(3 秒)

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 26-30 題
      One of the first decisions many people make in the morning __(26)__ what to wear. Our clothes make a statement about our individual style and beliefs; they can also say something about our cultural identity. Fashion trends change not only with seasons but also annually, with new styles __(27)__ , as well as old  __(28)__ revived, on the catwalks of Paris, Milan, London, and New York. __(29)__ back at changes in clothing styles over the past few decades, it seems that fashion trends tend to occur in cycles. __(30)__ was fashionable twenty years ago, for example, may come back into fashion again in the near future. You only have to pick up any fashion magazine to find lists of what is considered ‘in’ or ‘out’ of fashion at the moment.

(A) What
(B) Which
(C) When
(D) It



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