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38 The company has been very cautious about dealing with takeover bids from their _____ competitors.
(A) predatory
(B) prohibitive
(C) proportionate
(D) predestined


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       France’s environment minister, Barbara Pompili, said in a recent news conference that bears, tigers, elephants and other wild animals will no longer be allowed in traveling circuses in the coming years. __41__ , the minister said that starting immediately, France’s three marine parks will no longer be able to bring in or breed dolphins and killer whales. “It is time to open a new era in our relationship with these wild animals,” Ms. Pompili said, arguing that animal __42__ is a priority. She said the measures will also bring an end to mink farming, in __43__ animals are raised for their fur. The __44__ does not apply to wild animals in other permanent shows and in zoos. The French government will __45__ an aid package of more than 8 million euros to help animal shows transition to a new business model. In France, many cities already do not allow circuses with wild animal shows to pitch their tents.

(A) that
(B) which
(C) where
(D) there


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has issued a stark warning about the future of the world's natural World Heritage sites. It says half of the sites are at risk from different industries. The WWF warned that harmful industrial activities such as mining, dredging or drilling for oil are endangering the future of 114 of 229 sites. Other factors adding to the risk include illegal logging and unsustainable water use. All of these are in addition to the damage being done by climate change. The WWF says the sites affected include Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, and China's Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, which are home to more than 30 percent of the world's endangered pandas.
        The director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center said it was up to everyone to protect these sites. This is mainly because World Heritage is humankind's common heritage, and the responsibility for its conservation should be shared by everyone. She welcomed government efforts at reducing what they take from the Earth. The governments and the private sector around the world, according to her, should step up their action against harmful extractive uses.
       The WWF said that more than 11 million people worldwide rely on World Heritage sites for food, water, shelter, jobs and medicine, and that non-stop development could harm livelihoods as well as the environment.

【題組】46 What is the best title for the passage?
(A) The Effects of Harmful Industrial Activities on WWF.
(B) The Negative Impact of Industry on World Heritage Sites.
(C) The Future of WWF and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
(D) WWF’s Warning about Climate Change and Animal Extinction.


【題組】47 What did the WWF report say about the natural World Heritage sites?
(A) About a quarter of them are affected by harmful industrial activities.
(B) Thirty endangered pandas live in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries.
(C) They are under threat from several industries as well as climate change.
(D) Most of them remained unaffected by climate change and illegal logging.


33 Mary and I didn’t______ having so much fun when we explored the old town district last night.
(A) anticipate
(B) approach
(C) allow
(D) accumulate


40 The general manager’s refusal to sell the company______ a major blow to our plans.
(A) constituted
(B) distributed
(C) elaborated
(D) terminated


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       When initiating a conversation, note how close you are standing to the person opposite you. Personal space is an essential concept in many cultures, and how much or little you give often __41__ the first impression you make. __42__ , in most Western nations, locals do not like standing close to one another. In these countries, it is customary for people to back away when they feel their space has been __43__ . On the other hand, South Americans stand in close __44__ to one another. When you are meeting one of them, keep in mind that it’s __45__ to step backwards during a conversation. A good rule of thumb is to stand at least an arm’s length away from your speaking partner.

(A) animosity
(B) allocation
(C) proximity
(D) prominence


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American who emigrated to New York City in 1884, was a scientist and visionary who developed the basis for alternating current (AC) that most of us use today and pioneered numerous technologies that improve our everyday lives. Without his contribution to the AC electric power, we would be fifty years behind technologically than where we are today.
       In 1884, Tesla left Europe and worked for Thomas Edison, the developer of direct current (DC). It was said that Edison promised Tesla $50,000 to fix the problems with his DC system. When Tesla succeeded and demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was a joke, saying “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” This prompted Tesla to quit and he ended up in a battle with Edison. Today, Tesla’s AC system is predominantly used to power most of the world’s electricity. DC motors are still used for some industrial machines, but often require more maintenance. 
         It is not just AC power that Tesla worked on. Motors, radios, X-rays, neon signs were advanced by his extraordinary mind. History often touts Italian entrepreneur Guglielmo Marconi as the inventor of radio, but actually he was using technology from seventeen of Tesla’s patents. The two inventors became embroiled in a patent war. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court revoked Marconi’s radio patents in favor of Tesla. Unfortunately, Tesla and Marconi had already passed away by the time the court handed down their decision.
       Tesla also invented one of the world’s earliest remote control and was a pioneer of X-ray technology. He took some of the first X-ray images of the human body and was one of the first scientists to hypothesize that X-rays could be harmful. The brilliant inventor contributed to reusable energy as well. Nine out of the twelve patents used to build the world’s first hydroelectric station, erected at Niagara Falls, New York, belonged to Tesla. He helped pave the way toward clean energy because he understood the physics behind energy and what might be possible in the future.
       Often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century,” Tesla was involved in many more discoveries and creations. When he died in 1943, there was so much interest in what he was working on that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his hotel room within hours of his death. Experts say Tesla envisioned his inventions improving people’s lives. Indeed, his innovative ideas were milestones of technology. The great pioneer believed “Invention is the most important product of men’s creative brain.”

