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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職護理師、公職食品技師及公職醫事檢驗師外):英文#102810
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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
For most of its history, America was precisely the “polyglot boardinghouse” Teddy Roosevelt once worried it wouldbecome. That history has turned out very well not just for America, but for English—the most successful language in thehistory of the world. __31__ with American power, English has spread around the globe. At home, wave after wave ofimmigrants to America have not only learned English but __32__ the languages their parents brought with them.Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it __33__ ; the first children born inAmerica are __34__ , but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the __35__ language. This is as true of Hispanicsas it is of speakers of smaller languages.

【題組】 31
(A) Along
(B) Down
(C) Toward
(D) Up


(A) appreciated
(B) decoded
(C) forgotten
(D) studied


(A) impossibly
(B) imperfectly
(C) indefinitely
(D) intentionally


(A) bilingual
(B) monolingual
(C) literary
(D) illiterate


(A) heritage
(B) source
(C) sign
(D) target


36 After discovering that a migrant has provided fake and false documents for extending his stay in the country, an immigrant officer has decided to ______ the illegal migrant.
(A) dazzle
(B) deduct
(C) defect
(D) deport


37 When Pamela moved with her husband from Germany to the United States, she didn't feel like ______ there until they had their first son a few years later.
(A) putting down roots
(B) bringing to heel
(C) calling the tune
(D) cracking the whip


38 In a forced migration, a person ______ moves to another country for the sake of political, economic or environmental reasons.
(A) immensely
(B) implicitly
(C) involuntarily
(D) inefficiently


39 Jeff first came to Australia as a tourist and became a(n) ______ immigrant because he didn't actually leave the country before his visa was expired.
(A) perpetual
(B) substantial
(C) unrestricted
(D) undocumented


40 An executive action signed by the president allowed as many as five million living in the country to illegally stay and also to significantly reduce the ______ rates.
(A) inflation
(B) implication
(C) deportation
(D) exportation


41 The British pound has ______ against the US dollar considerably in recent weeks due to the result of the Brexit referendum. That is, the pound has become cheaper.
(A) deflated
(B) decreased
(C) despaired
(D) depreciated


42 Migration statistics reports often underestimate the level of migration due to illegal or ______ immigration.
(A) clandestine
(B) delusive
(C) submissive
(D) legitimate


43 When the time comes for your relative to immigrate, you must agree to be his or her financial ______ by filing Form I-864, Affidavit of Support.
(A) presenter
(B) inheritor
(C) beneficiary
(D) sponsor


44 Millions of refugees have ______ the Mediterranean Sea in the last few years to apply for asylum in the European Union.
(A) traversed
(B) infused
(C) invaded
(D) distressed


45 At times a visitor visa issued from the Taiwan consulate has to be extended and later ______ to a resident visa.
(A) condemned
(B) converged
(C) converted
(D) condensed


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
 How an iceberg travels across the sea is sometimes unpredictable. When an iceberg breaks off from a glacier, it can  __46__  for thousands of miles, traveling freely across the open ocean. But last week, an iceberg’s journey was interrupted when it got stuck on a __47__ part of the seafloor along Greenland’s western coast. In other words, the icebergwas grounded—and it had __48__ itself right beside the small island village of Innaarsuit. Such grounded icebergs areactually pretty common, says Fiamma Straneo, who has traveled about 20 times to Greenland’s ice sheet for her work atthe Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. What’s unique about the iceberg by Innaarsuit is both its sizeand its __49__ to the village. A grounded iceberg experiences ocean water pushing at it in one direction and the seafloorpushing in another—a __50__ that makes it easy for limbs to break off with a splash that can rock boats or flood coasts.The iceberg might even do an entire somersault in the water. Across the world, from the Canadian Arctic to Patagonia inArgentina, that shedding is both a tourist attraction and an issue of concern. The larger the iceberg, the larger the wavesit causes if it breaks apart.

【題組】 46
(A) drill
(B) drizzle
(C) drift
(D) draft


(A) hollow
(B) shallow
(C) mellow
(D) hallow


(A) lodged
(B) dodged
(C) nudged
(D) judged


(A) proxy
(B) prolixity
(C) probity
(D) proximity


(A) hocky
(B) hide-and-seek
(C) tug-of-war
(D) marathon


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職護理師、公職食品技師及公職醫事檢驗師外):英文#102810-阿摩線上測驗
