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38 The company has been very cautious about dealing with takeover bids from their _____ competitors.
(A) predatory
(B) prohibitive
(C) proportionate
(D) predestined


40 The candidate had been _____ that he could beat his rival and win the election; the result, however, turned out to be the opposite.
(A) accused
(B) convinced
(C) insisted
(D) registered


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has issued a stark warning about the future of the world's natural World Heritage sites. It says half of the sites are at risk from different industries. The WWF warned that harmful industrial activities such as mining, dredging or drilling for oil are endangering the future of 114 of 229 sites. Other factors adding to the risk include illegal logging and unsustainable water use. All of these are in addition to the damage being done by climate change. The WWF says the sites affected include Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, and China's Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, which are home to more than 30 percent of the world's endangered pandas.
        The director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center said it was up to everyone to protect these sites. This is mainly because World Heritage is humankind's common heritage, and the responsibility for its conservation should be shared by everyone. She welcomed government efforts at reducing what they take from the Earth. The governments and the private sector around the world, according to her, should step up their action against harmful extractive uses.
       The WWF said that more than 11 million people worldwide rely on World Heritage sites for food, water, shelter, jobs and medicine, and that non-stop development could harm livelihoods as well as the environment.

【題組】46 What is the best title for the passage?
(A) The Effects of Harmful Industrial Activities on WWF.
(B) The Negative Impact of Industry on World Heritage Sites.
(C) The Future of WWF and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
(D) WWF’s Warning about Climate Change and Animal Extinction.


31 With advances in digital and information technology, the healthcare sector can_______ on the use of big data analytics.
(A) capitalize
(B) tantalize
(C) verbalize
(D) vandalize


34 The helpless critic_______ his anger in a furious letter to the newspaper.
(A) made out
(B) consumed
(C) derived
(D) gave vent to


36 The game is a typical open-world action game, with a huge city to explore, an_______ number of collectibles to find, and lots of bad guys to beat up.
(A) obscene
(B) obsolete
(C) oily
(D) obese


40 People see the woman in white as rather_______ because she often wanders around the street holding scissors and cutting off the leaves from the trees along the road.
(A) barren
(B) captive
(C) decent
(D) eccentric


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey__41__ . The heel was introduced to Europe from Asia in the late 16th century, and was originally worn by men for horse riding because the heel __42__ the foot in the stirrup when riding. __43__ in the European mind with the military strength of Persia, the heel was enthusiastically adopted by men, and only later worn by __44__ . Louis XIV, who ruled France between 1643 and 1715, was one of the first heel influencers. His ornate shoes were __45__ any physical exertion – therefore emphasizing his powerful status.

(A) capitalism
(B) masculinity
(C) femininity
(D) consumerism


31 It was _____ that very day even though we had the fan rattling behind us.
(A) rollicking
(B) stifling
(C) rummaging
(D) rumbling


32 If your skin type is _____ oily, the pores around the T-zone would produce the most oil and tend toward blackhead formation.
(A) prehistorically
(B) predominantly
(C) predictably
(D) preeminently


35 Many successful leaders believe that a _____ approach should be taken in order to solve complex problems, with feasible solutions often being preferred over more idealistic ones.
(A) resilient
(B) resistant
(C) pragmatic
(D) precarious


41 Patricia's recent behaviors have become so _____ that nobody can really understand what she is doing.
(A) integral
(B) lavish
(C) obscure
(D) relevant


38 Upon seeing a poisonous snake, most people would stand _____ like stone, not knowing what to do, let alone running away.
(A) obstructed
(B) obfuscated
(C) petrified
(D) prostrated


40 Before buying stocks, it is important to _____ all of the risks and profits involved.
(A) assess
(B) access
(C) asset
(D) assert


48 Although the two countries signed a _____ treaty about the borderline, it was soon violated by one of them.
(A) federal
(B) marital
(C) martial
(D) bilateral


49 After a long time of strike, the corporation finally _____ the wage increase to the workers.
(A) confessed
(B) conceded
(C) concluded
(D) succeeded


25 He lives in the immediate ______ of the school, not only shortening the time on commuting but also sparing more time for sleep.
(A) veracity
(B) velocity
(C) vicinity
(D) verbosity


29 According to the report, the government is to increase spending next year in a bid to stimulate domestic demand and GDP growth as exports might continue to fall due to a ______ global economy.
(A) booming
(B) sluggish
(C) buoyant
(D) thriving


38 The young artist was determined to ______ his skills as a musician, practicing diligently every day.
(A) lace
(B) race
(C) hone
(D) zone


