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Christianity is one of the great ___s of the world.
(A) region
(B) resignation
(C) reaction
(D) religion


A: Is there a department store near here? B: Yes, O'Neil's is nearby. A: _________ B: It's about five minutes from here by car.
(A) How to get there?
(B) How long is it?
(C) How long will it be?
(D) How far is it?


Kuo-tung : How long did it take you speak English so fluently? Hua-min : Ten years. You have to practice it every day. ______ Kuo-tung : You're right about it.
(A) I'd be glad to do it for you.
(B) Nothing really matters.
(C) So far so good
(D) There's no shortcut.


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
        Scientists have genetically modified mice to enable them to sniff out landmines, the explosives buried just below the surface of the ground. They hope the GM mouse, known as MouSensor, could become a useful tool to help deal with the dangerous devices left from past wars. 
        Although it sounds peculiar, similar efforts have already been made. A Belgian charity uses giant African HeroRats to sniff out the chemical explosive, TNT. Two of these rats can clear an area in less than two hours that would take two people two days to do. One disadvantage of the HeroRat, however, is that it needs nine months’ training before being ready for landmine detection. 
        Scientists wanted to improve on the HeroRat concept by creating a “supersniffer” mouse, MouSensor. They found that a receptor in the lab mouse’s nose is sensitive to the odor of the chemical elements in TNT and landmines. By altering the genes of the mouse, scientists are able to enhance the capability of its receptor 500 times stronger than before. Besides having super sniffing power, the MouSensor is cheaper to manage and easier to breed than the rats. 
        When the MouSensor detects the presence of a landmine, it would have some sort of a seizure and faint because of its extreme sensitivity of the explosives. And this change of the mouse’s physical condition would trigger a chip implanted under its skin to send a signal to a computer monitored by scientists. As a result, the location of the landmine could be identified, and a bomb-disposal expert could go in and neutralize it. The mouse itself would be safe from the landmine, since it would be too small to trigger an explosion.

【題組】33 Which part of a MouSensor’s body is most sensitive to the explosives?
(A) The feet.
(B) The skin.
(C) The nose.
(D) The mouth.


4 The price of each new product is _____by its production cost and market value.
(A) reiterated
(B) yearned
(C) determined
(D) inverted


35 I’m usually quite ______ , but today’s traffic was bad and I was twenty minutes late for work.


31 To make the best use of your time, you have to list your goals in order of _____ .
(A) privation
(B) privacy
(C) priority
(D) privilege


38. Teresa heard the rock music and woke up like a bullet.
(A) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she flew into a rage.
(B) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she became very upset.
(C) Teresa stayed up late because she loved to listen to the rock music.
(D) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she jumped up.


32 Burnout is a general feeling of _____ when a person experiences too much stress.
(A) relaxation
(B) donation
(C) exhaustion
(D) aspiration


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Next time you watch a digital ad in a mall, be aware that the ad could be watching you! Small cameras and special software are installed in the ad’s screen. They track who is looking at the ad and for how long. The software works out age and gender before serving up an ad specifically for that demographic. Men are shown razor ads, women can see cosmetics ads, and teens can learn about the latest video games. This targeted advertising creates a personalized digital city for consumers. Some people don’t like it, though. In Germany, a supermarket chain used loyalty cards implanted with RFID tracking chips to learn about its customers’ shopping habits. The chips let the store know customers’ purchasing histories and even their movements inside the stores. The chips were removed after people complained their privacy was being invaded. These new technologies are raising red flags about how far companies are willing to go to make a profit. Consumers have no idea when they’re being watched, and there’s no regulation in place to deal with these practices. Privacy campaigners urge companies to tell consumers what details are being collected, how it is done, and why. Even though it is meant to make data-analyzing convenient, the spying ends up being a little creepy.
【題組】48 What happened when a German supermarket chain started using RFID chips?
(A) Customers knew about each other’s purchasing histories.
(B) Shopping became more convenient for customers.
(C) Customers moved around the supermarkets more easily.
(D) Customers complained about their privacy being invaded.


42 As the ability to travel over great distances becomes easier, the spread of communicable diseases becomes easier.
(A)Transferable diseases will stop spreading if human beings’ ability to traverse oceans and mountains increases.
(B)The extent to which people move across places is not necessarily related to the increase of infectious diseases.
(C)The higher the ability of people to go from one place to another, the less likely is the spread of transmissible diseases.
(D)Human mobility seems to increase the possibility of spreading diseases.


36 People living near the volcano were _____ from the area when it started to send out ash and smoke.
(C) evacuated  


請依下文回答第 10 題至第 12 題 In New York City, fast-food restaurants are required to post the calories in their offerings in large type and inreadily 10 positions. The likely shock when customers realize just how many calories they are taking in with their oversized burgers and fries or richly sweetened coffees may urge overweight customers toward ahealthier 11 . The calorie posting requirement 12 to all restaurants that have standardized menus and already list the calorie content of their menu items publicly. These restaurants, including almost all of the well-knownfast-food chains, will soon be required to post the caloric content of each item on menus and on menu boards. And thishas to be done in type as large as the name or price of the item.
【題組】 10
(A) flexible
(B) responsible
(C) visible
(D) stable


32 Jack: What time do you have, Amy?
 Amy: _____
 Jack: Thanks. I’d better get going.
(A) I’m afraid I will be very busy.
(B) It depends on what you want.
(C) My watch says it’s six-twenty.
(D) I really had a wonderful time. 


