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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2586~2590)
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Buying overpriced indulgences may feel good in the short term, but you pay the price later. Or at least that’s the conventional wisdom. But a study by a couple of business-school professors says splurging now makes you happier later. Even more surprising: not splurging now gives you pangs of regret later. One study in the Harvard Business Review polled college students and alumni on the subject of spring breaks. Regret about not having spent more money or traveling during breaks increased with time, whereas regret about not having worked, studied, or saved money during breaks decreased with time. The authors write: “We saw a similar pattern in a study of how businesspeople perceived past choices between work and pleasure. Over time, those who had indulged felt less and less guilty about their choices, whereas those who had been dutiful experienced a growing sense of having missed out on the pleasures of life.” The authors also did a study of mall shoppers, asking about their regret about buying an expensive item of clothing. Those who anticipated short-term regret bought less-expensive items, while those who anticipated long-term regret splurged. Luxury-goods makers, of course, will eat this up. I can see the slogan now: “Luxury: It’s Good for Life.” Well, whether luxury is good for your finances is another matter. Wealth Report readers, what do you think? Do the long-term benefits of indulgence outweigh the short-term risks of regret?
【題組】17 Who did the Harvard Business Review survey in the study mentioned in the passage?
(A)College professors and tourists.
(B)College students and businesspeople.
(C)Shopowners and their customers.
(D)Producers of luxury goods.


9 The __________ of calcium may cause osteoporosis, and the patients may get bone fractures easily.
(A) frequency
(B) proficiency
(C) deficiency
(D) adequacy


21 Some words in English represent people’s names;_____ , the word quisling comes from the name of a Norwegian politician.
(A) as a result
(B) in contrast
(C) in that case
(D) for instance


405. The woman's rights group says that sexual discrimination needs to be _______ from the workplace.
(A) eliminated
(B) eliminating
(C) determination
(D) limitation


35 It has been increasingly seen around the world that _____ climate events such as super typhoons and hurricanes could have a serious impact on a region’s economy.
(A) catastrophic
(B) prospective
(C) redundant
(D) spontaneous


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2586~2590)-阿摩線上測驗
