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試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 中國醫藥大學 學士後中醫學系 英文#74651
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1. After having replaced the _____ part, the machine functioned well again.
(A) insufficient
(B) devious
(C) indifferent
(D) defective
(E) undistinguished


2. Chinese companies have invested heavily in Africa in recent years, and trade among Asian and African nations has _____.
(A) vibrated
(B) soared
(C) automated
(D) shuddered
(E) sweated


3. The robber has been caught, so has his _____.
(A) accomplice
(B) nobility
(C) posterity
(D) infrastructure
(E) corporation


4. Medical science has proved that smoking is _____ to health.
(A) pernicious
(B) exhilarating
(C) esoteric
(D) drowsy
(E) judicious


5. After boiling the broccoli, _____ it in ice water to stop the cooking process.
(A) paint
(B) revise
(C) propagate
(D) differentiate
(E) submerge


6. _____ are rocky, airless worlds that orbit our sun, but are too small to be called planets.
(A) Supernovas
(B) Satellites
(C) Asteroids
(D) Galaxies
(E) Telescopes


7. His last book was published _____, instead of being destroyed.
(A) noxiously
(B) transcendentally
(C) maternally
(D) posthumously
(E) melodiously


Part II: Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.
【題組】8. A healthy indoor environment is one that is provided with adequate ventilation and is free of toxins and pollutants.
(A) overloaded with
(B) attributed to
(C) restricted to
(D) unaffected by
(E) composed of .


【題組】9. On its last mission to the moon in 1972, the Apollo spacecraft wound up with a record of seventy-five hours on the surface of the moon.
(A) was wiped out by
(B) concluded with
(C) became renowned for
(D) got exhausted for
(E) was engaged in .


【題組】10. She now seems to be trying to disavow her earlier statements.
(A) acknowledge
(B) confirm
(C) disarm
(D) elaborate
(E) repudiate .


【題組】11. David’s entrenched incapacity for decision-making does not make him a good boss.
(A) incompetence
(B) potency
(C) reprise
(D) energy
(E) grid .


【題組】12. Nuclear energy, which one promised to be the high-tech star of the postwar world, has, in a certain sense, become a byword for disaster today.
(A) an indication
(B) an abstraction
(C) a synonym
(D) a prerequisite
(E) an extension .


【題組】13. For more than two centuries, economic opportunity and the prospect of upward mobility have formed the bedrock on which the American dream is based.
(A) assumption
(B) procedure
(C) basis
(D) innovation
(E) evidence .


【題組】14. I decided not to be miserly for once and bought first-class tickets to be sure of a seat.
(A) generous
(B) stingy
(C) charitable
(D) extravagant
(E) tentative .


【題組】15. Try to bridle your criticism next time so that it is helpful and not hurtful.
(A) stultify
(B) restrain
(C) defeat
(D) improvise
(E) invent .

16( ).

II. Grammar and Structure: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 16. _____, can we be sure of passing our examination.
(A) It is hard studying
(B) Only by studying hard
(C) By hard studying only
(D) If we study hard
(E) It’s hard to study

17( ).

17. Having seen the movie, _____.
(A) my headache came badly
(B) my headache felt bad
(C) I had a bad headache
(D) I became headache
(E) my head was aching hard

18( ).

18. It begins at the age of six _____.
(A) and leads to the Elementary School Leaving Examination
(B) then leading to the Elementary School Leaving Examination
(C) which lead to the Elementary School Leaving Examination
(D) which leading to the Elementary School Leaving Examination
(E) when leading to the Elementary School Leaving Examination

19( ).

19. _____, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.
(A) When taken drugs
(B) When one takes drugs
(C) When taking drugs
(D) In taking drugs
(E) Being taken drugs

20( ).

20. Statistics show that after the speed limit had been reduced, _____.
(A) many accidents will not occur
(B) not so many accidents were happening
(C) fewer were accidents
(D) fewer accidents took place
(E) many cars have crashed immediately

21( ).

