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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2491~2495)
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The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, says 115 million children worldwide are still missing out on an education, most of them girls. 2005 is the year set by the UN to achieve gender equality in primary education. UNICEF says many countries in South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East cannot meet the target of gender equality in 2005. UNICEF is especially concerned about the situation in west and central Africa. Only five countries out of 24 are set to achieve gender equality there. In South Asia, UNICEF says, progress has been made but not enough. Forty-two million children across the region don’t go to school. Afghanistan and Pakistan have the widest gender gaps. For Pakistan to have the same number of girls as boys in school by 2015, it would have to increase girls’ school attendance by over three percent each year. And in eastern and central Europe there is cause for concern, too. The introduction of fees for tuition, schoolbooks and uniforms has led to rising dropout rates—and girls drop out sooner than boys. UNICEF insists the effort must be made. The UN’s primary goal is to get rid of poverty, and education is fundamental to achieving that.
【題組】47 According to this article, “gender equality in primary education” refers to_________ .
(A) the types of primary education both boys and girls should receive
(B) the quality and quantity of primary education for girls to receive
(C) the differences between girls and boys in receiving primary education
(D) the equal rights for boys and girls to receive primary education


141. At the Book Fair, exhibitors from 21 countries will _______ textbooks, novels, and comic books.
(A) predict
(B) target
(C) require
(D) display


698. For years, people thought the picture was a(n) _____ Picasso, but in fact it’s a fake.
(A) genuine
(B) harsh
(C) immigrant
(D) modest


774. During times when I was in an ____ of despair, I recognized that I am my sole support; that is, I can survive only by relying on my own virtues.
(A) fertilizer
(B) extremity
(C) secretary
(D) surface


792. As a saying goes, “No one is ______.” If you expect to find a perfect person, it’s nothing more than a daydream.
(A) chaotic
(B) flawless
(C) mournful
(D) agonized


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2491~2495)-阿摩線上測驗
