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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2481~2485)
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45 The paper presents the hypothesis that human emotion originates biochemically without scanting the likelihood that cultural influences are almost equally important.

(A)In the paper, it is contended that human emotion is created by biochemical processes of the human body rather than by cultural factors.

(B)The paper asserts that human emotion is the result of biochemical processes which are in turn shaped by cultural influences.

(C)The paper hypothesizes that there is a biochemical foundation for human emotion, while admitting that cultural influences cannot be neglected.

(D)It is hypothesized in the paper that human emotion has a biochemical origin and is exempted from cultural influences.


32 Leonardo da Vinci was _____ by mathematics, applied it to his paintings and for many years thought it contained the key to all knowledge.


3. The secretary was _____ with office tasks all the afternoon. She even skipped her coffee break.
(A) occupied
(B) dizzy
(C) sole
(D) reluctant


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
        I had a surgery called radical neck dissection, which is about as pleasant as it sounds. Then radiation.Then they tried some chemo for my lung tumors. The tumors shrank, then grew. By then, I was fourteen.My lungs started to fill with water. I was looking pretty dead—my hands and feet ballooned; my skincracked; my lips were perpetually blue. They’ve got this drug that makes you not feel so completelyterrified about the fact that you can’t breathe, and I had a lot of it flowing into me through a PICC line,and more than a dozen other drugs besides. I finally ended up in the ICU with pneumonia, and my momknelt by the side of my bed and said, “Are you ready, sweetie?” and I told her I was ready, and my dadjust knelt telling me how he loved me in this voice that was not breaking so much as already broken, andI kept telling him that I loved him, too, and everyone was holding hands, and I couldn’t catch my breath,and my lungs were acting desperate, gasping, pulling me out of the bed trying to find a position that couldget them air, and I was embarrassed by their desperation, disgusted that they wouldn’t just let go, and Iremember my mom telling me it was okay, that I was okay, that I would be okay, and my father was tryingso hard not to sob that when he did, which was regularly, it was an earthquake. And I remember wantingnot to be awake. Everyone figured I was finished, but my Cancer Doctor managed to get some of the fluidout of my lungs, and shortly thereafter the antibiotics they’d given me for the pneumonia kicked in. I wokeup.

【題組】20 What is implied by the mother’s saying “Are you ready, sweetie?” and the father’s sobbing?
(A) The family felt that the author is not ready for the surgery.
(B) Her family feared that the daughter might die.
(C) Her father was so choked that the mother felt sorry for him.
(D) Her family was bidding her to stay calm.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       The ancient Greeks worshipped their deities by leaving offerings to them in temples, and honored them by holding regular festivals. Much is known about this worship because many of their temples, together with ritual objects and cult statues, have __41__ , and ancient Greek writers described religious rituals __42__ making offerings of food and wine. Worshippers hoped that the deities would look kindly on them __43__ return, since most gods and goddesses were said to take a keen interest in human affairs. In the mythical great war between Greece and Troy, for example, every stage of the conflict, together with the final outcome, was influenced as much by the actions of the deities __44__ by what the men of the two sides actually achieved on the battle field. The myths of Greece also show this __45__ between deities and humans in the guise of numerous heroes. Stories of heroes like Heracles and Jason, involving great adventures and journey as far as the Underworld, have been endlessly retold.

(A) unlike
(B) such as
(C) in spite of
(D) without


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2481~2485)-阿摩線上測驗
