-grader De’Monte, decided she had to get her family out of their flooded neighborhood. But when a small rescue helicopter finally touched down at the neighborhood, the pilot said he could take only a handful of children; he would come right back for the parents. Reluctant and seeing the floodwaters about to swallow their home, Williams tearfully put De’Monte, 6, and his 5-month-old brother Da’Roneal aboard, along with two cousins and three neighbor children, all ranging in age from 14 months to 3 years. The chopper flew off–but it didn’t return for the parents. 
 When the kids was dropped off on the city’s west side, and they became lost in the chaos there, De’Monte kept a cool head and a brave heart. Clutching Da’Roneal, he had the other kids (one was wearing only diapers) hold hands in a chain as they wandered to find a safe place. He kept them together and unharmed until rescuers discovered them and took them to a Baton Rouge, Louisiana shelter. They thought the kids were now orphans. But once in the shelter, De’Monte saved the day again. Thanks to good coaching by his mom, the boy gave rescuers enough information-names, addresses, phone numbers, personal descriptions–so that in a few days they were able to locate all the children’s parents.

【題組】79 How did De’Monte keep the other small kids together and safe?
(A) By holding them in his arms.
(B) By asking them to hold hand-in-hand.
(C) By giving them a hand.
(D) By asking them to find a safe place.


109. Although Maggie has been physically _____ to her wheelchair since the car accident, she does not limit herself to indoor activities.
(A) ceased
(B) committed
(C) confined
(D) conveyed


344. ______ hearing the bad news, the girl burst into tears.
(A) For
(B) Upon
(C) With
(D) About


470. _______ is a natural science involving the study of matter and energy and the effect that they have on each other.
(A) Biosphere
(B) Satellite
(C) Physics
(D) Fiction


630. The company is in danger of bankruptcy because it fails to _____ the financial losses in previous economic recession.
(A) engage (


5. The ______ that took place in the local church took many lives.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       This month Cupid takes flight because love is in the air. And this year it smells like grease and salt. A perfume thatsmells like French fries has proven to be as irresistible as the fast-food staple after selling out almost instantly. The IdahoPotato Commission (IPC) released the limited-edition fragrance – "Frites by Idaho" – just in time for Valentine's Day,and fans couldn't wait to get their hands on a bottle. Frites by Idaho is manufactured using distilled homegrown potatoesand essential oils. Whether you and your valentine are planning to have a quiet dinner at home or will be heading outfor a fancy meal on that most romantic of days, you can make sure you crave fast food the entire time with Frites byIdaho.
       Sure this sounds silly, but think of all the words and feelings you associate with both perfume and French fries:desire, alluring, intoxicating, irresistible, tasty. Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea. The great state ofIdaho isn't taking its novelty fragrance too seriously, either. The 1.7 fluid ounce bottle was available for the same priceas a side of fries, just US$1.89. Unfortunately, that's also why it sold out immediately on the IPC website. But don't giveup hope just yet, French fry romantics. You can enter a contest to win one of 10 bottles the state is giving away for free.Just head to the Idaho Potato Instagram page for how to enter.
      Even if you don't end up nabbing one, we have an idea. Just rub some French fries on your neck before your lovedone shows up. Just remember to make sure you let your fries cool down before you do that. Things are heating up thismonth, but hopefully not because of second degree burns.

【題組】46 What is this new product just in time for Valentine's Day?
(A) French fries made with Idaho Potato.
(B) A perfume that smells like French fries.
(C) Idaho potato with a 90 percent discount.
(D) A meal at a fast food restaurant in Idaho.


30 Kevin, a doctor in a _____ agency, travels to Africa at his own expense to help people there.
(A) volcanic
(B) victorious
(C) voluntary
(D) vulnerable


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
       Fuel poverty occurs when a household is unable to afford the most basic amount of energy foradequate heating, cooking, lighting, and use of appliances in the home. According to European UniversityInstitute, in 2011, 9.8% of households in the EU27 countries and 15.8% of households in the 12 newmember states could not afford to heat their homes adequately. Thus, fuel poverty is an increasingly seriousproblem across Europe and requires the intervention of policymakers.
       In particular, corrective measures have been implemented which aim to help fuel-poor householdspay their energy bills, and preventive policies have also been introduced, which focus more on improvingresidential energy efficiency. Debates about the effectiveness of these measures have ensued for severalreasons; mainly because energy retrofit renovations have often been undertaken by wealthier households.Thus, despite these measures, given the expected increase in the cost of energy, some could find it difficultor even impossible to satisfy their energy needs. As a prerequisite to discussions about the effectivenessof different measures to fight fuel poverty, debates have often focused on the need to reliably identify fuel-poor households and create a detailed profile of such households. In fact, the multidimensionality of fuelpoverty makes it difficult to achieve this.
       Fuel poverty has traditionally been treated as a monetary poverty problem. At European Union level,there is no common definition or standardized indicator for assessing fuel poverty. While there is a largebody of literature on measuring poverty, consensus has not yet been reached on the related methodologicaland conceptual issues. However, households affected by fuel poverty are not always the same as thoseaffected by monetary problems, even if the two phenomena are inextricably linked.
       In this context, we suggest that a more careful and systematic understanding can be developedthrough a multidimensional approach to the relationship between monetary poverty, residential energyefficiency of buildings, and heating restrictions. Our objective in this paper is not to challenge existingmeasures of fuel poverty, but provide new ways to better identify those who suffer the most from fuelpoverty in order to optimize policy. We argue this is needed to better identify the connection betweenenergy use and well-being and therefore deepen understanding of energy poverty.

【題組】40 What is the authors’ main purpose in the paper?
(A) To challenge existing measures of fuel poverty.
(B) To reduce energy dependence on natural gas.
(C) To provide a deeper understanding of fuel poverty.
(D) To explain the monetary basis of fuel poverty.


7 After years of hard work and _______, she finally decided to let go of her control of the family business, passing it on to the capable hands of her daughter.
(A) humiliation
(B) dedication
(C) transmission
(D) casualty


