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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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101. The widespread use of plastic bags _____ a significant increase in waste.
(A)have resulted from
(B)has resulted from
(C) have led to
(D)has led to


102. The exhibition center offers free admission _____ all visitors on the first Sunday of every month.
(C) on


103. The main worry about our new product launch is _____ we can generate sufficient customer interest to meet our sales targets.
(C) whenever
(D)regardless of what


104. Social media has its own set of pros and cons; it can be an excellent tool for businesses to promote their products and services. _____ , it exposes individuals to negative news and false information.
(A)On the one hand
(B)On the flip side
(C) On the plus side
(D)On the broad terms


112. Apart from traditional advertising methods, experts suggest _____ influencer partnerships as a promotional strategy to reach a wider audience.
(C) explore
(D)to explore


114. Although the marketing team came up with so many innovative ideas, most of _____ were hard to implement.
(C) those


119. The culture of transparency, which _____ among our company's leadership, ensures that information is shared openly and decisions are made collaboratively.
(C) prevailing


122. In order to encourage early _____ , we are giving a special discount to the first fifty customers who sign up for our new service.
(C) adoption


125. In order to attract and retain top talent, we need to create a positive work environment _____ diversity and inclusion.
(B)that values
(C) whose values
(D)which is valued


Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following text.

The challenges of meeting work and family obligations are particularly __131__ in families with school-aged children and adolescents. Although school-aged children and adolescents may require less hands-on care than younger children, parents continue to have important roles in their lives. However, the structure of the workplace constrains the ability of working parents to __132__ the basic needs of children, __133__ leaving work early to take a child to a pediatric appointment. In many kinds of jobs, employees are __134__ from making personal calls or their communications are monitored.

Source: Future of Children--Families with School-Age Children by Kathleen Christensen, Barbara Schneider, and Donnell Butler. https://futureofchildren.princeton.edu/publications

(A)attend to
(B)embark on
(C) originate from
(D)compensate for


Questions 135~138 refer to the following email.

Effective communication is critical for success in the business world. However, numerous challenges hinder effective communication, __135__ language barriers, cultural differences, technology, and a lack of communication skills. Companies must navigate through these __136__ to ensure they can communicate clearly and efficiently with stakeholders, customers, and employees. By overcoming these challenges, companies can build strong relationships and achieve their business objectives. Therefore, companies must prioritize effective communication and develop strategies to tackle these challenges. __137__ in communication training, embracing cultural diversity, and using appropriate technology are some ways __138__ companies can overcome communication challenges and achieve their goals.

(C) Investing


Questions 139~142 refer to the following article.

 __139__ communication is a fundamental aspect of any business, employees who lack communication skills can create several challenges in the workplace. These challenges can include misunderstandings, delays in project completion, decreased productivity, and conflicts between team members. Poor communication skills can also impact a company's ability __140__ ideas, proposals, or suggestions effectively, leading to missed opportunities or lost revenue. Additionally, employees who struggle to communicate effectively may not be able to provide excellent customer service, __141__ impacting the company's reputation. To address these challenges, it is essential for companies to invest in communication training programs for their employees. By providing employees __142__ the skills they need to communicate effectively, companies can improve teamwork, productivity, and overall workplace morale. Ultimately, this investment can help companies achieve their business goals and create a more successful organization.

(B)By contrast
(C) On the contrary


(B)to convert
(C) conveying
(D)to convey


(C) from


Questions 143~146 refer to the following advertisement.

Looking to improve your health and make a positive __143__ in your community? Look no further than Run for Health, a charity run __144__ on June 1st! Lace up your running shoes and join us for a fun-filled day of exercise and philanthropy.

Not only will you be improving your own physical and mental well-being, __145__ you'll also be supporting a great cause. All proceeds from the event __146__ to local health organizations, ensuring that your participation directly benefits your community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference while getting fit. Register now for Run for Health!