【題組】50 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Not until recently did Tesla become widely known.
(B) Edison mocked Tesla for not being a real American.
(C) Having won the case against Marconi meant a lot to Tesla.
(D) The US government had approached Tesla for cooperation.


4 In a highly industrialized society, people tend to feel _______ and lonely because it is not easy to form a close relationship among people.
(A) disintegrated
(B) discharged
(C) distinguished
(D) alienated


5 Only people wearing _______ clothing can be admitted to the graduation ceremony.
(A) decent
(B) diplomatic
(C) dedicated
(D) duplicated


9 Good _______ helps a business to build better relationships with its customers.
(A) credibility
(B) termination
(C) hostility
(D) nomination


11 Influenza is a highly _______ disease. It can easily be passed on to people around.
(A) influential
(B) infectious
(C) infamous
(D) inferior


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
We know that a lack of sleep will prevent your brain from being able to make new memories, so it’s __21__  withoutsleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can’t commit new experiences to memory. So thosenew __22__ informational emails are just bounced. You can’t essentially make and create those newmemories. We also know that a lack of sleep will __23__ an increased development of a toxic protein in thebrain and that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is during deep sleep at night __24__ a sewage systemwithin the brain starts to wash away this toxic protein. So if you’re not getting __25__ sleep each and everynight, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up.

(A) as to
(B) as if
(C) as usual
(D) as for


34 The meeting finally came to an end when the committee members reached a ______ on adding an additional prize winner.
(A) consultant
(B) consensus
(C) collision
(D) competition


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       The ancient Greeks worshipped their deities by leaving offerings to them in temples, and honored them by holding regular festivals. Much is known about this worship because many of their temples, together with ritual objects and cult statues, have __41__ , and ancient Greek writers described religious rituals __42__ making offerings of food and wine. Worshippers hoped that the deities would look kindly on them __43__ return, since most gods and goddesses were said to take a keen interest in human affairs. In the mythical great war between Greece and Troy, for example, every stage of the conflict, together with the final outcome, was influenced as much by the actions of the deities __44__ by what the men of the two sides actually achieved on the battle field. The myths of Greece also show this __45__ between deities and humans in the guise of numerous heroes. Stories of heroes like Heracles and Jason, involving great adventures and journey as far as the Underworld, have been endlessly retold.

(A) inspired
(B) relieved
(C) survived
(D) supplied


(A) unlike
(B) such as
(C) in spite of
(D) without


(A) in
(B) from
(C) with
(D) for


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       The Giver is a story about a young boy called Jonas who lives in a society free of crime, suffering and sadness. There is no color, music or emotion, and individuality is prohibited. Everything is chosen; from your parents to your partner. At 12, children are assigned their jobs, which they will train for and do for the rest of their lives. Jonas is assigned to become the new Receiver of Memory, also known as the Giver. The Receiver holds all the bad and good memories of the past. In other words, no one in the community has any memory of humankind’s history.
       The storyline is complex enough to hold the attention of both young and old readers. The development of Jonas from a scared boy to someone willing to risk his future to save the community is enjoyable to follow. The story prompts us to reflect on the path of growing up. At first we are scared to accept that there are new responsibilities, but as we slowly get used to it, we want to move more and more away from childhood. What’s also impressive is Jonas’ loss of trust in his father. At the beginning, Jonas believes his parents completely. However, after the current Receiver shows Jonas the tape of his father killing and disposing of a new born child, Jonas loses his admiration of his father. This moment is what forces Jonas to leave the community. It is symbolic of the change from the innocent mind of a child into the questioning and educated mind of an adult.
        The ending is another aspect which makes this book interesting to read. There are two possible meanings behind the ending and readers have a choice in what it means: either Jonas freezes to death on the sled, or he has really found“ Elsewhere.” The ending shows us that, whatever happens, Jonas has made choices for himself rather than being told what to do.

【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about The Giver?
(A) Adult readers may find it very simple and a little boring.
(B) Readers are likely to recall what happened in the path of growing up.
(C) It is based on real people and events and it can inspire readers to think.
(D) The reviewer recommends reading it slowly because it’s thought-provoking.



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