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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(571~575)
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One of the most important features that distinguish man from animals is the ability to laugh. People who have investigated the phenomenon have offered many theories to explain human laughter. Scholars in the field of psychology, for example, have done    42   on the subject of what makes people laugh. But, as usually happens, the experts disagree, and there is much   43   in the field. Some people claim that human beings laugh at things which are strange to their experience. Others feel that people laugh at what they secretly believe to be their own weaknesses. It is   44   that all people do not laugh at the same things. Sometimes people laugh at what they see; sometimes they laugh at what they hear. Humor often    45   on a knowledge of certain words or even on an understanding of a particular cultural background. There are, of course, many different sources of humor, but the important fact is that all people share the great pleasure of laughter.


10. Tom Cruise ______ on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York.
(A)was born
(B) is born
(C)has born
(D) had born


345. Who will _______ my kids while I am away for my business trip?
(A) give in
(B) give up
(C) look after
(D) look into


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
   Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around longer than most people realize. The intent behind much of AI is to free us from mundane repetitive tasks, giving us more time to grow our intellects and businesses, with more interesting, evolving actions. AI offers us that access with speed and accuracy when we need it.
   In London, self-driving robots deliver food. In Pasadena, California, a robot named Flippy can cook. Last fall, an autonomous train made its way across the Australian outback for the first time, and Zhuzhou, China, began testing a trackless and driverless train that navigates city streets by means of lines painted on the road. Artificial intelligence is everywhere. And its adoption is rapidly becoming necessary for businesses to stay competitive.
   How does this affect human employees? Those low-skilled jobs are most likely to be affected and most chances of being automated. White collar jobs are also at risk though with AI taking a bigger role in the financial industry.
   But despite all this, the future for human employees may be much brighter than many recent predictions. While AI destroys jobs, it also creates them. And according to a report from the research firm Gartner, artificial intelligence is currently creating more jobs than it destroys. This includes not only the obvious jobs such as software engineers but also low-level jobs such as training AI to recognize objects or human activity and many others.
   AI may destroy jobs and it may create them, but it's not always about man versus machine. AI can be at its best when it helps humans to perform jobs. For example, Walmart announced it was beginning tests of shelf scanning robots at 50 locations. These robots are not intended to replace human workers but to make them more efficient. The robots scan the condition of shelves, and workers may focus their time on filling the shelves, replacing items left in the wrong place and fixing problems that the robots notify them of.

【題組】35 Where does this passage most likely appear?
(A)A pamphlet, Globalization is Evil.
(B)A magazine, Mass Transportation.
(C)A book, The God's Will.
(D)A journal, Applied Technology.


39 The instant noodle does not look particularly good, but the advertiser makes it look quite ______on the TV commercial.
(A) attractive
(B) equal
(C) individual
(D) obvious


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(571~575)-阿摩線上測驗