(A)taking place
(B)which taking place
(C) that will taking place
(D)is taking place


Questions 158~160 refer to the following email.

Dear PR Department,

I hope this email finds you well. As the sales manager of our company, I am writing to inquire if there is any need for additional support for the trade show booth at the end of this month. I understand that the trade show is a crucial event for our company and we want to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Could you please let me know if there is any need for additional personnel to help with the trade show booth? If so, please provide more information about the tasks that need to be done and the skills required for the job. We want to make sure that we provide the right support for the event.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Connie Hancock
Sales Manager

【題組】159. Why is the trade show important for the company?
(A)To meet potential customers.
(B)To showcase new products.
(C) To sell products.
(D)To make sure all employees are productive.


Questions 161~163 refer to the following email.

Dear Business Owners,

I am writing to you as a recent graduate in Environmental Engineering from YZA University. I am deeply passionate about environmental protection and sustainability and would like to share my vision of establishing a non-profit environmental organization.

Our organization aims to reduce the use of plastic bags, which are one of the most significant sources of plastic pollution globally. To achieve this goal, we plan to organize awareness campaigns, conduct research studies, and collaborate with local retailers to provide eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags. 

However, to turn our vision into a reality, we need financial support. We would be grateful if you could consider providing us with funding to kickstart our operations. In return, we promise to use the funds efficiently and transparently to achieve our goals.

We anticipate that the funding required for our initial operations would be $600,000, which will be allocated as follows:
● 40% for organizing awareness campaigns to educate the public about the environmental impact of plastic bags and the importance of using eco-friendly alternatives.
● 30% for conducting research studies to evaluate the effectiveness of our campaigns and provide insights into potential areas of improvement.
● 30% for collaborating with local retailers to provide eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags, such as reusable cloth bags.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We believe that together, we can create a sustainable future for our planet. 

Jason Smith

【題組】161. What is the main purpose of the non-profit environmental organization proposed in the email?
(A)To promote the use of plastic bags.
(B)To raise awareness of the environmental impact of plastic bags.
(C) To increase the production of plastic bags.
(D)To collaborate with local retailers to sell more plastic bags.


【題組】163. What will the funding be allocated for?
(A)To increase the production of plastic bags.
(B)To organize awareness campaigns.
(C) To conduct research studies.
(D)To provide scholarships for students.


Questions 164~167 refer to the following social media post.

 Hi everyone! We're excited to announce that our new skincare product line is almost ready for launch! We're currently looking for enthusiastic volunteers to try out our products and provide feedback.

If you're interested in participating, please give our customer service representative a call to schedule a visit to our headquarters and try out our products. We'll also provide you with a satisfaction survey to fill out after you've had a chance to use the products.

As a thank you for your time, in addition to offering a travel reimbursement of $500 on the day of your visit, we'll be offering a 50% discount on your purchase of our new products once they're officially released. 

Make sure to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to try our new skincare products and receive an exclusive 50% discount on future purchases once they hit the market. Contact our customer service team today to schedule your visit now.

【題組】165. What do volunteers need to do after trying out the products?
(A)Submit a written review of the products
(B)Provide feedback on the products
(C) Attend a follow-up meeting with customer service
(D)Schedule a future visit to the headquarters


Questions 168~171 refer to the following email. 

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform you that due to an unexpected surge in demand, we are unable to fulfill your order of two packages of laundry detergent on time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

We have been working tirelessly to increase our production capacity to meet the unprecedented demand. However, we regret to inform you that we will need to delay the shipment of your order by two weeks. We understand that this delay is frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

To make up for the inconvenience caused by the delay, we would like to offer you a complimentary package of laundry detergent with your shipment. Additionally, we will refund the shipping charges to your credit card account.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. We value your business and strive to provide the best service possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support.

Caroline Taylor
 Customer Service Representative

【題組】171. What does the company aim to provide to its customers?
(A)High quality products at a low cost.
(B)Fast shipping and delivery.
(C) Exceptional customer service.
(D)A wide variety of products to choose from.