III.Cloze: Choose the best answer for each blank in the passage. Questions 21-25    In order to be considered as a hero by his or her own and subsequent generations, a person must display extraordinary physical or intellectual powers. The physical hero—one who 21 great  strength to overcome monumental obstacles and emerge a victor—is frequently found in literature. Samson, 22 chained and bound, used his superhuman strength to destroy his enemies, the Philistines. Joan of Arc inspired the French army with her energy and willingness to share their hardships. 23 , Dwight Eisenhower, a more contemporary physical hero, surmounted overwhelming odds to organize the successful Allied invasion of “Fortress Europe” during World War II. A second heroic type is the intellectual, 24 his or her mental prowess and the way he or she uses it to the benefit of mankind. Leonardo DaVinci, with his studies of architecture, human anatomy, and engineering, 25 his great artistic achievements, is a perfect example of this second type. More recently, Madame Curie and Albert Einstein, who not only made far-reaching contributions in the physical sciences but also worked diligently toward achieving world peace, illustrate the intellectual ones.
(A) advocates
(B) disguises
(C) exhibits
(D) nurtures
(E) ratifies

22( ).

(A) although
(B) excluding
(C) including
(D) throughout
(E) then

23( ).

(A) Tangibly
(B) Gradually
(C) Indeed
(D) Likewise
(E) Consequently

24( ).

(A) suspected by
(B) persuaded by
(C) loathed for
(D) attached into
(E) admired for

25( ).

(A) in addition to
(B) instead of
(C) now that
(D) on account of
(E) with reference to

26( ).

Questions 26-30    Child development that occurs from birth to adulthood was largely ignored throughout much of history. Children 26 simply as small versions of adults and little attention was paid to the many advances in cognitive abilities, language usage, and physical growth that occurs during childhood and adolescence. Interest in the field of child development finally began to emerge early in the 20thcentury; 27 , it tended to focus on abnormal behavior. Eventually, researchers became 28  interested in other topics including typical child development as well as the influences on development. Why is it important to study how children grow, learn, and change? An understanding of child development is essential because it allows us to fully appreciate the cognitive, emotional, physical, social and educational growth 29 children go through from birth and into early adulthood. Some of the major theories of child development are known as grand theories; they attempt to describe every aspect of development, often 30 a stage approach. Others are known as minitheories; they instead focus only on a fairly limited aspect of development, such as cognitive or social growth.
(A) viewed
(B) had viewed
(C) were viewed
(D) have viewed
(E) was viewed

27( ).

(A) thereabouts
(B) nevermore
(C) therefore
(D) however
(E) whatsoever

28( ).

(A) increasingly
(B) increased
(C) increasing
(D) decreasing
(E) decreased

29( ).

(A) who
(B) that
(C) where
(D) what
(E) how

30( ).

(A) used
(B) use
(C) is using
(D) have used
(E) using

31( ).

IV.Discourse Structure: Choose the best answer from the box below for each blank in the passage. Questions 31-35    Linguists believe that the languages of about one-third of the human race all developed from one Indo-European language. But who were the speakers of this ancient language? Linguistic detective work offers some clues. It is sometimes said that 31 . A study of some fifty ancient vocabularies has led to a reconstruction of the lifestyle of the first Indo-Europeans, a vanished people. From the words they used, it seems likely that 32 . They had horses, oxen, and sheep. They plowed, planted, worked leather, and wove wool. They worshipped gods who are clear ancestors of Indian, Mediterranean, and Celtic deities. However, exactly who the original Indo-Europeans were and 33 . According to an early theory, they lived in Mesopotamia, but 34 . Today, some argue for the Krugan culture of the Russian steppes, others for the farming culture of the Danube valley. The most widely accepted theory locates the Indo-Europeans in a cold, northern climate 35 . None of these prehistoric languages had a word for the sea. From this, and from our knowledge of nature, it is clear that the Indo-Europeans must have lived somewhere in northern central Europe. 
(A) where common words for snow and wolf were important 
(B) this idea was exploded by nineteenth-century archaeology 
(C) they lived a half-settled, half-nomadic existence 
(D) when they lived remains a hotly debated mystery 
(E) you can deduce a people’s history from the words they use


32( ).


33( ).


