(1 分34 秒)

3. To improve its ________ , the fast food chain stores flooded the market with children’s meals and gift toys with every meal.
(A) prices
(B) tales
(C) grades
(D) sales


17.When people started to buy more products online, companies ________ their advertising strategies to keep up with the competition.
(A) adjusted
(B) doubted
(C) deserved
(D) informed


18.The three candidates had a televised ________ where they discussed their different opinions about education.
(A) detail
(B) guide
(C) design
(D) debate


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 21-25 題
     Three Taiwanese men have been shot __(21)__ in Cambodia. Local police are working to determine  __(22)__ the killings are connected with recent cases of labor trafficking in the country. __(23)__ the Cambodian media, the men were shot around 7 p.m. in an apartment. Police have identified them only with first or familiar names — Xiao Lin, A-wei and A-hong. All three men were in th eir 30s. Foreign Min istry __(24)__ Joanne Ou is warning Taiwanese in the country that the level of gun violence in Cambodia has __(25)__ . She also says the Taiwanese government is working with police in Cambodia to help solve the crimes and provide support to the families.

(A) death
(B) dying
(C) die
(D) dead


(A) rising
(B) been rising
(C) rise
(D) rose


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 26-30 題
      One of the first decisions many people make in the morning __(26)__ what to wear. Our clothes make a statement about our individual style and beliefs; they can also say something about our cultural identity. Fashion trends change not only with seasons but also annually, with new styles __(27)__ , as well as old  __(28)__ revived, on the catwalks of Paris, Milan, London, and New York. __(29)__ back at changes in clothing styles over the past few decades, it seems that fashion trends tend to occur in cycles. __(30)__ was fashionable twenty years ago, for example, may come back into fashion again in the near future. You only have to pick up any fashion magazine to find lists of what is considered ‘in’ or ‘out’ of fashion at the moment.

(A) ones
(B) one
(C) that
(D) those


(A) What
(B) Which
(C) When
(D) It


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 31-35 題
       Many of us think slavery is a thing of the past. It isn ’t. A new report from the UN says there are about 50 million people in modern - day slavery. This includes being trapped in forced labor or in forced marriages. The International Labor Organization (ILO), an agency of the UN, created the report. The ILO said around one in 150 people in the world is enslaved in some way. This figure has increased by one fifth in the past few years. It is still growing. This is beca use of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, and the cost of living crisis. These things have left people in extreme poverty. The only way they can survive is to work in terrible conditions or be forced into unwanted marriages.
       The UN hoped to end this situation by 2030. However, since creating this aim in 2016, the number of people in forced labor or forced marriage shot up by 10 million. The ILO said modern slavery happens when people “cannot refuse or cannot leave because of threats, violence, deception, abuse of power or other forms of force .” Women and children are at the most risk. The ILO said this problem existed in rich countries as well as poor nations. An ILO representative said: “It would be a mistake to believe that forced labor is solely th e problem of poor countries.” He added that more than half of cases of forced labor and a quarter of forced marriages are in “upper-middle-income or highincome countries,” with migrant workers more than three times as likely as locals to be affected. For example, the report reveals that Qatar violated labor rights while having migrants working for the soccer World Cup event.

【題組】32.The number of people in modern slavery has increased by in the past few years.
(A) 50%
(B) 20%
(C) 15%
(D) 5%



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