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4 Little kids begin learning their mother tongue by ______ what they hear around them.


Andy: I’ll mail the letter for you on my way to school. James: You won’t forget, will you? Andy: Don’t worry. ______________
(A) Go ahead.
(B) I can’t agree more.
(C) You can count on me.
(D) You can say that again.


31 Mary’s absence made her mother feel lonely and _____.


All international passengers must go through the ______ gate into customs before leaving the airport.
(B) traditional
(D) arrival


Agnes seems to have a _____ personality. Almost everyone is immediately attracted to her when they first see her.
(A) clumsy
(B) durable
(C) furious
(D) magnetic


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a way of life that originated in the United States about a decade ago. LOHAS consumers are those who are passionate about the environment, sustainability, social issues, and health. To push social and environmental responsibility, they purchase products such as organic soap, recycled paper, hybrid cars, solar heating, and herbal tea. Approximately 30% of American people are currently considered LOHAS consumers. The top product selection criterion for 40% of American consumers is organic quality. For 20% of the consumers, sustainability is a key criterion in deciding what to buy. The idea of LOHAS consumption continues to boost organic sales in the US. The US market for organic food is growing by about 3.5 billion US dollars a year, according to the result of Sustainability Research. The LOHAS trend is also beginning to catch on in Japan, where workaholic “salarymen” are looking for quick fixes for stress and thinking green is becoming fashionable. Japan is receptive to LOHAS because the nation’s traditional culture embraces a nature-loving view on life with hot springs and seasonal gourmet. A Tokyo department store has a section for LOHAS goods. Magazines are singing the praises of the LOHAS lifestyle, including yoga, organic wine, and aroma therapy. A restaurant serving ordinary but healthy dishes such as brown rice and vegetable curry claims to be LOHAS. Not littering is also LOHAS. The values touch something as cheap as a hammock to something more expensive as Louis Vuitton luggage.
【題組】37 Which item is NOT mentioned as an example of LOHAS?
(A) Yoga.
(B) Organic food.
(C) Solar energy.
(D) Bicycle.


3 The firefighters ____ the fire in seven minutes and fortunately no residents were hurt.
(A) switched
(B) distinguished
(C) extinguished
(D) devoted


11 Even though Eric has lost 40 pounds, he can’t get rid of his ____ cheeks.
(A) instant
(B) alert
(C) haggard
(D) chubby


6 The exact number of the audience is still unknown, but it is____ that there are around 10,000 people in the theater right now.
(A) eliminated
(B) constituted
(C) illumined
(D) estimated


四、閱讀測驗 A young man was running along the street in a great hurry. Another man in the street wondered why and asked the man, “Where are you hurrying to?” Then the young man stopped unwillingly and said, “I’m going to the Taipei station. As I don’t have enough money, I’m running after the bus. In this way I can save twenty dollars.” “Oh, I see. I’m also going there...Shall we go together?” Then the two began to run after a bus. They ran for some minutes and one of them said, “Now stop, my friend. I’ve got an idea. If we run after a bus instead of getting on it, we can save fifteen dollars each, right? But if we run after a taxi, we can save more!” “Oh, you are right. I haven’t thought of such a simple thing.” Then, they found a taxi and started to run after it. Everyone in the street looked at them and laughed.
【題組】33. Why did everyone in the street look and laugh?
(A) The two men were running after the bus.
(B) The two men were talking on the street.
(C) The two men were running after a taxi.
(D) The bus was running after a taxi.


A sport utility vehicle (SUV) is a utility vehicle weighing 8,500 pounds or less. Sport utility vehicles are popularbecause they are loaded with a combination of qualities—many standard features of passenger cars and special featuresfor driving on and off paved roads. SUVs offer ruggedness, engine power, roominess, and comfort. Many are equippedwith 4-wheel drive to give the extra traction needed for driving in difficult conditions, such as on snow, mud, or sand. Prospective customers need to realistically evaluate their transportation needs. While the multipurpose SUVs are notpassenger cars, most owners use SUVs in much the same way—for both everyday commuting and shopping and for lightrecreation. Because sport utility vehicles are more top-heavy than passenger cars, the SUVs handle and maneuver differently.They are not designed like passenger cars to round corners at high speeds. Reckless SUV drivers cause their vehicles toroll over at a much higher rate than do drivers of passenger vehicles. Sport utility vehicles may only be a passing trend. After all, another choice—be it a luxury sports car or a sturdystation wagon—may give more value for the dollar. In the final analysis, this old adage works best: “Let the buyerbeware!”
【題組】50 What is the writer’s advice for vehicle buyers?
(A)Consider the price first.
(B)Choose a passenger car.
(C)Choose a station wagon.
(D)Consider their needs first.


32 In order to accomplish the job independently, Sarah ________her brother’s offer of help.
(A) accepted
(B) handled
(C) foretold
(D) refused


12 Unlike hand puppet shows, Pili puppet shows have become more complicated and contained more fantasies in it. In order to shoot a series of TV drama, the Huang brothers, who have cooperated to run the family business, have created hundreds of puppet characters and used computer-generated effects to make their production of fighting scenes even more____________ to viewers.
(C) appealing


306. Now that the problem has been identified, we are supposed to take____ measures.
(A) enormous
(B) immortal
(C) diligent
(D) appropriate


36 The social media website Twitter has announced major______ to its service. It no longer counts website addresses as characters in tweets, so users have more space to share their thoughts.
(A) counterparts
(B) disturbances
(C) statues
(D) updates


36 A smile is a language _____ understood by people around the world regardless of their races.
(A) ambitiously
(B) financially
(C) imperfectly
(D) universally


45 The pantry is where _______ is normally found, such as dishes, forks and knives that the family use at a meal.
(B)new ware


