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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 中國醫藥大學學士後中醫-英文#21416
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1. Television advertisers may be _____ to sponsor a program that deals with controversial social issues.
(A) elemental
(B) reluctant
(C) identical
(D) coherent
(E) financial


2. It’s embarrassing if your stomach _____ during class.
(A) sweats
(B) frowns
(C) sneezes
(D) rumbles
(E) yawns


3. His poor health _____ him to resign from his job.
(A) treasured
(B) composed
(C) compelled
(D) valued
(E) devoured


4. Techniques that create an atmosphere of suspense are commonly used by film-makers to _____ their audiences.
(A) arrest
(B) lack
(C) duplicate
(D) squander
(E) shrink


5. Scarlet is to a color as warm-blooded is to _____.
(A) a vegetable
(B) a celestial body
(C) a fabric
(D) a machinery
(E) a mammal


6. All life forms, even such long-lasting ones as blue-green algae and horseshoe crabs and crocodiles, will eventually flunk some tests posed by environmental conditions and meet _____.
(A) intuition
(B) extinction
(C) institution
(D) exclusion
(E) distinction


7. The world of things is often subject _____ returns. In contrast, the world of ideas is not: the everincreasing exchange of ideas cause the ever-increasing rate of innovation in the world.
(A) diminish
(B) to diminish
(C) for diminishing
(D) that diminished
(E) to diminishing


8. If you say the world will go on getting better, you are considered mad. If you say catastrophe is _____, you may expect the Nobel Peace Prize. I cannot recall a time when I was not being told by somebody that the world could survive only if it abandoned economic growth at once.
(A) dichotomy
(B) imminent
(C) inexplicable
(D) chronic
(E) insignificant


9. How one sows, so shall he reap.
(A) implement
(B) harvest
(C) construct
(D) establish
(E) implicate


10. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography.
(A) in the light of
(B) by now
(C) all at once
(D) by and by
(E) on the whole


11. The advantage of the latest model will manifest itself in improved efficiency and protection of eye-sight.
(A) exhibit
(B) invest
(C) concentrate
(D) plunge
(E) convict


12. Moderate and regular exercise can boost the rate of blood circulation and metabolism.
(A) restrict
(B) reduce
(C) increase
(D) stabilize
(E) propose


13. These figures boil down to no significance as they are statistically problematic.
(A) see off
(B) give in to
(C) confess to
(D) amount to
(E) conflate to


14. To make fun of people’s physical abnormality in public is considered rude in most cultures.
(A) exaggerated wardrobe
(B) shyness
(C) absent-mindedness
(D) harelip
(E) inappropriate dictions


15. On his expedition in search for rare species, a scientist often makes discoveries unrelated to what he started out for.
(A) a business conference
(B) an adventurous journey
(C) a political scheme
(D) a social movement
(E) an academic research 


16. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, _____ bright red plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state birds.
(A) who have
(B) which have
(C) those that have
(D) to have their
(E) that have


17. _____ that carried the tradition of 19th century American Realism to perhaps its highest level of achievement.
(A) Thomas Eakins
(B) Thomas Eakins’ paintings
(C) Why it was Thomas Eakins
(D) Thomas Eakins and his paintings
(E) It was the painter Thomas Eakins


18. Although he suffered from discrimination, Martin Luther King is a man who believed in reconciliation and only rarely _____ a grudge during his Civil Rights movement.
(A) he carried
(B) when he carried
(C) that he carried
(D) did he carry
(E) he has carried


19. They haven’t _____ an AIDS vaccine.
(A) yet developed
(B) developed already
(C) developing
(D) developing yet
(E) already developing


20. After a horrible start _____ a comedy tour, I began to think my whole life _____ a tragic mistake _____ a humorist.
(A) on / will be / to
(B) with / was / on
(C) to / had been / as
(D) in / would be / at
(E) with / would be / to


21. Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theater _____ the curtain went up.
(A) when
(B) than
(C) which
(D) what
(E) that


22. _____, the white mountain goat is an extremely sure-footed animal that escapes from its predators by living in the most rugged, rocky landscapes.
(A) Having rarely seeing
(B) Rarely seeing
(C) Been rarely seeing
(D) Have rarely seen
(E) Rarely seen


23. Professor Thompson _____ three books since 2011, and she is working on her fourth.
(A) has writing
(B) has been written
(C) wrote
(D) has written
(E) writes


24. The hindsight bias refers to a pervasive human tendency for people to be remarkable adept at inferring a process _____ the outcome is known but be unable to predict outcomes _____ only the processes and precipitating events are known.
(A) although / if
(B) once / when
(C) where / for
(D) although / in case
(E) how / if


25. How long a minute _____ depends on _____ side of bathroom door you are _____.
(A) was / that / at
(B) are / how / in
(C) to be / whether / on
(D) is / which / on
(E) is / when / in

26( ).

