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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益聽力測驗第一回:簡短獨白#115028
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Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following introduction.
71. What is the name of the podcast?
(A)Business English Success Stories.
(B)English Language Essentials.
(C)Business English Made Easy.
(D)Beginner's English for presentation.


72. Who is the target audience of the podcast?
(A)Advanced English learners.
(B)Beginner English learners.
(C)Business executives.
(D)Academic researchers.


73. What can listeners expect from the podcast?
(A)Conversations about personal life experiences.
(B)Tips for writing business emails.
(C)Pronunciation exercises.
(D)Summaries of Academic reports.


Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following talk.
74. Based on the discussion, in which setting is this talk most likely to take place?
(A)School athletic field.
(B)National Stadium.
(C)Public library.
(D)Community center.


75. The main purpose of converting the park is to:
(A)Provide quality early childhood education.
(B)Create a space for older children.
(C)Establish a community garden.
(D)Host cultural events.


76. How will the transformation benefit the community?
(A)By adding new sports facilities.
(B)By organizing art exhibitions.
(C)By creating a nurturing environment for children.
(D)By increasing parking spaces.


Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following talk.
77. How tall is Tokyo Tower?
(A)About 200 meters.
(B)About 300 meters.
(C)About 400 meters.
(D)About 500 meters.


78. What can you do at Tokyo Tower?
(A)Ride roller coasters.
(B)Take an elevator to the observation deck.
(C)Go shopping for souvenirs.
(D)Watch a movie at the theater.


79. When does Tokyo Tower light up?
(A)During the day.
(B)Only on weekends.
(C)At night.
(D)On special holidays.


Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following talk.
80. What is the main purpose of the gallery mentioned in the speech?
(A)To display artwork from different times.
(B)To support local artists only.
(C)To sell artwork to collectors.
(D)To host parties and events.


81. What can visitors find in the gallery?
(A)Blueprints and architectural designs.
(B)Valuable ancient artifacts and antiques.
(C)Interesting sculptures and art installations.
(D)Rare books and manuscripts.


82. What does the speech invite the audience to do?
(A)Meet famous artists and make connections.
(B)Study the technical aspects of art.
(C)Learn about art collecting as a business.
(D)Take a journey through time and creativity.


Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following advertisement.
83. What can you track with the FitTrack app?
(A)Steps and calories burned.
(B)Sleep patterns and water intake.
(C)Heart rate and blood pressure.
(D)Daily expenses and weather updates.


84. What can you receive from FitTrack to stay motivated?
(A)Beauty and fashion trends.
(B)Delicious recipes for healthy meals.
(C)DIY home improvement tips.
(D)Personalized workout plans.


85. What does FitTrack connect you with?
(A)The fountain of youth.
(B)Astronauts in outer space.
(C)A community of fitness enthusiasts.
(D)A secret underground society.


Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following announcement.
86. What can you find on the ground floor of our Transport Museum?
(A)Famous artworks and sculptures.
(B)Modern sports cars and racing motorcycles.
(C)Antique furniture and household items.
(D)Vintage automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles.


87. What can you explore on the second floor of our Transport Museum?
(A)Ancient civilizations and archaeological artifacts.
(B)Underwater creatures and marine life.
(C)The evolution of flight and aviation.
(D)Space exploration and celestial bodies.


88. What can you find in the gift shop at our Transport Museum?
(A)Unique souvenirs and mementos.
(B)Freshly brewed coffee and pastries.
(C)Designer clothing and accessories.
(D)Electronics and gadgets.


Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following announcement.
89. According to the announcement, where are the book vending machines located?
(A)Candy stores.
(B)Train stations.
(C)Public libraries.
(D)Theme parks.


90. How can you obtain a book from the magical book vending machines?
(A)Insert coins and press the button.
(B)Ask a staff member for assistance.
(C)Wave your hand over the machine.
(D)Say a magic word.


91. What is NOT mentioned as a feature of the magical book vending machines?
(A)They are easy to use.
(B)They provide surprises.
(C)They are made of candy.
(D)They contain great stories.


Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following message and table. 

Terry’s Expense Report 
August 7 

Taxi from Company HQ to Brisbane HSR Station, $70
Brisbane to Byron Bay by HSR, $150 
Afternoon Tea with Clients, $220 
Byron Bay to Brisbane by HSR, $150 
Solo Dinner at Brisbane HSR Station, $50 
Bus from Brisbane HSR Station to my home, $25 
Miscellaneous expenses, $35

92. Why does Terry mention that it is his first time submitting an expense report?
(A)To request Jenny's guidance on the standard procedure.
(B)To express his frustration with the process.
(C)To highlight his expertise in financial matters.
(D)To inform Jenny about his previous experiences.


93. Look at the table, which of the following categories incurred the highest expense?
(A)Transportation expenses.
(B)Dining expenses.
(C)Client-related expenses.
(D)Miscellaneous expenses.


94. In the message, What does Terry ask Jenny to do?
(A)Call him on the office landline.
(B)Meet him for lunch.
(C)Email him the expense report template.
(D)Provide him with client contact information.


Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following message and table.

CEO’s Schedule: Thursday, April 29

95. What is the purpose of the instant message sent by the CEO to Betty?
(A)To reschedule the lunch with clients.
(B)To extend the interview for summer interns.
(C)To request assistance with the press conference.
(D)To discuss the staff meeting agenda.


96. Look at the table. When is the interview for summer interns originally scheduled?



97. Which meeting/event is NOT mentioned in the CEO's schedule for Thursday, April 29?
(A)Staff Meeting.
(B)Client Meeting.
(C)Lunch with summer interns.
(D)Press report reviews.


Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following speech and table.

98. What is the primary objective of analyzing the survey results?
(A)To identify areas for improvement in the cafe's offerings.
(B)To showcase the popularity of the cafe among customers.
(C)To determine the success of the marketing initiatives implemented.
(D)To assess customer satisfaction with the cafe's current services.


99. Look at the table, how many votes did the improvement in the quality of food and beverages receive in the survey?
(A)10 votes.
(B)21 votes.
(C)54 votes.
(D)66 votes.


100. Which proposed initiative aims to provide customers with enhanced value for their money?
(A)Implementing a loyalty program.
(B)Introducing a new menu with innovative options.
(C)Exploring partnerships with local suppliers.
(D)Running weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益聽力測驗第一回:簡短獨白#115028-阿摩線上測驗
