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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(226~250)
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Jason is a great tour guide because he is not only ready to help _____ also very knowledgeable.


甲: Quiet down, or you may disturb the neighbors. 乙: __________________________
(A)Sure, I’ll invite them.
(B)Don’t worry. I’ll be there.
(C)No way. I can’t help them.
(D)OK, I’ll try not to bother them.


It was reported that ________ rate in Taiwan increased to 4.19 percent in April of 2013 from 4.18 in March of 2013. Lots people could not find jobs. 


3. There are several ways to make people more _____ in the heat during summer.


use a lot of resources and contribute to global warming. As a result, more and more couples are now looking for ways to make their traditional weddings kinder to the environment. Before their weddings, these couples mail invitations that are printed on recycled paper. Or, they avoid using paper altogether by e-mailing invitations instead. Couples also register at stores that sell environmentally-friendly gifts, such as bed sheets made of bamboo and towels made of organic cotton. Then, these couples know that they will receive “green” gifts from their wedding guests. Many couples choose to hold their weddings outdoors in parks or on farms rather than in churches or other buildings. This can greatly reduce the amount of electricity needed for the weddings. The couples also look for locations that are as close as possible to their guests. Why? Because the farther their guests have to drive, the more pollution they will produce. During the reception, “green” couples serve organic foods, which are better for the environment because no chemicals are used to grow them. They also purchase food that is grown locally, not thousands of miles away. This reduces the pollution that results from transporting the food for long distances. Finally, they serve their food and drinks using cups, plates and utensils made of recycled materials.
【題組】3. How do green couples invite guests to their wedding?
(A) By making phone calls.
(B) By e-mailing invitations.
(C) By sending text messages.
(D) By visiting guests in person.


21. He became rich over night because he won a ______. He buys a ticket every week for almost 10 years. He was very lucky this time.
(A) document
(B) janitor
(C) lottery
(D) permission


3. The rent is ten thousand dollars a month, _____ gas and electricity.
(A) considering
(B) accepting
(C) including
(D) cashing


7. The recent earthquake in this area caused great _____ to the human lives and properties.
(A) damage
(B) weight
(C) material
(D) relief


23. It takes someone ________ is as smart as Sherlock Holm to crack the case and solve the crime.
(A) who
(B) what
(C) when
(D) which


67. Amy: When I first went to college, I didn’t have many friends. I don’t know why. I wasn’t bad looking. Lily: __________________________
(A) I guess you were an easy mark.
(B)I guess you weren’t easy-going enough.
(C) I guess you were too easy to pass the exam.
(D) I guess you liked easy money.


9. The ________ networking websites allow people to find long-lost friends and get back in touch with them.
(A) social
(B) racial
(C) visual
(D) equal


44. The bus was so ________ that it was almost impossible to find an empty seat.
(A) quiet
(C) polite
(D) crowded


42.I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist. It_a lot now.
(A) cries
(B) pulls
(C) hurts
(D) drops


22. My choir won first prize in the singing ______.
(A) superstition
(B) competition
(C) tradition
(D) constitution


69 A: Have you made up your mind yet? B:______________________ A: Well, call me when you’ve decided.
(A)Yes, I’m going to accept it.
(B)No, I’m still considering your offer.
(C)Yes, I’m waiting for your answer.
(D)No, I’m going to turn it down.


47. My sister doesn’t eat _______________ after dinner.
(A) something
(B) anything
(C) everything
(D) nothing


45. Kevin broke his leg. The doctor told him to _____ moving around too much.
(A) deliver
(B) remain
(C) avoid
(D) develop


49. After hearing the bad news, Greg _____ began to cry.
(A) especially
(B) immediately
(C) generally
(D) frequently


4. When Minnie called me last night, I_____.
(A) did homework
(B) was doing homework
(C) am done homework
(D) have done homework


1. Can you advise me what it is best to do here?
(A) suggest to
(B) ask
(C) confirm
(D) send


48. Taipei 101 used to be ___ building in the world.
(A) the tallest
(B) tallest
(C) tall No. 1
(D) first tall


30. Let’s warm ___ before we start the game.
(A) in
(B) up
(C) down
(D) over


45. A: Hello, ______ B: No problem. When will you arrive and how many nights will you stay?
(A) we would like to book a double room.
(B) is this a hotel?
(C) please give us the room key.
(D) how much do you charge for a double room?


28. My sister and I had a heated _____ last night. She still refused to talk to me this morning.
(A) argument
(B) movement
(C) environment
(D) discouragement


38. A: Can you forgive me?
B: Well, let me think about it.
B: That sounds great. I prefer Italian food.
(A) What was your purpose to visit Japan?
(B) How about I take you to lunch as an apology?
(C) I normally have only two meals a day.
(D) It's so kind of you to forgive me.


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(226~250)-阿摩線上測驗
