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II. Grammar and Structure: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 16. _____, can we be sure of passing our examination.
(A) It is hard studying
(B) Only by studying hard
(C) By hard studying only
(D) If we study hard
(E) It’s hard to study


III. Cloze test:
     Choose the best answer for each blank in the passage. Passage A Cupping therapy is a form of    21    medicine in which cups are placed upside down on the skin to create   22    . It causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup and thereby mobilizes blood flow to promote the healing of a broad range of ailments. The cup can be gently moved across the skin, often referred to as gliding cupping. Cupping is used to   23    back and neck pains, migraines and rheumatism. It can also help to relax qi and target more specific maladies. There are five meridian lines on the back, and these are where the cups are usually placed. The cupping practitioner strives to open the channels through which life energy flows freely throughout the body, thus providing a smoother and more free-flowing qi. Nevertheless, Western medical societies are   24    of the health claims made by cupping therapy supporters. They assume that cupping therapy may have a   25    effect, which simply evokes a psychological response and an improved sense of well-being.

(A) crippling
(B) butterfly
(C) domino
(D) placebo


Passage B
      Where did the Coronavirus come from? After five months and over 225,000 people    26    , the question is the subject of a vicious spat between America and China. By far the most likely explanation is that the virus jumped from bats to humans, perhaps via another animal such as a pangolin, at a wet market in Wuhan. But conspiracy theorists mutter that the bug could have escaped from one of the city’s laboratories, at least two   27    do research on   28    diseases. Some American politicians, including President Donald Trump, want an investigation; China retorts that the claims are “malicious”. In March, one of its spokesmen claimed that the virus might have come from America. The risks corrode public confidence in the crucial disease laboratories. It is also a reminder of why China’s official culture of opacity and propaganda is such a profound weakness.
       The virus shows no sign of deliberate human construction and there is no reason to doubt that it evolved entirely in the wild. But accidents do happen. Bugs studied during legitimate experiments in laboratories have escaped in the past. SARS, a virus that killed 774 people in 2002-03, slipped out of a lab in Beijing twice in 2004. A sample later escaped from a research institute in 2007, but was contained. America suffered 34 laboratory-acquired infections in 2000-09,    29    four deaths. American labs have accidentally shipped live anthrax, bird flu and Ebola to lower-security facilities in recent years. One health-security index suggests that three-quarters of countries   30    biosecurity.

(A) which
(B) by which
(C) of which
(D) which of


(A) resulting
(B) by resulting in
(C) from resulting
(D) resulting in


1. This girl requires________ attention from doctors and nurses; this means, they need to spend most of their time taking care of her.
(A) constant
(B) literary
(C) short
(D) tentative


