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Many people ________ their true feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence.
(A) announced
(B) enunciated
(C) perpetuated
(D) suppressed


25 After a five-hour train ride, we arrived at the small beachside hotel where we _________a room for two nights.
(A) book
(B) are booking
(C) have booked
(D) had booked


That small country has made a ____improvement in economy in recent years.


Ann enjoyed going to the flower market. She believed that the _____ of flowers refreshed her mind.
(A) instance
(B) dominance
(C) appliance
(D) fragrance


33 Alison is a _____leader who is not afraid of making important decisions under stressful, critical conditions.


第 46 題至第50 題為題組 Are you a Mac user? For many, home computers have become synonymous with Windows and Bill Gates, but there has always been a loyal band of Apple and Macintosh users whose devotion to the Apple brand and its co-founder Steven Jobs is almost religious. Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak dropped out of college and got jobs in Silicon Valley, where they founded the Apple Computer company in 1976, the name based on Jobs’s favorite fruit. They designed the Apple I computer in Jobs’s bedroom, having raised the capital by selling their most valued possessions—an old Volkswagen bus and a scientific calculator. The later model, the Apple Macintosh, introduced the public to point and click graphics. It was the first home computer to be truly user friendly, or as their advertisements put it, "the computer for the rest of us." When IBM released its first PC in 1981, Jobs realized that Apple would have to become a more grown-up company to compete effectively. He brought in John Sculley, the president of Pepsi-Cola, to do the job, asking him, "Do you want to just sell sugared water, or do you want to change the world?" Sculley and Jobs began to argue bitterly, however, and after a power struggle, Jobs was reluctantly forced to resign. By 1996 Apple was in trouble due to the dominance of Windows software and the increasing number of PC clones that used it. Jobs, having had great success with his animation studio Pixar, was brought back to the ailing firm for an annual salary of $1, and the company gradually returned to profitability. Apple’s computers cost more than most PCs and have a more limited range of software available for them, but their great appeal has been the attention to design, making Apple the cool computer company. The launch of the stunning multicolored iMac in 1997, followed by the sleek new iMac in 2002, marked the end of the computer as an ugly, utilitarian machine and brought the home computer out of the study and into the lounge. As Steve Jobs put it, "Other companies don’t care about design. We think it’s vitally important." Apple’s fortunes were transformed again with the development of the iPod in 2003 and the iPhone in 2007, which soon became must-have gadgets that brought about a boom in Internet music sales and transformed the cell phone industry. And, of course, they were beautifully stylish.
【題組】 50.According to the article, which statement best describes Jobs’s return to the company?
(A) It was welcome by Pepsi-Cola.
(B) He came back to save the ailing company.
(C) He came back to found Pixar.
(D) It was irresponsible and damaging to his career.


29 The escaping criminal____ himself as an old security guard, so the police failed to recognize him at first sight.
(A) fed
(B) disguised
(C) switched
(D) advanced


13 One of the most_____ parts of living at the South Pole is that the sun neither rises nor sets.


4 I don’t like to work for a person who is always _____ me. I prefer someone who is easy to get along with.
(A) standing in line for
(B) finding fault with
(C) going out with
(D) waiting up for


請依下文回答第 18 題至第 22 題
      In the first century A.D. Pompeii was a pretty and prosperous resort town. There were some 12,000year-round inhabitants and hundreds more who came down from Rome each summer to their villas by the sea. Ona hot summer day, around noon—it was August 24, A.D. 79—the people of Pompeii saw a huge cloud formingover the mountain north of the city. This was the last noontime Pompeii would ever know, because that cloud ofvolcanic debris was the beginning of a massive eruption that blew the top off Vesuvius, burying the city beneath 12 feet of rock and ash and unleashing a blast of toxic gases. Thousands were killed—in their homes, in thestreets, in businesses and brothels. Thousands more fled madly toward the sea. Those who were running for theirlives must have been surprised to see a curious figure racing not from but toward the volcano. This was the greatRoman naturalist Pliny the Elder. Seeing the initial eruption from a safe distance at his home near Naples, therenowned scientific observer just could not stay away. He grabbed his notebook and stylus and hightailed it forPompeii to gather firsthand information on this prodigious phenomenon. Pliny’s curiosity cost him his life.

【題組】19 What does the underlined phrase “this prodigious phenomenon” in the passage refer to?
(A)The resort town of Rome
(B)The eruption of Vesuvius
(C)The sea of Naples
(D)The high tower of Pompeii


47 It is_____ whether the chairperson had the capacity to carry out this project.
(A) reasonable
(B) reliable
(C) unforgettable
(D) questionable


6 Any foreign national entering Taiwan is required to hold a passport with at least six months’ remaining _______ .
(A) blizzard
(B) gravity
(C) tenant
(D) validity


35 A recent study finds that newly retired couples report the highest level of marital conflict. The good news is that after two years that tension tends to_____ .
(A) aggravate
(B) diminish
(C) merge
(D) rotate


2. Because of his______situation ,he does not have to pay tuition.


21. Grandfathers are usually _____to their grandchildren even when they make mistake.
(C) ambitious


314. Originally, he suffered from the stage fright, but soon he overcame the____ , winning lots of compliments from the critics.
(A) attendance
(B) claim
(C) barrier
(D) defense


318. To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV.
(A) technical
(B) significant
(C) affordable
(D) expressive


334. The bus broke down on the way to the next village and left the passengers ________ in the mountainous area.
(A) flat
(B) entire
(C) stranded
(D) unemployed


548. After the ______ took another look at the crime scene, he knew that the case was more complicated than he had imagined.
(A) emperor
(B) inspector
(C) pickpocket
(D) murderer


627. The _____ issue about death penalty has aroused heated debate either in government or in the general public.
(A) apparent (


43 Most jobs require skills and experiences that are __________directly . For a customer service job, for example, good communication skill is very important.


31 I like to go to the cinema when I am in the_______ for it.
(A) motive
(B) mind
(C) mood
(D) notion


38 The Great Wall in China is one of the Seven__________ of the World that attracts millions of tourists every year.
(A) Medals
(B) Models
(C) Images
(D) Wonders


35 Durian has such a _____ smell that, in most cases, people love it or hate it.
(A) generous
(B) frequent
(C) distinct
(D) creative


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
Communication is crucial for a social species and particularly for human infants who are dependent on others for years.When children start to learn language, they first learn to __41__ words (as well as emotional tones, etc.) and only later produce words or the signs of sign language. There is no good way to  __42__ exactly what an infant understands, so almost all of the research has been about what words children produce. As an important first step in producing language,a child must learn to produce the sounds of her language, __43__ she already can perceive. These efforts are known as babbling, and similar practice takes place in the hand movements of children learning signed languages. __44__ the child can produce enough of the basic phonemes of her language, the production of words starts and there is no looking back. The generally accepted __45__ is that a child learns an average of ten new words a day between the ages of 2 and 12. At the beginning, the learning is slower, more like ten words per week. With these early words, the child is able to name her experiences and communicate with her caregivers.

(A) Before
(B) Lest
(C) Shortly
(D) Once