34( ).


35( ).


36( ).

Questions 36-40  
 Ever since Charles Darwin visited the Galápagos Islands in 1835 and observed the animals there as a living laboratory of natural selection, the Galápagos has become known as one of the best places to see wildlife. The islands hold 14 species of tanagers and 12 species of tortoise. 36 Sea lions are so well fed on abundant fish that they do not even bother with the penguins. The list of wildlife attractions, promoted on slick brochures and Web sites, is why numerous adventurous tourists have been compelled for decades to make the long journey to the archipelago. 37 In the early 1990s, 41,000 people a year visited the Galápagos. In 2013 the figure exceeded 200,000 for the first time. More than 224,000 visitors arrived in 2015, another record. 38 Ecuador is struggling financially. It relies on oil for 44 percent of its export revenues. To bolster its finances and make up for the recent drop in oil prices, the government has turned to tourism, allowing industry to develop the islands more easily. 39 But this responsible ecotourism still has an impact on habitat, and it is no longer the only kind that is happening in the Galápagos. The influx of travelers is on a collision course with the very thing that everyone comes to see: the wildlife. 40 It is very ironic that ecotourism turns to be one of the killers that destroyed the animals there. 

(A) It is possible to conduct tourism in a way that preserves natural areas and benefits local people.

(B) In recent years, however, the trickle of tourists has turned into a flood. 

(C) Of 20 endemic species that are critically endangered, 16 live on the four inhabited islands that get the most visitors. 

(D) Penguins and flamingos live within a few miles of one another.

(E) This growth is fueled in part  by need


37( ).


38( ).


39( ).


(A) It is possible to conduct tourism in a way that preserves natural areas and benefits local  people.
(B) In recent years, however, the trickle of tourists has turned into a flood.
(C) Of 20 endemic species that are critically endangered, 16 live on the four inhabited islands that get the most visitors.
(D) Penguins and flamingos live within a few miles of one another.
(E) This growth is fueled in part  by need

40( ).


41( ).

V. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question/statement below according to what is stated and implied in each passage. Questions 41-45    Fifty volunteers were alphabetically divided into two equal groups, Group A to participate in a seven-week exercise program, and Group B to avoid deliberate exercise of any sort during those 7 weeks. On the day before the exercise program began, all 50 men participated in a step-test. This consisted of stepping up and down on a 16-inch bench at 30 steps per minute for 5 minutes. One minute after completion of the step-test, the pulse rate of each subject was taken and recorded. This served as the pretest for the experiment. For the next 7 weeks, subjects in the experimental group (Group A) rode an Exercycle (a motor-driven bicycle-type exercise machine) for 15 minutes each day. The exercise schedule called for riders to ride relaxed during the first day’s ride, merely holding on to the handle bars and foot pedals as the machine moved. Then, for the next 3 days, they rode relaxed for 50 seconds of each minute, and pushed, pulled, and pedaled actively for 10 seconds of each minute. The ratio of active riding was increased every few days, so that by the third week it was half of each minute, and by the seventh week the riders were performing 15 solid minutes of active riding.    At the end of the seven weeks, the step-test was again given to both groups of subjects, and their pulses taken. The post-exercise pulse rates of subjects in the experimental group were found to have decreased an average of 30 heart beats per minute, with the lowest decrease 28 and the highest decrease 46. The pulse rates of subjects in the control group remained the same or changed no more than 4 beats, with an average difference between the initial and final tests of zero.
【題組】41. How many people were in each group?
(A) 100.
(B) 60.
(C) 50.
(D) 25.
(E) 15.

42( ).

【題組】42. The step-test was given _____.
(A) after each exercise period
(B) at the beginning and at the end of the seven-week period
(C) only once, at the beginning of the seven-week period
(D) twice to the men in Group A and once to the men in Group B
(E) once to the men in Group A and twice to the men in Group B

43( ).

【題組】43. When were pulse rates taken?
(A) After each exercise period.
(B) Every day.
(C) After the step-tests.
(D) After and before the step-tests.
(E) Every time the ratio of active riding was increased.

44( ).

