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9 有關婚姻與家庭制度,依照司法院大法官解釋之意旨,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(D)法律為維持租稅公平,對夫妻非薪資所得採合併計算適用較高稅率,並不牴觸國家保障婚姻制度之本旨 .


請依下文回答第 48 題至第 50 題 In 1881 a young woman named Mabel Loomis Todd wrote her parents about “the character of Amherst…a lady whom the people call the ‘Myth’: she has not been outside of her own house in fifteen years…. She dresses wholly in white, and her mind is said to be perfectly wonderful.” So began the legend of Emily Dickinson, one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century, who was for years portrayed by biographers and critics as an eccentric recluse, a “little home-keeping person,”a mad spinster who had been disappointed in love. For, four years after this New England woman in white died in 1886, the same Mabel Loomis Todd brought out a volume containing selections from 1,776 strange and passionate poems, which had been found, neatly sewed into booklets, in her bureau drawers, and the imagination of the pubic was immediately seized by the mysterious discrepancy between what seemed to be the isolation of Dickinson’s life and the intensity of her art. To many, indeed, the “case” of Emily Dickinson-only eight of whose poems had been published in her lifetime-seemed to offer a crucial model for the situation of the woman poet. Eccentricity, reclusiveness, and most of all, thwarted romance-these appeared to be the conditions that might drive a woman to what was, for women, the perversity of writing verses.
【題組】50 When did Mabel Loomis Todd find Dickinson’s poems?
(C) 1776
(D) 1881


24 習近平於 2013 年上台之後,喊出「一帶一路」的經濟合作戰略,「一帶一路」的正式名稱為何?
(A)絲綢之路經濟帶與 21 世紀海上絲綢之路
(B)海上絲綢之路經濟帶與 21 世紀絲綢之路
(C) 21 世紀絲綢之路經濟帶與海上絲綢之路
(D)絲綢之路與 21 世紀海上絲綢之路經濟帶


27 李登輝總統於民國 85 年提出「戒急用忍政策」,明確界定那三種投資應對中國大陸戒急用忍?


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
   Experts have traditionally seen a high level of intelligence as applicable across the board to most human activities, guaranteeing its possessor success in whatever s/he does. In the 1980s, however, Prof. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, suggesting that the mind does not possess just one kind of intelligence, but rather many distinct intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, naturalistic intelligences, among others.
   A person with a high level of linguistic intelligence is endowed with a large vocabulary and the ability to express him or herself well. Gardner sees the poet as the best example of an astute user of language. In creating poems, poets make use of the full complexity of meaning and the widest range of linguistic dynamics. Naturally, people with a high level of linguistic intelligence would excel at language-related activities such as writing, teaching and persuading others.
   Logical-mathematical intelligence refers to the skills often associated with scientists and mathematicians. Scientists tend to give it a more significant role than other intelligences. Gardner certainly disagrees with this point of view. He sees logical-mathematical intelligence as simply one among a set of intelligences, asserting that though it may have been exceptionally important in western societies, it has played a more modest role in other societies.
   Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to visualize things in the mind accurately and precisely. This intelligence is therefore associated with artists, who are experts in visualizing and making intelligent use of forms and colors. A person with a high level of spatial intelligence may also have excellent visual memory, and perhaps even a so-called photographic memory.
   Naturalistic intelligence has been quite controversial and critics generally see it as an area of interest. Gardner hypothesizes that people who have a high level of naturalistic intelligence are more sensitive to nature and to their own relationship to it. A person who is successful at growing plants or raising animals could be said to have a high level of naturalistic intelligence. Such a person could be a successful gardener or farmer, and would also make a good scientist studying the natural world.
   The revolutionary theory of multiple intelligences has resulted in several criticisms. Some have questioned the criteria that qualify something as an intelligence. Others have pointed out that the existence of multiple intelligences has never been proven through scientific research. These criticisms notwithstanding, the theory of multiple intelligences has sparked fascinating debate about the value and the nature of intelligence. Its applications in the field of education have led to more diverse educational methods as teachers seek to access and develop the multiple intelligences of students.

【題組】46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A)Introducing a new theory of intelligence.
(B)Explaining why being intelligent is important.
(C)Discussing the significance of different intelligences.
(D)Evaluating the methods of cultivating one’s intelligences.


21 2008年馬英九總統上任後,中共發表了「胡六點」做為對臺方針,下列何者並未包括於其中?


27 攸關兩岸經濟合作交流的海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)在何時簽署?


12 公務員如利用權力、公款或公務上的秘密消息而從事營利行為,其效果為何?


23 1999 年 7 月 9 日李前總統登輝接受「德國之聲」專訪,提及 1949 年中共建立政權後,從未統治過中華民國所轄的臺澎金馬,被認為是使兩岸關係發生重要轉折的事件。以下何者不是李前總統在該次訪問所強調 的要點?
(A) 1991 年修憲以來,兩岸至少是特殊的國與國關係


24 若有大陸地區人民要來臺投資,請問許可辦法中設定的我國主管機關是:


【精選】 - 綜合法政知識與英文(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論、兩岸關係、英文)難度:(516~525)-阿摩線上測驗