26. The following are five versions of one statement. Only one of them is completely correct. Which is it?
(A) Thailand competes for investment of offering attractive tax and non-tax incentives, and by providing legal frameworks that facilitate investment and afford high levels of protection for investors.
(B) Thailand competes for investment by offering attractive tax and non-tax incentives, and by providing legal frameworks that facilitate investment and afford high levels of protection for investors.
(C) Thailand competes for investment by offering attractive tax and non-tax incentives, and by providing legal frameworks that facilitate investment and afforded high levels of protection for investors.
(D) Thailand competes for investment by offering attractive tax and non-tax incentives, and by providing legal frameworks that facilitates investment and afford high levels of protection for investors.
(E) Thailand compete for investment by offering attractive tax and non-tax incentives, and by providing legal frameworks that facilitate investment and afford high levels of protection for investors.

27( ).

27. The following are five versions of one statement. Only one of them is completely correct. Which is it?
(A) Rioting police in front of E.U. Offices in Brussels blocks a torrent of milk sprayed by European farmers, some of whom rode tractors into the Belgian capital on Nov. 26 to protest plummeting dairy prices.
(B) Riot police in front of E.U. Offices in Brussels blocks a torrent of milk spraying by European farmers, some of whom rode tractors into the Belgian capital on Nov. 26 to protest plummeting dairy prices.
(C) Riot police in front of E.U. Offices in Brussels blocks a torrent of milk sprayed by European farmers, some of which rode tractors into the Belgian capital on Nov. 26 to protest plummeting dairy prices.
(D) Riot police in front of E.U. Offices in Brussels block a torrent of milk sprayed by European farmers, some of whom rode tractors into the Belgian capital on Nov. 26 to protest plummeting dairy prices.
(E) Riot police in front of E.U. Offices in Brussels blocks a torrent of milk sprayed by European farmers, some of who rode tractors into the Belgian capital on Nov. 26 to protest plummeting dairy prices.

28( ).

Questions 28-32 No step in life is more important than the choice of a vocation. The wise selection of the business, profession, trade, or occupation to which one’s life is to be devoted and the development of full efficiency in the chosen field are matters of the deepest moment to young men and to the public. These vital problems should be solved in a careful, scientific way, with due regard to each person’s aptitudes, abilities, ambitions, resources, and limitations and the relations of these elements to the conditions of success in different industries. If a boy takes up a line of work to which he is adapted, he will achieve greater success than if he drifts into an industry for which he is not fitted. An occupation out of harmony with the worker’s aptitudes and capacities means inefficiency, unenthusiastic and perhaps distasteful labor, and low pay, while an occupation in harmony with the nature of the man means enthusiasm, love of work, and high economic values—superior product, efficient service, and good pay. If a young man chooses his vocation so that his best abilities and enthusiasms will be united with his daily work, he has laid the foundations of success and happiness. But if his best abilities and enthusiasms are separated from his daily work or do not find in it fair scope and opportunity for exercise and development, if his occupation is merely a means of making a living, and the work he loves to do is sidetracked into the evening hours or pushed out of his life altogether, he will be only a fraction of the man he ought to be. Efficiency and success are largely dependent on adaptation.
【題組】28. The general tone of this passage might well be attacked by a group _____.
(A) interested in equal rights to women
(B) seeking an understanding of the problems of youth
(C) seeking an understanding of the relation of success and individual abilities
(D) demanding that jobs and interests coincide
(E) interested in advice for young men in college

29( ).

【題組】29. The author expresses the thought that the correct choice of job or career is important to _____.
(A) the parents only
(B) the employer only
(C) the individual and society at large
(D) the individual only
(E) the teacher only

30( ).

【題組】30. Proper adaptation of the worker to his occupation will produce _____.
(A) efficiency and success
(B) loneliness
(C) social criticism
(D) slow advancement
(E) failure

31( ).

【題組】31. The choice of a vocation should be made with _____.
(A) careful research into pay scales
(B) consideration of the workplace
(C) consideration of timely advancement
(D) a survey into the company’s atmosphere
(E) a survey into one’s abilities and aptitudes

32( ).

