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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 鐵路特種考試_佐級_事務管理、機械工程、機檢工程、電力工程、電子工程、養路工程:英文#16673
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36 Many parents want the public education system to teach their children basic knowledge in ___ such as English composition, mathematics, and science.


37 John, though tall and strong, is a ____ young man. He does not like to quarrel with other people.


38 Teacher: How’s the homework coming? Mary: Fine. _______ Teacher: Make sure that you hand it in by nine tomorrow morning.
(A)I’m sorry.
(B)I like to watch it.
(C)I know my rights.
(D)I’m almost done.


39 John: Hello Mary. How are you? Mary: John! ____________ The last time I saw you was months ago. How are you? John: Fine, thanks.
(A)What a nice surprise!
(B)What a handsome boy!
(C)Nice to meet you.
(D)Christmas is two days away.


Sarah is a wonderful girl, but she is driving her mother crazy. Why? Because she talks constantly on her cell phone. Sarah thinks cell phones are the greatest invention of all time. She loves being able to stay in touch with all of her friends wherever she goes. However, Sarah’s mother gets annoyed because she’s tired of hearing the cell phone ring . She considers it an unwelcome interruption to family conversations. Now she has given Sarah two rules. First, no answering the cell phone during dinnertime. Two, no using the cell phone while driving. It is very dangerous to drive and talk on a cell phone. Sarah has promised to follow these rules, and she tries not to use her cell phone too much when she is with her mother.
【題組】40 According to the passage, why does Sarah constantly talk on her cell phone?
(A)She is annoyed by her mother.
(B)She likes to drive her mother crazy.
(C)She thinks cell phones are beautiful.
(D)She loves being able to stay in touch with all of her friends wherever she goes.


【題組】41 What can you infer about Sarah’s mother from the paragraph?
(A)She doesn’t have a cell phone.
(B)She likes to hear the cell phone ring.
(C)She thinks that cell phone is the greatest invention of all time.
(D)She is quite bothered by Sarah’s constant talking on the phone.


請回答第 42 題至第 46 題:
        The conclusion of an essay is often a neglected part of the essay. One reason is that students often run out of time during the essay examination and  42  get beyond the body of their paper. Another  43  is that students often do not know how or when to end their essay.  44  , failure to end your essay is similar to not finishing the final chapter of a book. Your reader is left with unanswered questions. You must provide the  45  before you finish your paper.  46  you have gone through the recommended organization steps about writing compositions, finishing your essay should soon become an easier task.

【題組】 42




(C)For example
(D)In turn






請回答第 47 題至第 50 題: More than 200,000 women currently serve in the U.S. military. They make up about 15 percent of all service members. Until recently, women were barred from officially serving in combat units. That all changed on January 24, 2013, when the Department of Defense ended the policy that excluded women from serving in direct-combat positions during an armed conflict. About 237,000 positions that have been closed to women could now be open to them under the new policy. Women would need to meet the same standards as men to get those jobs. Some positions may remain exceptions to the rule if a thorough analysis finds that women cannot meet the requirements for those jobs. President Barack Obama agrees that opening combat units to women will strengthen the military. Recent polls by CBS News and the Pew Research Center, for example, showed that two thirds (66 percent) of Americans support ending the ban. Dempsey and Panetta said the new policy reflects the realities of female soldiers’ changing roles over the past decade. More than 280,000 women have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and more than 150 have died. They’ve patrolled dangerous areas as military police, served as machine gunners atop military vehicles, searched Iraqi and Afghan women for weapons, and more. New jobs will be opened gradually to women throughout the next few years. The entire process is expected to be complete by January 1, 2016.
【題組】47 What is the best title for this article?
(A)Women in Combat
(B)Gender Discrimination
(C)United States Weapon Systems
(D)Death Poll in the Middle East


【題組】48 What percentage do male service members account for in the U.S. military now?


【題組】49 What did the CBS poll show?
(A)Americans generally agree with the new policy.
(B)More than half of the U.S. armed forces will be female.
(C)President Obama disagrees with the new policy.
(D)Sixty-six percent of American women will join the army.


【題組】50 Which of the following is true about the new policy in terms of job assignment?
(A)All positions will be open to females.
(B)Women may serve as machine gunners.
(C)No more new positions could be open to females.
(D)A different standard will be adopted for females.


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 鐵路特種考試_佐級_事務管理、機械工程、機檢工程、電力工程、電子工程、養路工程:英文#16673-阿摩線上測驗