請依下文回答第 41 至第 45 題:
       Wolf pack leadership has long been of great interest to many scientists. What makes a wolf decide to __41__ out onits own and assert leadership of its pack? That question has long __42__ scientists. Now, a new study shows that graywolves infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii are more likely to become top dogs than uninfected wolves. Thefinding forces us to think more broadly about what influences how animals act, says Kira Cassidy, a __43__ biologist.Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled parasite that infects at least one-third of the world’s human population at any giventime with the disease toxoplasmosis. __44__ the infection is usually mild, it can be fatal to the young or immune-suppressed. It’s famous for its ability to __45__ its hosts, most notably in making rodents reckless around housecats. Toxoplasma can only reproduce in the intestines of domestic or wild cats, yet it is widespread in nature, and can infect any warm-blooded animal.

(A) strike
(B) churn
(C) phase
(D) blurt


請依下文回答第 46 至第 50 題:
        Soon after ChatGPT debuted in 2022, researchers tested what the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot would write afterit was asked questions peppered with conspiracy theories and false narratives. The results — in writings formatted asnews articles, essays and television scripts — were so troubling that the researchers minced no words in their criticismof the new technology. Researchers predict that generative technology like ChatGPT could make disinformation cheaperand easier to produce for an even larger number of conspiracy theorists and spreaders of disinformation. Personalized,real-time chatbots could share conspiracy theories in increasingly credible and persuasive ways, researchers say,smoothing out human errors like poor syntax and mistranslations and advancing beyond easily discoverable copy-pastejobs. And they say that no available mitigation tactics can effectively combat it.
        Predecessors to ChatGPT, which was created by the company OpenAI, have been used for years to pepper onlineforums and social media platforms with comments and spam. Microsoft had to halt activity from its Tay chatbot within 24 hours of introducing it on Twitter in 2016 after trolls taught it to spew racist and xenophobic language. ChatGPT isfar more powerful and sophisticated. Supplied with questions loaded with disinformation, it can produce convincing,clean variations on the content within seconds, without disclosing its sources. Recently, Microsoft and OpenAI introduceda new Bing search engine and web browser that can use chatbot technology to plan vacations, translate texts or conductresearch.
        OpenAI researchers have long been nervous about chatbots falling into villainous hands. In a 2019 paper, they voicedtheir concern about their chatbot’s capabilities to lower costs of disinformation campaigns and aid in the malicious pursuitof monetary gains, particular political agendas, and/or desires to create chaos or confusion. OpenAI uses machines andhumans to monitor content that is fed into and produced by ChatGPT. The company relies on both its human AI trainersand feedback from users to identify and filter out toxic training data while teaching ChatGPT to produce better-informedresponses. OpenAI’s policies prohibit use of its technology to promote dishonesty, deceive or manipulate users or attemptto influence politics; the company offers a free moderation tool to handle content that promotes hate, self-harm, violenceor sex.

【題組】48 According to the passage, what could be the best use of ChatGPT?
(A) Screening out sensitive content that promotes hate, self-harm, violence or sex.
(B) Designing travel itineraries, designing studies, or writing TV scripts instantly.
(C) Recognizing malicious software and political materials when processing input data.
(D) Lowering costs of disinformation campaigns for politicians.


13 The _____ for this year’s GDP growth remain favorable, although the growth is likely to be at a slower pace.
(A) precisions
(B) precautions
(C) prospectus
(D) prospects


15 I learn everything and want to get more certificates to prove that I am just as _____ as possible in this area.
(A) complete
(B) competent
(C) compliant
(D) communal


       A workers' strike is a powerful and often last-resort collective action taken by employees to demand betterworking conditions, fair wages, and improved benefits from their employers. It is a manifestation of thefundamental right of workers to organize and advocate for their rights. Strikes typically occur whennegotiations between labor unions or worker representatives and employers reach an impasse. Workers, __21__ that their concerns are not adequately addressed, may decide to withhold their labor as __22__ exerting pressure. This form of protest can be disruptive to businesses and industries, but it serves as an important mechanism for addressing grievances and achieving necessary changes in theworkplace. Although strikes can be challenging for both workers and employers, they often lead to positiveoutcomes. They can force employers to reconsider their positions and come back to the negotiating tablewith a more conciliatory approach. __23__ , strikes have brought about significant improvements inworking conditions, salary increases, and enhanced job security. However, strikes are not without theirrisks. Workers may lose income during a strike, and employers may face disruptions to their operationsand image damage. Therefore, they are typically considered a last resort after other __24__  forresolution, such as mediation or arbitration, __25__ .

(A) to feel
(B) felt
(C) feeling
(D) feel


(A) apertures
(B) adventures
(C) revenues
(D) avenues


