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試卷測驗 - 98 年 - 98 中國醫藥大學學士後招生考試_中醫學系:英文#99250
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1. Several studies have validated Smith’s findings regarding the good health of people in Caucasus region of Russia.
(A) disagreed
(B) supported
(C) divided
(D) proposed
(E) concentrated


2. In Mediterranean diet, the fat intake from olive oil comprises 35 percent of the total calories.
(A) consists of
(B) is made of
(C) complies with
(D) compromises with
(E) conforms with


3. Most plant proteins are low in one or more essential amino acids; the deficient amino acid varies from plant to plant.
(A) sufficient
(B) efficient
(C) limiting
(D) supplying
(E) conceiving


4. The general consensus is that the original Indo-European civilization developed somewhere in eastern Europe about 3000 B.C.
(A) remainder
(B) explorer
(C) movement
(D) agreement
(E) compliment


5. A group of children were diagnosed first. A dozen of years later the same children were tracked down as adolescents and tested again.
(A) instructed
(B) transported
(C) trained
(D) trudged
(E) traced


6. The man has several identifiable marks on his arm from being burned.
(A) convertible
(B) recognizable
(C) reusable
(D) undeniable
(E) unavoidable


7. Evidence I have been accumulating suggests that the patient has other problems in addition to what has been diagnosed.
(A) eliminating
(B) submitting
(C) curing
(D) proving
(E) collecting


8. His cardiovascular problem could be attributed to his obesity.
(A) required to
(B) allocated to
(C) ascribed to
(D) used to
(E) insensitive to


9. Though it may not help us live to 150 as Michael Jackson once hoped, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been evidenced by various studies to be a valuable treatment for many incurable diseases such as cerebral palsy and autism.
(A) untreatable
(B) insignificant
(C) chronic
(D) unexpected
(E) imagined


10. A case involving a twelve-year-old boy showing symptoms of enterovirus in Taipei has led to the dismissal of elementary school classes in order to curb the rapid spread of the disease.
(A) accelerate
(B) control
(C) take
(D) reinforce
(E) expand


11. Cloning humans is an important breakthrough in medical science.
(A) Funding
(B) Revealing
(C) Advancing
(D) Duplicating
(E) Coloring


12. Scavengers feed on carcasses of animals killed by predators.
(A) skeletons
(B) skin
(C) hair
(D) liquid
(E) corpses


13. Some seeds, when eaten by birds and animals, can take weeks or months to germinate because they have to pass through the animal’s digestive tract and are eliminated as waste.
(A) terminate
(B) sprout
(C) ruminate
(D) gratify
(E) stride


14. Deciduous forests, dominated by deciduous plants that shed their leaves every year, provide a friendly environment for many types of fauna and flora.
(A) nature and nurture
(B) heat and cold
(C) pros and cons
(D) animals and plants
(E) being and becoming


15. __________________, we will have the fieldtrip as scheduled.
(A) Rain or shine
(B) Rain and shine
(C) Rain or Sun
(D) Raining or sunshine
(E) Raining or Shining

16( ).

II. Error Identification Choose the letter of the underlined part that is NOT correct in usage. 
16. If one of your friends complained to you that he or she was suffering from insomnia, what advices would you give?
(A) friends
(B) to
(E) advices

17( ).

17. Because TV sets were extremely expensive for many years, it wasn’t until the 1950s that it became more widespread.
(B) for
(E)more widespread.

18( ).

18. I worked as a secretary in the shipping office of a company; on the other hand, two months later the company went bankrupt.
(B) the
(C) on the other hand
(D) later
(E)went bankrup

19( ).

19. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, there were some grammatical change to English although not as many as those had happened to Middle English.
(B) centuries
(C) grammatical
(E)had happened

20( ).

20. Diabetes are a syndrome of disordered metabolism, usually due to a combination of hereditary and environmental causes, resulting in abnormally high blood sugar levels.
(B) disordered
(C) of
(D) resulting

21( ).

21. Wearing jean has become a new fashion for the youngsters today.
(C) has become
(D) for
(E)the youngsters

22( ).

22. Polio vaccinated for school children will take effect within five years.
(A) vaccinated
(C) take effect

23( ).

23. Chameleons serve as an example of camouflage as they can blend in the surrounding by changing the colors of their skin.
(A) serve as
(B) blend in
(C)the surrounding
(D) changing

24( ).

24. Experts on AIDS predict that the number of people infecting with the AIDS virus may reach 110 million by the year 2010.
(A) on
(C)infecting with

25( ).

III. Blank-filling
 Susan Boyle has grasped worldwide attention since her triumph at the TV show, Britain’s Got Talent, through which her angelic voice __25__ millions of people. One reason why she has sparked conversations everywhere is the contrast __26__ her image and voice. When this chubby, unattractive, middle-aged lady first showed up on the stage, no judges expected that she could sing so well. The audience equally was ready to feel sorry __27__ her. However, when Susan started to sing, the audience was __28__ , and the judges were nearly speechless with amazement. People celebrate Susan’s achievement not only because she has talent, but also because she has the courage __29__ her dreams in the face of __30__ might often appear to be insurmountable obstacles.