【題組】44. The exercise schedule was planned so that the amount of active riding _____.
(A) increased every few days
(B) varied from day to day
(C) increased every few weeks
(D) varied from hour to hour
(E) increased until the third week and then was kept constant

45( ).

【題組】45. The post-exercise pulse rates of Group B were found on the average to have _____.
(A) changed every day
(B) gone down 28 beats per minute
(C) gone down 30 beats per minute
(D) gone down 4 beats per minute
(E) not changed

46( ).

Questions 46-50    Tens of millions of young people who enter the workforce each year could be the key that finally unlocks India’s vast potential. Millions will be lifted out of poverty if they are able to find good jobs. But unless India makes big improvements in how it educates and trains students, this demographic boom could instead saddle the country with another generation of unskilled workers destined to languish in low-paying jobs.    The need to train workers up is paramount. Currently only 2% of India’s workers have received formal skills training, according to Ernst & Young. That compares with 68% in the U.K., 75% in Germany and 96% in South Korea. It is a problem spreading across industries. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors estimates that in 2010, India needed nearly 4 million civil engineers, but only 509,000 professionals had the right skills for the jobs. By 2020, India will have only 778,000 civil engineers for 4.6 million slots. There is a similar gap among architects. India will have only 17% of the 427,000 professionals it needs in 2020.    What caused the problem? The RICS found that India’s education and professional development system has not kept pace with economic growth and is in “dire need for reform.” In industry after industry, the same story is repeated. A recent survey by Aspiring Minds, which tracks workforce preparedness, found that more than 80% of India’s engineering graduates in 2015 were “unemployable.” Critics say that India’s universities are too focused on rote memorization, leaving students without the critical thinking skills required to solve problems. Teachers are paid low salaries, leading to poor quality of instruction. When students are denied entry to prestigious state schools, they often turn to less rigorous private colleges. “When IT industries boomed in India a few years ago, many below-the-mark private colleges emerged to cater to their needs,” said Alakh N. Sharma, director at the Institute for Human Development.    Prime Minister Narendra Modi is racing to provide workers with training. His government is recruiting skills instructors, and turning old schools into learning centers. Programs strewn across various government agencies are being consolidated. Companies in the private sector are pitching in to help provide training. The most pressing need, however, might be in primary education. Pupils in India are expected to perform two-digit subtraction by the age of seven, but only 50% are able to correctly count up to 100. Only 30% of the same students are able to read a text designed for fiveyear-olds, according to education foundation Pathram. If the country’s unique demographics are to pay dividends, improvement is a lesson to be learned quickly.
【題組】46. Why is there a troubling shortage of skilled workers in India?
(A) Young people are unwilling to enter the workforce because it is not urgent for them to find a job.
(B) 98 % of India’s workers refused to receive formal skills training.
(C) India has suffered from the problems caused by low birth-rates.
(D) India’s education and professional development system has failed to keep pace with the economic growth.
(E) Young workers are satisfied with low-paying jobs.

47( ).

【題組】47. Which country has the highest percentage of the workers who received formal skills training before they entered the workforce?
(A) India.
(B) South Korea.
(C) The UK.
(D) Germany.
(E) Not mentioned.

48( ).

【題組】48. Which of the following is NOT the factor that contributed to the problem that more than 80 % of India’s engineering graduates in 2015 were “unemployable”?
(A) Many of IT industries have already withdrawn from India.
(B) The quality of education is poor since teachers are not paid well.
(C) Many private colleges lower their standards in order to recruit more students.
(D) College students are not encouraged to develop critical thinking skills.
(E) A large amount of engineering graduates might not have adequate professional skills.

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following is the best solution for the Indian government to solve the problem of the shortage of skilled workers?
(A) To control the birth-rates.
(B) To teach students two-digit subtraction.
(C) To propel an educational reform.
(D) To hire more engineers.
(E) To focus on rote memorization.

50( ).

【題組】50. The word “saddle” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) discharge
(B) endanger
(C) burden
(D) extinguish
(E) mount


試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 中國醫藥大學 學士後中醫學系 英文#74651-阿摩線上測驗
