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32 Kate decided to__________ her spending when she was forced to take unpaid leave.
(A) expand
(B) reduce
(C) produce
(D) endure


47 In Japan, after regular classes are over, students participate in sports and cultural _____ for several hours every day.
(A) riots
(B) revolution
(C) competence
(D) clubs


36 Schools should train students to think ______ and creatively in order to make sound decisions and solve complex problems.
(A) drunkenly
(B) logically
(C) miserably
(D) seemingly


33 In the video the driver ran away immediately as the police officers ____ him. A chase then began.
(A) approached
(B) delighted
(C) employed
(D) recommended


33 If you park next to the "No Parking" sign, you will get a ticket for a traffic ______ .
(B) version
(C) victimization
(D) violation


30 Kevin, a doctor in a _____ agency, travels to Africa at his own expense to help people there.
(A) volcanic
(B) victorious
(C) voluntary
(D) vulnerable


38 Please handle the glassware with extreme caution. They are .
(A) feeble
(B) fragile
(C) fragrant
(D) feasible


33 The news of the forest fire filled them with _____ because they had just had a good vacation there.
(A) dismay
(B) relief
(C) turbulence
(D) lucidity


50 _____, we should explore different possibilities before making any final decision.
(A) Tentatively
(B) Abusively
(C) Ostensibly
(D) Reluctantly


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       We live a fast-paced life. Everything happens quickly nowadays, and efficiency is the key theme of our society. Email has replaced the paper letter. Words flow from our fingertips faster than ever before, but not everyone is happy about it. Some people prefer writing slowly. Tom Hanks, American actor, director, filmmaker, and collector of more than 100 typewriters, is one of them. The 58-year-old Oscar winner is__41__the sound his typewriters make. He can choose from a variety of them, each of which__42__its own sound. The volume and rhythm are determined by the force with which the fingers hit the keys. The collecting process itself, hunting and searching for rare pieces, is also a great pleasure. The__43__, however, is often tied to the price tag. Some vintage typewriters cost hundreds of dollars or more. Luckily his acting career is lucrative enough to pay for his hobby. Tom Hanks is not alone. More and more young people are tired of digital technology and looking for a better experience of writing. They enjoy typing because they can focus on thinking; they would not be__44__by email, googling, or Facebook.__45__ , typewriters are entirely powered by your fingertips. They do not require electricity, so you can gracefully carry on writing in a sudden power outage.

(A) produces
(B) reduces
(C) excludes
(D) includes