(A) is touching
(B) were touching
(C) had touched
(D) would touch
(E) has touched

26( ).

(A) between
(B) for
(C) like
(D) of
(E) against

27( ).

(A) to
(B) of
(C) for
(D) in
(E) from

28( ).

(A) astonishing
(B) astonished
(C) astonishment
(D) astonishes
(E) astound

29( ).

(A) had pursued
(B) to be pursued
(C) pursues
(D) pursued
(E) to pursue

30( ).

(A) that
(B) which
(C) where
(D) what
(E) this

31( ).

IV. Reading Comprehension 
Passage 1
        Since the early twentieth century, the grocery shop has played an important role in Chinese settlers’ immigration into the Caribbean region. Family-based grocery shops served as an ideal place for the Chinese settlers to sustain their connectedness and self-sufficiency. Families usually lived behind the shops; wives and children worked as helpers; and family members shared food to decrease living costs. Most shops contained bars and restaurants, providing a space for gossip and social exchanges, enabling the immigrants to mingle with the local people.
        The Chinese could shelter their clannish, distinct traits within the domain of grocery shops as they received protection and enrichment from the home and shop. Indeed, most of these earliest migrants came from the same provinces in southern China, identified as “Hakka” or “the Guest People,” who were known to be industrious and thrifty and whose renowned adaptability was regarded as ideal for contract labor in a similar climate such as the Caribbean.

【題組】31. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) The grocery shop exemplifies an ideal space for the Chinese immigrants in the Caribbean to live on their own.
(B) The Chinese immigrants often hired local people as helpers in the grocery shop.
(C) Chinese women and children were reluctant to help with work in the grocery shop.
(D) The earliest Chinese settlers depended mostly on financial help from relatives in China.
(E) Early Chinese settlers usually lived far from the place where they worked.

32( ).

【題組】32. Which of the following features of the Chinese grocery shop in the Caribbean region is NOT mentioned?
(A) a space for gossip
(B) a space providing daily supplies
(C) a dining space
(D) a space for social gatherings
(E) a holy place

33( ).

【題組】33. The word sustain in paragraph 1 means
(A) separate
(B) emphasize
(C) maintain
(D) decrease
(E) educate

34( ).

【題組】34. The word clannish in paragraph 2 means
(A) poverty-stricken
(B) family-binding
(C) law-abiding
(D) well-to-do
(E) far-reaching

35( ).

【題組】35. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Most of the earliest Chinese immigrants were from southern China.
(B) Most Chinese immigrants in the Caribbean region were the Hakka people.
(C) The Hakka were welcomed laborers in the Caribbean region.
(D) The Hakka had difficulty in adapting to the new environment.
(E) Southern China and the Caribbean share a similar climate.

36( ).

Passage 2
        Insomnia is the inability to get high-quality sleep, which may cause fatigue during the day or even concentration problems. By trying one of the many strategies below, you’ll be taking the first step toward getting some much-needed rest. 
       Learning to be physically and mentally relaxed before going to bed will help you fall asleep more quickly. Some people find that taking a bath slows them down from the activity of the day. Other people benefit most from muscle relaxation techniques. Meditating with a focus on breathing, handling stress in a positive way, and exercising regularly may also induce a good night sleep. 
       Some foods can also help you sleep well. Foods such as chicken, milk, cheese, and beans contain tryptophan, a chemical that is converted in the brain to serotonin, which promotes relaxation and sleepiness. If you include foods high in tryptophan in your daily diet and incorporate some of the sleep-inducing activities into your life, the chances are good that you will achieve a pattern of restful, soothing sleep.

【題組】36. What does this passage mainly discuss?
(A) Insomnia may often result in fatigue during the day.
(B) Insomnia is the prerequisite of high-quality sleep.
(C) It is important to learn to be physically and mentally relaxed.
(D) There are different foods that can induce quality sleep.
(E) There are various strategies to deal with insomnia.

37( ).

【題組】37. What does induce mean in paragraph 2?
(A) cause
(B) stop
(C) relax
(D) destroy
(E) happen

38( ).

【題組】38. What does converted mean in paragraph 3?
(A) appeared
(B) disappeared
(C) changed
(D) stopped
(E) confronted

39( ).

【題組】39. What does which in paragraph 3 refer to?
(A) tryptophan
(B) brain
(C) chemical
(D) serotonin
(E) sleepiness

40( ).

【題組】40. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Causes of insomnia are not found yet.
(B) Cheese can help people sleep well.
(C) Regular exercise can prevent you from sleeping well.
(D) Tryptophan is a chemical that can cause insomnia.
(E) Taking a bath may make you feel less sleepy.


試卷測驗 - 98 年 - 98 中國醫藥大學學士後招生考試_中醫學系:英文#99250-阿摩線上測驗
