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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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Questions 172~175 refer to the following news article.

In a recent companywide email titled “Our company-wide OKR on durable savings,” Google’s finance chief Ruth Porat announced that the company is implementing cost-cutting measures, including reducing employee services. The cuts are part of an objective to “deliver durable savings through improved velocity and efficiency” by 2023. Google is cutting back on fitness classes, staplers, tape, and the frequency of laptop replacements for employees, according to documents viewed by CNBC. The company is also pausing refreshes for laptops, desktop PCs, and monitors, and providing Chromebooks as the default laptop option. Additionally, employees will need director approval for accessories costing more than $1,000 that are not available internally. The company is also making minor adjustments to food, fitness, massage, and transportation programs designed for when employees worked five days a week, as most employees are now in the office only three days a week due to hybrid schedules.

【題組】175. What changes are being made to employee desktops and workstations at Google?
(A) Chromebooks will replace desktop PCs and monitors.
(B)CloudTop will be the default desktop for employees.
(C)All employees will receive Apple MacBooks.
(D)Google is increasing the frequency of equipment replacements for employees


Questions 143~146 refer to the following email. 
Dear Department Managers, 

I am writing to inform you that in the coming weeks, we will be    143    a series of meetings to organize workshops for our entry-level employees and interns. The purpose of these workshops is to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of our company. 

We believe that these workshops will be beneficial for both our employees and our company, and we are looking forward to seeing the positive impact they will have. To ensure that the workshops are effective, we would like to invite you to share your    144    and suggestions on what topics and areas should be covered during the training sessions. 

Your valuable input will help us    145    the workshops to meet the specific needs of your department and enhance the overall quality of the program. We encourage you to take the time to reflect on the skills and knowledge that your team members need to succeed in their roles, and share your ideas with us. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our company. We appreciate your involvement in this    146    and look forward to working with you to create a successful and engaging workshop program. 

Best regards, 

Laura Carl

(A) transition
(B) proposition
(C) initiative
(D) movement


Questions 158~160 refer to the following table. 

 How to Prevent Talent Loss in Enterprises

【題組】 158. What is one of the interventions to prevent talent loss in enterprises?
(A) Building a work environment with high job demand and low social support.
(B) Offering inconsistent and uncertain pay and benefits to employees.
(C) Providing only basic training and development opportunities to employees.
(D) Reducing career growth opportunities for employees.


105. The airport's announcements are now clearer and more informative than _____ from a few years ago, making it easier for passengers to navigate the terminal.
(D) those


Questions143~146 refer to the following memo.

Date: April 29
To: All Staff
Subject: Paid Summer Internship Opportunity for Children and Relatives

Dear colleagues,

As the summer __143__ , we are excited to announce that our company is offering paid summer internships to college students who are related to or children of our employees. This is a great opportunity for them to gain valuable experience and learn about the industry __144__ earning some extra money.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with your children, nieces, nephews, or other eligible relatives. __145__ . The interns will work on various projects with our teams to develop their skills and knowledge.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
●Be a college student
●Be a child or relative of a current employee of our company
●Be available to work full-time during the internship period

If you know someone who meets these criteria and would be interested in applying for this opportunity, please share this memo with them and encourage them to apply as soon as possible. The application deadline is May 25, and interviews will __146__ in early June.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Daniel Ellsberg

【題組】 143.


Questions181~185 refer to the following email and document.
Subject: Brainstorming Meeting Invitation for E-commerce Challenges and Solutions

Dear all,

 As the newly appointed E-commerce department head, I am excited to announce that we are entering into the world of online retail. Despite being a traditional brick-and-mortar office equipment retailer, we are now ready to step into the digital arena and expand our business through the e-commerce platform. 

To ensure a smooth transition into this new territory, I would like to invite you all to a brainstorming meeting on June 1 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be held in the conference room where we will discuss the potential challenges that our platform might face, as well as strategies to overcome them.

It is imperative that we address any issues beforehand so that we can be fully prepared to provide the best possible service to our customers. I encourage everyone to come to the meeting with ideas and suggestions for how we can optimize our e-commerce platform.

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

Best regards,

Chloe Kim
E-commerce Department Head

Date: June 1

The meeting began with a welcome from the E-commerce Department Head, who thanked everyone for attending and introduced the meeting agenda. The attendees then introduced themselves, and the discussion began.

Challenges in the e-commerce platform were identified, including:
●Website speed and optimization
●Security and privacy concerns
●Product information accuracy
●Order fulfillment and shipping logistics
●Customer service and support

Strategies were suggested to overcome these challenges, including:
●Upgrading website infrastructure for faster loading times and improved user experience 
●Implementing SSL certificates and encryption for secure transactions
●Regularly updating product information and ensuring accuracy
●Partnering with reliable shipping companies for faster and more efficient delivery
●Providing easy-to-access customer support through multiple channels, including chat and email 

 The IT Manager offered to research and present solutions for website optimization and security, while the E-commerce Manager suggested implementing a customer feedback system to address any potential issues with product information and order fulfillment. The Marketing Manager offered to develop a customer service plan and improve the overall customer experience.

The E-commerce Department Head concluded the meeting by thanking everyone for their input and encouraged them to continue to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions.

Action Items: 
■IT Manager to research website optimization and security solutions 
■E-commerce Manager to develop a customer feedback system 
■Marketing Manager to develop a customer service plan

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

【題組】183. Which of the following best describes the type of the document?


Questions 196-200 refer to the following advertisement, social media post, andmessage.

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
One-Week Special Exhibition Opening Event

Welcome to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa's highly anticipated one-week special exhibition opening event. This extraordinary event celebrates the rich heritage,cultural diversity, and natural wonders of New Zealand. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through time and space, immersing yourself in the extraordinary narratives of this beautiful nation.