Questions 172~175 refer to the following instant message chain.
 Annie: Hi Ivy, I just wanted to apologize for canceling my beauty appointment yesterday at the last minute. I know it's inconvenient and I'm really sorry.

Ivy: Hi Annie, thank you for letting me know. I understand things come up and we all have to reschedule from time to time.

Annie: I really appreciate your understanding. I was wondering if I could schedule another appointment with you soon?

Ivy: Actually, Annie, I'm afraid I can't take any more appointments from you. We've had several instances where you've canceled last minute or not shown up at all, and it's just not fair to my other clients who could have taken that appointment.

Annie: I understand, and I'm really sorry for being so unreliable. I've had some personal issues come up recently that have made it difficult for me to keep appointments.

Ivy: I understand that things happen, but unfortunately, I can't make exceptions for individual clients. My business relies on being able to provide quality service to all of my clients, and I have to be fair to everyone.

Annie: I completely understand. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you or to show that I'm serious about being a reliable client in the future?

Ivy: Annie, I acknowledge and value your desire to make things right, but currently, I cannot accommodate any more appointments from you. However, if you find yourself in a more secure state in the future, feel free to contact me again to check for availability.

Annie: Okay, I understand. Thank you for your time and for being so understanding,Ivy.

Ivy: Of course, Annie. I hope things start to look up for you soon.

【題組】175. What does Ivy suggest to Annie about scheduling a future appointment?
(A)That she will contact Annie when she has availability.
(B)That Annie should try a different beauty salon instead.
(C). That Annie should come back in a few months to schedule an appointment.
(D)That Ivy can schedule an appointment for Annie if she pays a higher price.


Questions 176~180 refer to the following agenda and email.
Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar 
Date: September 9
64128c0d915ff.jpg The Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar will be held at the Grand Ballroom of the luxurious Sapphire Hotel, located in the heart of downtown. The hotel is conveniently situated near multiple public transportation options, including a subway station and several bus stops within walking distance. For those driving, the hotel also offers ample onsite parking.

Dear Organizing Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere apologies on behalf of Ms. Lisa Wong, who unfortunately will not be able to attend the Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar as scheduled. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ms. Wong will not be able to participate in the event. 

However, I have worked closely with Ms. Wong for many years and I am familiar with the topic area of the seminar. Therefore, I would like to inquire if it is possible for me to substitute for Ms. Wong and deliver the speech in her place. I understand that Ms. Wong's absence may cause some inconvenience, and I hope that my offer can help alleviate any issues that may arise.

Please let me know if this arrangement is possible, and if there are any further steps that need to be taken. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused by Ms. Wong's absence, and I thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Oliver Ho

【題組】176. What is the main topic of Dr. Jane Kim's keynote speech?
(A)The importance of diversity and inclusion in HR management.
(B)The impact of technology on workforce diversity and inclusion.
(C) The role of HR directors in promoting diversity and inclusion.
(D)The challenges of implementing workforce diversity and inclusion.


Questions 186~190 refer to the following statement, delivery report, and email. 

Client 2020 Mileage Statement 
British Super Airways

Client ID: B1311-R2519-T204
Client Name: Mr. Oliver Haroun
 64128d58145a8.jpg64128d77df6b0.jpg Delivery Report

Date: December 8, 2020

Delivery Address: 1520 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles

Dear Oliver,

We are pleased to inform you that your Samsung Galaxy Fitness Tracker has been shipped and is on its way to your delivery address. The estimated delivery date is December 10, 2020.

Please note that the delivery will require a signature upon arrival. If you are not available to receive the package, you may arrange for a different delivery date and time by contacting our customer service team.

The DeliveryTeam

Date: December 15, 2020

Dear Delivery Team, 

I am extremely frustrated and disappointed that I have not yet received my Samsung Galaxy Fitness Tracker, which was supposed to be delivered to my address on December 10, 2020. It has now been five days since the expected delivery date and I have not received any update or information about the whereabouts of my package.