【題組】32. The result(s) of working at a vocation one enjoys can be measured in _____.
(A) lack of enthusiasm
(B) superior products and efficient service
(C) low pay
(D) slow advancement
(E) loyalty to the employer

33( ).

Questions 33-36
 Letter 1: 
I read with much interest your article on the devastating effects of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina on New Orleans, and how much land, through water saturation, you have lost. This summer in Great Britain we have suffered much water situation. Our people were without power and drinking water, and in some cases had no homes. Unfortunately, aid seems to be little, and bearing in mind the size of our country and the cost of housing, there is very little room for people to move, as some of your people in New Orleans did. Our problem is that our drainage system is so old and needs replacement, but our central government doesn’t bother. We have inadequate water defenses with our rivers, and many of our homes are built on low-lying floodplains. Developers know the consequences of the weather (though this might not happen again for 40 to 50 years), but our government is still insisting on building more homes on existing floodplain areas. 
Letter 2: 
I applaud the loyalty and self-reliance of the residents in attempting to resurrect the city. However, I object to potentially having to support the recovery from another disaster with tax dollars, when hurricanes seem so likely to happen. If people want to live there, it should be at their own risk.
 Letter 3:
Residences and decision-making alike must move to higher ground regarding the future of New Orleans. Cool pragmatism must prevail over emotional attachment to place. Those who expect a return to pre-Katrina Hurricane New Orleans life are selfishly myopic. Not only were residents’ lives devastated by the tragedy, but emotional and other costs were also borne by families, friends and fellow citizens throughout the country. Rescue workers put their lives and health in harm’s way. Taxpayers bore the costs of the devastation and will be required to do so once again, inevitably. To rebuild the residential life of New Orleans is nothing less than reckless endangerment.

【題組】33. What is the subject matter that these letters all share?
(A) a tax issue
(B) an earth quake
(C) a hurricane
(D) a war
(E) a blizzard

34( ).

【題組】34. Which letter or letters place significant concern about the source of the fund needed for the recovery from the disaster?
(A) only letters 2 & 3
(B) only letter 2
(C) all of them
(D) only letters 1 & 2
(E) only letters 1 & 3

35( ).

【題組】35. Which letter or letters truly aim at showing sympathy to the victims of the disaster?
(A) only letters 1 & 3
(B) all of them
(C) only letters 2 & 3
(D) none of them
(E) only letter 2

36( ).

【題組】36. The one lesson that we can learn from all these three letters is:
(A) People will be happy to donate money to the devastated.
(B) It is all the government’s fault.
(C) People can sensibly deal with natural disasters.
(D) Hurricanes are related to global warming.
(E) Hurricanes will return sooner or later.

37( ).

Questions 37-40 With over 22,000 varieties, orchids are one of the oldest flowers on the planet. With names like dancing lady, butterfly, ghost and slipper orchids, the flowers tickle the imagination like few others. The so-called “orchid fever” began in the 19th century when British plant collector William Swainson sent a box of orchids back to England from Brazil. People immediately fell in love with their exotic color and shape. Orchid collecting soon gained popularity as a hobby for the wealthy, creating a need for the occupation of “orchid hunter” to bridge the gap between supply and demand. It was a lucrative gig for the truly intrepid, and one fraught with risks. On the trail of this elusive flower, orchid hunters have been eaten by tigers, bitten by poisonous snakes, burned alive, beheaded, as well as killed by a variety of tropical diseases.
【題組】37. According to the context, what kind of person is “an intrepid”?
(A) a highly intelligent person
(B) a very wealthy person
(C) a daringly brave person
(D) a martial art master
(E) a person fluent in aboriginal’s languages

38( ).

【題組】38. According to the context, what does “lucrative” mean?
(A) highly profitable
(B) very dangerous
(C) extremely illusive
(D) mostly fatal
(E) rarely happening

39( ).

【題組】39. According to its context, what does “elusive” mean?
(A) widely spread
(B) possibly poisonous
(C) difficult to locate
(D) extremely fragile
(E) very expensive

40( ).

【題組】40. According to this passage, which of the following statements is wrong?
(A) The British probably were those of the first among Europeans to know the existence of orchid.
(B) Looking for new orchids was once one of the ways to make a fortune.
(C) Many people went looking for the flower in remote areas.
(D) The first orchid the British saw was from South America.
(E) Orchids once caused an epidemic disease that gave people fever


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 中國醫藥大學學士後中醫-英文#21416-阿摩線上測驗