Event Details

● Exhibition Title: "Aotearoa Awakened: Unveiling New Zealand's Treasures"
● Date: July 1
● Ticket Prices:
- Adult (18-64 years): $25
- Child (5-17 years): $10
- Elderly (65 years and above): $15
- Disabled (with valid ID): $15

Event Highlights

1. Glowing Wonders of the Enchanted Forest: Step into an otherworldly realm where the forest comes alive with bioluminescent flora and fauna. Immerse yourself in the enchanting glow, showcasing New Zealand's unique ecosystems, and discover the fascinating creatures that call it home.

2. Tales of the Tangata Whenua: Dive deep into the ancient stories and traditions of the Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. Experience their rich culture through captivating artifacts, intricate carvings, and traditional performances that bring their legends to life.

3. The Kiwi Conservation Experience: Explore New Zealand's tireless efforts to protect its most iconic and endangered bird species, with a particular focus on the beloved kiwi.Engage in interactive displays, learn about conservation initiatives, and discover how you can contribute to the preservation of these remarkable creatures.

4. The Land of Giants: New Zealand's Geological Wonders: Uncover the geological marvels that have shaped New Zealand's landscape over millions of years. Marvel at the majestic fjords, geothermal wonders, and the awe-inspiring Southern Alps as you delve into the country's unique geological history.

Important Information
- Tickets can be purchased only at the venue.
posted by Nicole, 21:51 May 30

I must express my frustration with the ticket booking process for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa's one-week special exhibition opening event.  The lack of online ticket sales is incredibly inconvenient and time-consuming. Standing in long queues at the venue just to secure a ticket is not the experience I anticipated. In this digital age,online ticketing should be a basic convenience. Please take note, Te Papa Tongarewa, and consider implementing online ticket sales for future events to make it easier for visitors to access your amazing exhibitions.
#OnlineTicketingPlease #ConvenienceMatters #TePapaTongarewa
Private message, 10:10 June 4

Hi Nicole,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the ticket booking process for our exhibition. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We wanted to inform you that we have taken your concerns seriously, and we are happy to let you know that starting next Monday, our official website will offer online booking and other features for your convenience. We appreciate your patience and hope this update improves your experience. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Organizer at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

【題組】196.According to the ad, which exhibition allows you to explore New Zealand's unique ecosystems and encounter bioluminescent flora and fauna?
(A) Glowing Wonders of the Enchanted Forest.
(B)Tales of the Tangata Whenua.
(C)The Kiwi Conservation Experience.
(D)The Land of Giants: New Zealand's Geological Wonders.


Questions 196-200 refer to the following conversation, social media post, and .

Annie: Hi Kevin, Ruby. Thanks for joining today. As you know, we've been struggling to attract younger talent to TIO. We've seen that the usual perks and salary just aren't cutting it. What are your thoughts on this?

Kevin: Indeed, Annie. The younger generation is more purpose-driven, rather than solely focused on monetary compensation. They are looking for opportunities for personal growth and a platform to make a difference. We need to promote the innovative side of TIO, perhaps by showcasing our latest self-checkout technologies.

Ruby: Agreed, Kevin. Our training programs should also reflect these values. I'm thinking of incorporating a focus on creativity, innovation, and social impact. For instance, we could organize hackathons or innovation challenges that allow new hires to immediately contribute to our product development.

Annie: That's a good point, Ruby. Showcasing how our tech can create social impact can also resonate well. Kevin, how can we reflect these ideas in the job descriptions?

Kevin: Great points. I think we should include the potential for growth and the social impact of our work in the job descriptions. We can also emphasize our commitment to employee's well-being, flexibility, and professional development.

Ruby: And we should underline that TIO offers a platform to learn and grow, not just a job.Let's ensure our training programs reflect this too. Let's integrate more leadership and personal development opportunities.

Annie: That sounds like a comprehensive approach. Let's reconvene next week with specific action plans. Kevin, I'd like you to redesign job descriptions and recruitment materials, while Ruby, please work on enhancing our training programs. Our goal is to engage this purpose-driven generation effectively. Remember, we're selling not just a job, but a journey.
Calling all purpose-driven young professionals!

TIO Self-Checkout Systems is hiring 3 HR Specialists. We're not just offering a job, but a journey of innovation and social impact. We're not looking for traditional CVs. Surprise us with your creative proposal in HR or Training. Show us your passion for personal growth and how you can help shape the future of retail tech.

Join us and let's grow together, making shopping smarter for everyone. Contact Hiring Manager Kevin by email: kevin3544@tiosystem.com.
#HRJobs #JoinTIO #RetailTech
To: jimmy362229@gmail.com
From: kevin3544@tiosystem.com

Subject: Your Exceptional Proposal Stood Out

Dear Jimmy,

We're thrilled to extend an interview invitation for the HR Specialist position at TIO Self-Checkout Systems. Three aspects distinguished you from other candidates:

1. You followed our unusual request, unlike many who sent traditional CVs.
2. Your innovative approach to HR, demonstrated in your creative proposal, matches our mission.
3. Your clear passion for social impact, reflecting our own values, impressed us.

Please reply with your availability for a meeting at the headquarters of TIO next week,excluding Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoon.

Best Regards,

Hiring Manager, TIO Self-Checkout Systems 

【題組】199.What distinguished Jimmy from other candidates for the HR Specialist position?
(A)Sending a traditional CV.
(B)Displaying technical expertise in retail systems.
(C)Having extensive experience in HR.
(D)Following the unusual request.


今日錯題測驗-新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)-阿摩線上測驗