I have already checked with my neighbors and building management, and there has been no sign of the package. I find it unacceptable that the package has gone missing and that I have not been given any information about its status.

As a paying customer, I expect timely delivery and updates on the status of my order. I demand that you take immediate action to locate my package and deliver it to me as soon as possible. If necessary, I am willing to take further action to ensure that my rights as a consumer are protected.

 I trust that you will treat this matter with the urgency and seriousness it deserves.



【題組】186. According to the Client 2020 Mileage Statement, how many miles did Oliver make in 2020?
(C) 19,020


【題組】190. Which of the following statements best describes Oliver's expectations as a customer?
(A)He expects the delivery to be free of charge.
(B)He expects the delivery to be on time and well-communicated.
(C) He expects to receive compensation for the late delivery.
(D)He expects the delivery to be faster than what was promised.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following news story, web page, and email.

Local Trainer's Personalized Approach to Fitness Takes National Spotlight

It never crossed her mind that she would become the talk of the town, but that's exactly what happened when local trainer, Sarah Brown, opened Brown Muscle Gym.

Sarah, a 28-year-old fitness enthusiast, had been working in the industry for years before deciding to open her own gym. With a focus on personal training and a commitment to helping her clients achieve their goals, Sarah quickly made a name for herself in the community.

However, it wasn't until one of her clients, a well-known public figure, shared their success story on social media that the gym and Sarah's training methods started to gain national attention.

"It's amazing," Sarah says, "It never crossed my mind that we would become this popular. But I'm thrilled that so many people are benefiting from our program." 

With a growing waiting list and clients raving about their results, it seems that Sarah's gym and her unique approach to fitness are here to stay.


Here is a list of some of the courses offered at Brown Muscle Gym, all instructed by Sarah in person:

● Brown's Bootcamp -This high-intensity interval training course is designed to build endurance and burn fat. Each session lasts 45 minutes and costs $75 per hour. 
● Muscle Sculpt -Focusing on strength training and muscle building, this course is perfect for anyone looking to tone their physique. Sessions are one hour long and cost $85 per hour. 
● Yoga Flow -This vinyasa-style yoga class is ideal for both beginners and experienced yogis. Sarah's personalized approach ensures that each student gets the most out of their practice. Sessions are one hour long and cost $80 per hour.
● Cardio Kickboxing -Combining martial arts moves with high-intensity cardio, this course is perfect for anyone looking to get their heart rate up and burn calories. Each session lasts 45 minutes and costs $75 per hour.

In addition to these courses, Brown Muscle Gym offers a membership program for clients who want to take advantage of multiple courses. Annual members receive a 60% discount on all courses, as well as access to personalized training plans and exclusive events. Annual memberships start at $900 per year. 

Subject: Complaint About Yoga Flow Course with Helen Lee

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the recent Yoga Flow course that I attended at your studio on December 11. I had booked a private session with Sarah Brown, for which I paid $80 per hour. However, Sarah did not show up for the session and was replaced by another trainer named Helen Lee. 

I was extremely disappointed with the quality of the session as Helen Lee appeared to be inexperienced and impatient. She was not able to deliver the personalized session that I had expected from a private instructor, and I did not feel that I received the same level of instruction that Sarah Brown would have provided. 

Furthermore, I find it unacceptable that I paid the same fee for an inexperienced trainer who did not meet my expectations. As a paying customer, I believe I deserve better service and quality from your studio.

I would appreciate it if you could address this matter as soon as possible and provide me with a satisfactory resolution to my complaint. I am open to the possibility of rescheduling my session with Sarah Brown or receiving a refund for the subpar service I received.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sandy Wilson

【題組】194. What is the minimum cost of an annual membership at Brown Muscle Gym?
(C) $1,000


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