35 Grace: I went to the musical last night. 
 Mary: Was it as good as you expected? 
 Grace: _____ I should have stayed home.
(A) It was terrific.
(B) How wonderful it was!
(C) It’s a pity I didn’t see it.
(D) It was a waste of time.


一、詞彙題:請選出各題最適當的英文單字或片語。(24 分)
【題組】2. In 1960s you could buy a ___, four-function calculator for a few hundred dollars.
(A) peevish
(B) huffy
(C) grouchy
(D) portable


請依下文回答第 19 題至第 22 題
        For years, scientists struggled to explain the mysterious disappearances of ships and low-flying aircraft.Many speculated that bad weather or machine malfunction were responsible. But satellites have recentlyidentified enormous waves in the oceans and the data proves that they are more common than once thought.Scientists now suspect that the disappearances may have been caused by these “rogue waves.”
        So, how do rogue waves form? Oceanographers once thought that rogues were the result of many smaller waves joining together to form a giant wave. But in analyzing the recent satellite images, scientists have noted that rogues appear to form most often in places where waves of different strengths come together from different directions. At the southernmost tip of Africa, for example, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet, it is quite common for waves to crash into each other. This theory may explain the occurrence of rogue waves in similar locations around the globe (such as at the tip of South America). However, it does not explain why the waves form in places where there are no fast-moving ocean currents—such as in the North Sea. Though scientists are beginning to understand more about rogue waves, there is still a lot to learn.

【題組】 20 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the possible cause of the disappearances of ships andaircraft?
(A) Foul weather.
(B) Rogue waves.
(C) Magnetic forces.
(D) Mechanical failure.


1. She cut herself when she was _____a pencil with a knife.


207. A painkiller will _____ your headache quickly.


517. Looking around the students, I found some students were giggling, ____ others were quite attentive.
(A) because
(B) once
(C) if
(D) while


依下文回答第46 題至第 50 題 
   Children who experience social anxiety—feeling discomfort or distress in social situations—or who are socially incompetent are particularly at risk for developing dependence on electronic media. This is true whether the preferred agent be the Internet, video games, or a smartphone. The more a child hides behind a screen, the more socially awkward he or she becomes, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. In contrast, a shy child who continually works at overcoming social anxiety is likely to overcome it. In the past, the strong desire to belong to a social group during adolescence helped override resistance to social interaction, which would lessen over time simply due to practice. Nowadays, socially anxious or awkward children and teens aren’t forced to practice face-to-face and eye-to-eye interaction because some of their social needs are met online. Thus, in socially anxious children, the ability to tolerate the physical presence of others never builds, and “walls”are erected instead to keep the child feeling safe. An adolescent with somewhat poor social skills in high school can easily become reclusive as a young adult, spending more and more hours online and less and less time interacting in real life. This pattern makes it increasingly harder to make and keep friends. Relationship problems show up at home, too; research indicates that the more time a child spends using the Internet, the less healthy the parent-child relationship becomes. Thus, social incompetence and screen-time represent another bidirectional relationship.

【題組】49 What is the problem that this passage is likely to address about teenagers?
(A) Drug abuse.
(B) Academic stress.
(C) Body image anxiety.
(D) Addiction to electronic devices.


38 After the scandal was _____ , the Prime Minister committed suicide.
(A) cherished
(B) invaded
(C) sheltered
(D) exposed


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
Bringing a new pet into the home is like introducing a new member to the family. It is a wonderful, memorable event and if managed correctly will be the start of a long and happy home environment for both you and your puppy. Read on for some useful tips to help you prepare to welcome a puppy into your home.
       1. Firstly you should choose a breed that is suitable to your living situation. For example, a large dog will require a garden and wouldn’t be suitable for apartment living. Think about your lifestyle, the time you have available for a dog and the size of your home and garden. 2. Decide what room the puppy will sleep and eat in. Then make sure the room is secure and warm. 3. Contact the owner or kennel you are getting the puppy from and find out what it is being fed. It is important that the puppy gets the same food when it arrives in its new home. You can gradually change its food at a later date once your puppy has settled in. 4. A good suggestion is to get a small soft toy for your puppy to give to the owner a week or so before the puppy is collected. This way the puppy will have something familiar, in scent and texture, to keep it company. 5.Research your local vet and make an appointment to bring your puppy in for a check up and vaccinations. 6.Arrange your pet insurance. Pet health care can be very expensive, so insurance can help you with any unforeseen costs. For instance, many companies have a selection of pet insurance packages for you to choose from. 7. Put together your new puppy check list and get new items before your puppy arrives. Before you collect your pet, for example, make sure that you have your pet travel case in the car so you can then transport your new pet safely. Also, it is always a good idea to bring some wipers in case your new puppy gets car sick.

【題組】45 In Tip 4, what does “it” in "keep it company" refer to?
(A) The owner.
(B) The vet.
(C) The puppy.
(D) The family.


8 It is unreasonable to have______ against people simply because of their skin color.
(A) confidence
(B) inadequacy
(C) prejudice
(D) vulnerability


31 “Patient zero” is a term used to describe the first human______ by a viral or bacterial disease in an outbreak.
(A) recovered
(B) contacted
(C) infected
(D) detected


