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A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. “Why?” asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. “I am a panda,” he says, at the door. “Look it up.” The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.” So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death. In 2003 Lynne Truss published Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. The book became a runaway success in the U.K., hitting number one on the best-seller lists and prompting extraordinary headlines such as “Grammar Book Tops Bestseller List” (BBC News). This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled. The above passage is printed on its back cover.
【題組】48. The sentence “Punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death” means that .
(A) a misplaced punctuation kills a panda
(B) punctuation gives the panda an excuse to kill
(C) a tiny change in the use of punctuation may change the meaning significantly
(D) punctuation matters only in matters of life and death


     With cloning technology now available, we will need to consider if cloning is ethically acceptable. For example, is there any way to prevent the abuses of cloning without blocking beneficial medical and scientific progress? Human cloning research could bring about substantial health benefits, including the creation of animals with human-compatible organs for transplantation. Cloning could also be used to help scientists understand how genes are turned on and off, which could provide important information about the causes of cancer and the mechanism of aging.
      Another issue is the use of cloning to treat infertility. Reproductive technology, once considered controversial, is now accepted by the public. Why not allow a woman who is unable to conceive naturally to clone a child by placing her own DNA inside of a donor egg?
      Yet, what about our sense of identity and ancestry? Imagine giving birth to a clone of yourself—or your mother, father, or grandfather. Familial relationships could become increasingly complex. How can we prevent sinister applications of cloning, such as the creation of clones that would serve as slaves or a source of body parts? What effect will cloning have on theology? Is each human life unique? Would a clone have a soul? Finally, what will happen to clones that are failed experiments? Will they be disposed of like other experiments that have gone awry? These are just some of the issues that should be considered before a national policy on cloning is formulated.

【題組】Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of human cloning mentioned in this passage?
(A)Human cloning can help scientists understand how genes work.
(B)Human cloning can help improve organ transplantation.
(C)Human cloning can help scientists find out how human beings get old.
(D)Human cloning can bring dead people back to life.


Many people ________ their true feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence.
(A) announced
(B) enunciated
(C) perpetuated
(D) suppressed


25 After a five-hour train ride, we arrived at the small beachside hotel where we _________a room for two nights.
(A) book
(B) are booking
(C) have booked
(D) had booked


If you work hard enough, your chance to succeed will be ______.
(A)very big
(C)very higher
(D)much higher


That small country has made a ____improvement in economy in recent years.


2 Harry has fished in rough weather several times this summer, so the ____ of heavy rain and strong winds would not stop him from going tonight.
(A) atmosphere
(B) calculation
(C) illustration
(D) forecast


32 Linda is an _____ career woman. She has set a number of goals for her to achieve before reaching 30.
(A) ambiguous
(B) amicable
(C) ambitious
(D) amused


44 Only two things are infinite—the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
(A) Both the universe and human stupidity are without limit. That’s for sure.
(B) The universe is without limit but I am not sure about human stupidity.
(C) What I am sure is that human stupidity is definitely without limit.
(D) What I am sure is that the universe is definitely without limit.


38 I______by when I noticed a suspicious looking stranger near your car.
(A) am driving
(B) was driven
(C) was driving
(D) had been driven


5 Although this tastes fine, I don’t think it’s a good_________ for real butter.


32 The two governments organized forums to________ the possibility of establishing energy efficiency measures.
(B) exhibit
(C) explore  
(D) extort


37.Traveling by train from Britain to Greece takes around three and a half days, and fares turn out much more _____ than flights.


109. Although Maggie has been physically _____ to her wheelchair since the car accident, she does not limit herself to indoor activities.
(A) ceased
(B) committed
(C) confined
(D) conveyed


314. Originally, he suffered from the stage fright, but soon he overcame the____ , winning lots of compliments from the critics.
(A) attendance
(B) claim
(C) barrier
(D) defense


318. To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV.
(A) technical
(B) significant
(C) affordable
(D) expressive


334. The bus broke down on the way to the next village and left the passengers ________ in the mountainous area.
(A) flat
(B) entire
(C) stranded
(D) unemployed


470. _______ is a natural science involving the study of matter and energy and the effect that they have on each other.
(A) Biosphere
(B) Satellite
(C) Physics
(D) Fiction


630. The company is in danger of bankruptcy because it fails to _____ the financial losses in previous economic recession.
(A) engage (


5. The ______ that took place in the local church took many lives.


31 I like to go to the cinema when I am in the_______ for it.
(A) motive
(B) mind
(C) mood
(D) notion


35 Durian has such a _____ smell that, in most cases, people love it or hate it.
(A) generous
(B) frequent
(C) distinct
(D) creative


27 In some countries, a “thumb-up” is a sign of _____ , but in some others, it's a sign of rudeness.
(A) presence
(B) invention
(C) approval
(D) melody


30 Kevin, a doctor in a _____ agency, travels to Africa at his own expense to help people there.
(A) volcanic
(B) victorious
(C) voluntary
(D) vulnerable


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
       Fuel poverty occurs when a household is unable to afford the most basic amount of energy foradequate heating, cooking, lighting, and use of appliances in the home. According to European UniversityInstitute, in 2011, 9.8% of households in the EU27 countries and 15.8% of households in the 12 newmember states could not afford to heat their homes adequately. Thus, fuel poverty is an increasingly seriousproblem across Europe and requires the intervention of policymakers.
       In particular, corrective measures have been implemented which aim to help fuel-poor householdspay their energy bills, and preventive policies have also been introduced, which focus more on improvingresidential energy efficiency. Debates about the effectiveness of these measures have ensued for severalreasons; mainly because energy retrofit renovations have often been undertaken by wealthier households.Thus, despite these measures, given the expected increase in the cost of energy, some could find it difficultor even impossible to satisfy their energy needs. As a prerequisite to discussions about the effectivenessof different measures to fight fuel poverty, debates have often focused on the need to reliably identify fuel-poor households and create a detailed profile of such households. In fact, the multidimensionality of fuelpoverty makes it difficult to achieve this.
       Fuel poverty has traditionally been treated as a monetary poverty problem. At European Union level,there is no common definition or standardized indicator for assessing fuel poverty. While there is a largebody of literature on measuring poverty, consensus has not yet been reached on the related methodologicaland conceptual issues. However, households affected by fuel poverty are not always the same as thoseaffected by monetary problems, even if the two phenomena are inextricably linked.
       In this context, we suggest that a more careful and systematic understanding can be developedthrough a multidimensional approach to the relationship between monetary poverty, residential energyefficiency of buildings, and heating restrictions. Our objective in this paper is not to challenge existingmeasures of fuel poverty, but provide new ways to better identify those who suffer the most from fuelpoverty in order to optimize policy. We argue this is needed to better identify the connection betweenenergy use and well-being and therefore deepen understanding of energy poverty.

【題組】40 What is the authors’ main purpose in the paper?
(A) To challenge existing measures of fuel poverty.
(B) To reduce energy dependence on natural gas.
(C) To provide a deeper understanding of fuel poverty.
(D) To explain the monetary basis of fuel poverty.


