(3 分23 秒)

About one million spectators flocked to London and gathered along the wedding processional route to see how _______ and splendid Prince William and Kate Middleton were at the royal wedding.
(A) lackluster
(B) diminutive
(C) glamorous
(D) plausible


1.As time goes by, the old man has _____ some great amount of wealth. He often says the happiest thing in the world is to see his savings grow larger and larger.
(A) diminished
(B) accumulated
(C) distracted
(D) crumbled


After the devastating earthquake, even the slightest after-shocks can cause in a _______ among the victims.
(A) pleasure
(B) panic
(C) process
(D) propaganda


1. The chef teaches people how to eat well on a tight _____ at a five-star restaurant.
(A) budget
(B) crutch
(C) march
(D) saucer


14. ________ chopsticks are convenient but harmful to the environment. They are neither good for your health nor environmentally friendly. Be sure to carry your own chopsticks and reuse them.
(A) Equivalent
(B) Classified
(C) Disposable
(D) incompetent


17. The issue whether we should continue building the fourth nuclear power plant or not is still highly _________.
(A) contemporary
(B) prospective
(C) subsequent
(D) controversial


7. Spending time on such a trivial thing is simply not _____________.
(A) irresponsible
(B) hateful
(C) worthwhile
(D) contemporary


32. To make an apple pie, apple, cinnamon, brown sugar and flour are essential _____________.
(A) elements
(B) ingredients
(C) components
(D) fragments


68. Dozens of flights ______ because of the terrible typhoon.
(B)were canceled
(D)was canceled


2. In most European countries, high tax is imposed but meanwhile their citizens benefit a lot from social _____.
(A) welfare
(B) constitution
(C) status
(D) territory


4. The greatest part of her latest novel is how she _____ describes the life of an ordinary woman in a Muslim country.
(A) shallowly
(B) vividly
(C) vaguely
(D) soberly


14. During the civil war, civilians suffered from _____ because their food supply had been cut off.
(A) pneumonia
(B) diplomacy
(C) triumph
(D) starvation


       Teachers and librarians need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience, and they need to give serious thought to how they can best accommodate such changes. Growing bodies need movement and exercise, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the reassurance that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be wise to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers; for example, publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, displaying student artwork, and sponsoring science fiction, fantasy, or other special-interest book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide multiple opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful group dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the security of some kind of organization with a supportive adult barely visible in the background.
        In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have short attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized so that participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to something else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants down. This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. On the contrary, they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by planning for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules. Teenagers need limitations, but they also need the opportunity to help establish what these limits and expectations will be. 
        Adults also need to realize that the goal of most adolescents is to leave childhood behind as they move into adulthood. This has implications for whether libraries treat young adult services as a branch of the children’s or the adults’ department. Few teenagers are going to want to sit on small children’s chairs or compete with nine- and ten-year-olds when they pick books off the shelves. Neither are they going to be attracted to books that use the word children or picture preteens on the covers. 
        Young adults want a wide variety of informational books about aspects of their lives that are new; for example, the physical development of their bodies, the new freedom they have to associate mainly with peers instead of family, and the added responsibilities they feel in deciding what kinds of adult roles they will fit.

【題組】34. One would conclude from this reading that ________________.
(A) there is a great market for authors of adolescent literature
(B) libraries and classrooms need restructuring
(C) the provision of appropriate reading material for adolescents can be helpful to their maturation
(D) role models are difficult to find for today’s students


2. The discovery of the new vaccine is an important ______ in the fight against COVID-19.
(A) breakthrough
(B) commitment
(C) demonstration
(D) interpretation


Cross-Cultural Business Blunders 

[A] Many visitors to different countries don't realize how important it is to understand a country's culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships. 

[B] When companies are trying to sell products, it's very important for them to understand what is important to their potential customers, and to understand a bit of their language. For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisement, they claimed that their toothpaste whitened teeth. They didn't understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black and that these people thought black teeth were attractive. In another case, a car company tried to sell a car called "Matador" in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means "bullfighter." In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning "bullfighter." But it is also an adjective meaning "killing." Imagine driving around in a car called "Killing"! 

[C] Business meetings with people from another country can be very tricky when you don't understand the other country's culture. A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company's logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives and had his company's logo printed on them. He didn't know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship! The Taiwanese businessmen were very offended. But luckily, the European businessman was able to repair the relationship with a lot of explanation and apologies. 

[D] It's very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it's also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country's customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like "cross-cultural etiquette" or "cultural information Taiwan." By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don't accidentally offend anyone.

【題組】8. In paragraph [B], which of the word has a similar meaning or can replace the word “advertisement” ?
(A) entertainment
(B) commercial
(C) recreation
(D) construction


10. Teachers and students work together to ________ meaning through collaboration and communication.
(A) instruct
(B) obstruct
(C) co-construct
(D) destruct


